創建於 02/21/2023 15:21
#c65f47 十六進位 顏色 Emotional 資訊
顏色 | 十六進位 | RGB |
#c65f47 | RGB(198, 95, 71) |
RGB 值是 RGB(198, 95, 71)
#c65f47 顏色包含 紅色的 77.65%, 綠色的 37.25% 和 藍色的 27.84%.
顏色名稱 #c65f47 十六進位 程式碼
Emotional 顏色
替代顏色 Emotional #c65f47
Emotional 相反的顏色是 #48afc7
#c65f47 顏色轉換
有關十六進制顏色十進制的代碼和值信息,十六進制。 HSL、HSLA、RGB、RGBA 值 #c65f47 Emotional
hsl(11, 53%, 53%)
hsla(11, 53%, 53%, 1)
RGB(198, 95, 71)
RGBA(198, 95, 71, 1)
#c65f47 顏色的調色板 Emotional:
以下是 #c65f47 十六進位顏色的調色板範例
最深的顏色是色調中的 #140907,最淺的顏色是色調中的 #f9efed
#c65f47 的色調調色板:
#c65f47 的色調調色板:
#c65f47 的補充調色板:
#c65f47 的三元調色板:
#c65f47 的方形調色板:
#c65f47 的類似調色板:
#c65f47 的拆分互補調色板:
#c65f47 的矩形(四元)調色板:
建議的調色板 #c65f47 十六進位:
帶有顏色的調色板 #c65f47 #1:
帶有顏色的調色板 #c65f47 #2:
帶有顏色的調色板 #c65f47 #3:
帶有顏色的調色板 #c65f47 #4:
帶有顏色的調色板 #c65f47 #5:
顏色 Emotional #c65f47 用於調色板 (50)
Allspice Berry palette Emotional pastel palette Emotional, Deep Cove, Blue Exult, Bryophyte, Colony Buff palette Milano Red, Syndicate Camouflage, Emotional, Powdered Green Tea, Leafy Lemon, Blue Mercury, Ripe Berry, Tea Party palette Emotional, Da Blues, Powerful Mauve, Twisted Blue, Cosmic Dust palette Tiger, Emotional, Red Stage, Mission Hills, Sapphire Light Yellow, Melt with You, Mist Yellow palette Hulett Ore, Clay Pot, Emotional, Deep Coral, Veranda Green, Green Energy, Stinging Wasabi, Crazy Eyes, Admiral Blue, Beaded Blue, Emotional, Coastal Breeze palette Sable Brown, Emotional, Australium Gold, Glitter Lake, Subtle Night Sky, Dark Tavern, Coffee Rose, Pomtini palette Tattletail, Emotional, Lightish Red, Girls Night Out, Crowberry Blue, Empress Teal, Midsummer Dream palette Emotional, Orange Daylily, Pedestrian Lemon palette Emotional Emotional, Bold Avocado, Blue Intrigue, Watermelonade, Black Licorice, Intergalactic Ray, Clear Yellow palette Bruschetta, Emotional, Faded Sunlight, Aegean Splendor, Pearly Pink, Piggyback palette Tedious Red, Otter Tail, Fall Leaves, Emotional, German Hop, Dark Room, Psychic, Crater Brown, Brunswick, Bliss Blue palette Sappanwood Perfume, Iron Ore, Emotional, Corn Poppy Cherry, Burning Coals, Green Plaza, Punch Out Glove, Mystical Trip, Cuban Rhyt Melon Twist, Chamois Leather, Emotional, Butterscotch Bliss, Crusta, Spectra Green, C64 Purple, Cruel Sea, Linden Green, Touched b Sundial, Emotional, Chai Tea, Mexican Red Papaya, Solarium, Sunset Orange, Fashion Yellow, Chlorella Green, Turquoise Sea, Astrogr Smouldering Red, Emotional, Slate, Experience, Boat House, Sports Blue, Incognito, Quail Ridge, Picnic Bay, Maple Pecan, Almond Oi Ruby Shard, Artillery, Emotional, Sohi Orange, Energized, Wildness Mint, Ahmar Red, Smoky Black, Brass Trumpet, Purception, Minera Cuddlepot, Emotional, Chai Tea, Boundless, Viola Grey, Mauve Seductress, Magenta Haze, Possessed Plum, Sultan's Silk, Opal Grey, B Coppery Orange, Emotional, I Love to Boogie, UA Red, Vermilion Green, Tarmac, Blackberry Mocha, Glacier, Honey Robber, Plum Point, Emotional, Paprika Kisses, Blue Boater, Paisley, Fine Wine, Midnight Purple, Bull Kelp, Sumatra Chicken, Seaborn, Yolanda, Beachwa Friar Grey, Homebush, Umbra Sand, Backcountry, Eastlake Gold, Emotional, Tapenade, Surgeon Green, Thor's Thunder, Peacock Plume, M Hulett Ore, Concord, Emotional, Soft Tone Ink, Silver Tinsel, Lunar Lander palette Imagine, Sun-Kissed Brick, Emotional, Tiger Moth Orange, Exquisite Turquoise, Angel Heart, Italiano Rose, Deep Pond, Sparrow Grey Mukluks, Weathered Leather, Emotional, Neon Yellow, Sensaicha brown, Spanish Sand, Chloride, Future Vision, Sailor Boy, Snip of Ta Flamboyant, Emotional, Golden Apricot, Bronze Flesh, Parsley Green, Miracle Elixir, Hydra, Pink Charge, Strawberry Pink, Dark Summ Emotional, Yellow Mandarin, Spleen Green, Ghoul, Geneva Green, Chicory Coffee, Peruvian Lily, Marine Layer, Wine Yellow, Yellow Sa Cornstalk, Cellar Door, Emotional, Triforce Yellow, Crocodile Smile, Blue Tuna, Cape Pond, Lost in the Woods, Shady palette Red Potion, Utah Crimson, Vigilant, Emotional, Acorn Nut, Bergamot Orange, Coastal Storm, Turquoise Fantasies, Golf Blazer, Green Terrazzo Tan, Lone Star, Emotional, Majorca Green, Indubitably Green, Longmeadow, Pink Pride, Birdhouse Brown, Windmill Park, Froz Deep Red, Nouveau Copper, Emotional, Sponge Cake, Mecha Metal, Tatarian Aster, Shikon, Twinberry, Valonia, Rippled Rock, Touched b Old Wine, Tadpole, Tatami Tan, Emotional, Sultan Gold, Tarragon, Squeaky, Dark Prince, Psychedelic Purple, Black, Nightmare, Whale Pier, Emotional, Lush Greenery, Fresh Granny Smith, Chaotic Roses, Lounge Leather, Silver Star, Thresher Shark, Orinoco, Light Car Emotional, Renga Brick, Lemon Glacier, Persian Plush, Burning Fireflies, Plate Mail Metal, Spring Rain, Summer Soft Blue palette Turkish Bath, Emotional, Golden, Cabbage Blossom Violet, Rose Garland, Chocolate Torte, Clay Play, Sisal palette Poinciana, Fozzie Bear, Emotional, Sail On, Mountain Pine, Milkweed Pod, Ash Pink, Silvermist, Evening Dove, Blueberry Mist palett Twig Basket, Emotional, Lei Flower, Flood Out, Disembark, Fuchsia Flock, Prehistoric Stone palette Light Khaki, Emotional, India Trade, Dark Denim, Turkish Coffee, Denim Light palette Saffron Valley, Emotional, Oro, Poison Green, Blue Dart Frog, Wall Green, Opal Fire, Dreaming of the Day, Angelic Yellow, August M Emotional, Rè Dài Chéng Orange, Orange Juice, Indonesian Jungle, Fun and Games, Quarterdeck, Fandango palette Emotional, Caramel Cafe, Green Caterpillar, Tamahagane, Meridian Star, Young Apricot, Winter Duvet palette Vinbetmobi Split Pea Soup, Emotional, Reed Mace, Roastery, Moire, Light Imagine, Frosted Sage, Limitless palette Emotional, Distance palette Bran, Emotional, Bonfire palette Deconstruction, Emotional, Silver Blueberry, Delusional Dragonfly, Pisces Vivid Amethyst, Babbling Brook palette Emotional, Copen Blue palette Emotional, Candle Yellow, Parisian Green palette
基於 WCAG 無障礙對比度的標準,#c65f47 與黑色和白色的小字體、大字體和圖形的顏色搭配。
#c65f47 對比
尺寸 | AA級 | AAA級 |
大文字: | ||
小文字: |
#c65f47 對比
尺寸 | AA級 | AAA級 |
大文字: | ||
小文字: |