創建於 02/22/2023 14:55

#cc99cc 十六進位 顏色 Ineffable Magenta 資訊

顏色 十六進位 RGB
#cc99cc RGB(204, 153, 204)

RGB 值是 RGB(204, 153, 204)
#cc99cc 顏色包含 紅色的 80%, 綠色的 60% 和 藍色的 80%.

顏色名稱 #cc99cc 十六進位 程式碼

Ineffable Magenta, Andrew skin tone, Light grayish magenta 顏色


#cc99cc 是 光 和 中性的 顏色
色調 plum
Ineffable Magenta 相反的顏色是 #99cc99

#cc99cc 顏色轉換

有關十六進制顏色十進制的代碼和值信息,十六進制。 HSL、HSLA、RGB、RGBA 值 #cc99cc Ineffable Magenta

hsl(300, 33%, 70%)
hsla(300, 33%, 70%, 1)
RGB(204, 153, 204)
RGBA(204, 153, 204, 1)

#cc99cc 顏色的調色板 Ineffable Magenta:

以下是 #cc99cc 十六進位顏色的調色板範例

最深的顏色是色調中的 #140f14,最淺的顏色是色調中的 #faf5fa

#cc99cc 的色調調色板:
#cc99cc 的色調調色板:
#cc99cc 的補充調色板:
#cc99cc 的三元調色板:
#cc99cc 的方形調色板:
#cc99cc 的類似調色板:
#cc99cc 的拆分互補調色板:
#cc99cc 的矩形(四元)調色板:

顏色 Ineffable Magenta #cc99cc 用於調色板 (50)

Tints of Purple #800080 hex color Sunday Morning Orgy Tints X11 color Web Purple #800080 hex Big Data Deer colors palette Purple Patriarch Palm, Golden Cartridge, Emberglow, Nārangī Orange, Yellow Tang, Plastic Pines, Lenticular Ore, Seaweed, Lupine Blue, Valley of Gla Towering Cliffs, Abura Green, Caramel Crumb, Red Stage, Goku Orange, Wasabi Nuts, Golden Passionfruit, Blue Nile, Purple Gumball, Fern Shade, Gold Ransom, Vermilion Bird, Cakepop Sorbet, Master Chief, Broccoli Paradise, Bioluminescence, Mediterranean Blue, Pin Sea of Atlantis, Avocado Pear, Athenian Green, Ineffable Magenta, Incan Treasure palette Portobello, Ineffable Magenta, Microchip, Blushing Tulip, Light Flamingo Pink palette French Truffle, Tweed, Pizza, Tonkatsu, Potato Chip, Half Baked, Greek Sea, Minted Blue, Tangaroa, Entrapment, Amphitrite, Tiāntāi Flame Yellow, Blue Iris, Northgate Green, Aqua-Sphere, Ineffable Magenta, Herb Robert, Villa White palette Tate Olive, Hot Bolognese, Brown Sand, In the Vines, Plum Paradise, Ineffable Magenta, New Violet, Whitecap Grey palette Imperial Red, Flaming Torch, Softsun, Watercolour Green, Radioactive Green, Luxe Blue, Majorelle Blue, Sang de Boeuf, Crystal Ball Badlands Sunset, Woolen Mittens, Minty Paradise, Ineffable Magenta, Illusion palette Mellow Coral, Artful Pink, Siren, Aloeswood, Oceanus, Townhall Tan, Ceil, Ineffable Magenta, Blue Skies Today palette Rockpool, Blackout, Chaotic Red, Deep Sea Base, Deep Walnut, East Side, Ineffable Magenta palette Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, Construction Zone, Industrial Green, Ineffable Magenta palette Sweet Curry, Lady of the Sea, Wonder Land, Ineffable Magenta palette Cheek Red, Spectra Yellow, Free Speech Green, Moonlight Blue, Flounce, Spanish Violet, Merlin's Cloak, MSU Green, Linear, Gunmetal Rustic City, Cress Green, Genoa Lemon, Buster, Illusive Green, Ineffable Magenta, Soft Dove, Grey Mauve, Pretty Purple, Bay Scallo Red Rust, Banana Mash, Flax-Flower Blue, Soft Blue, Havasupai Falls, Deep Cerulean, Fat Smooch, Secluded Woods, Inky Storm, Gun Ba International Orange, Mudskipper, Olympic Bronze, Spice Market, Duckling Fluff, Mint Morning, Weathered Pebble, Sandstone Red Grey Country Sleigh, Terra Rosa, Wintessa, Ineffable Magenta, Grassland, Love In A Mist palette Burning Bush, Saffron Sunset, Cadet, Roller Coaster Chariot, Shark Bait, Flickr Pink, Zucchini, Heavy Black Green, Grey Violet, Pe Fiery Red, Apricot Tan, Hotter Butter, Van Gogh Green, Blue Copper Ore, Protégé Bronze, Stepping Stones, Ineffable Magenta, Cozy W Double Dragon Skin, Biopunk, O'grady Green, City Hunter Blue, Mountain Iris, Ponderosa Pine, Ineffable Magenta, Pocket Lint palett Hot Spice, Spiced Mustard, Red Hawk, Deepest Water, Teal Mosaic, Chestnut, Fiddle Leaf, High Rank, Tarzan Green, Witness, Ineffabl Arts and Crafts, Flower Pot, First Lady, Golden Mary, Balor Brown, Citron Goby, Office Green, Clairvoyance, Akebi Purple, God’s Ow Sweet Mandarin, Hot Brown, Mì Chéng Honey, Slate Grey, Cool Ashes, Purple Vision, Ineffable Magenta, Jade Spell palette Lobster, Artillery, Copper Rose, West Winds, Power Peony, English Green, Paparazzi, Purple Amethyst, Ineffable Magenta palette Overgrown Mausoleum, Iguana Green, Capri Isle, Gobelin Mauve, Wormwood Green, Foille palette Masoho Red, Oil on Fire, Ogryn Camo, Cetacean Blue, Black Magic, Chocolate Soul, Blue Anthracite, Ineffable Magenta, Chewing Gum, Gold Pheasant, Grilled Cheese, Sail Away, Kacey's Pink, Green Stain, Ineffable Magenta palette Necrotic Flesh, Tanzanite, Verdun Green, Tiě Hēi Metal, Deep Night, Ineffable Magenta, Apricot Glow, Posh Peach, Horizon Island, R Moray, Amber Glow, Green Pear, Scallion, Fallout Green, Chocolate Coco, Ineffable Magenta palette Carmim, Bazaar, Phellodendron Amurense, On the Moor, Blue Dude, Melanzane, Deep Sea Nightmare, Anthracite Blue, Vinalhaven, Ineffa Elephant, Blood Burst, Italian Roast, Ineffable Magenta palette Gold Tangiers, Blue Metal, Dark Horizon, Brilliant Rose, Jazz Age Blues, Rose Sachet palette Cool Clay, Carmelite, Sugar Almond, Granny Smith, Bath Turquoise, Happy Days, Cherry Hill, Forbidden Blackberry, Skipper Blue, Nat Sassy Salmon, Juicy Lime, Grey Blueberry, Foggy Night palette Ineffable Magenta, Pie Crust palette Web Safe Colors Gold Ransom, Center Stage, Ineffable Magenta palette Roxo Ice Ice Baby, Victorian Rouge, Midnight Merlot, Ineffable Magenta, Sanctuary, Sakura palette Queen of Hearts, Blue Fjord, Serene Blue, Silicate Green, Ineffable Magenta palette Grapple, Mustard Oil, Cameo Blue, Swiss Brown, Pencil Sketch, Ineffable Magenta, Transparent Yellow, Light Limed White palette Leprechaun, Plum Fuzz, Blackberry Deep Red, Ineffable Magenta, Chivalrous, Mary Rose, Mint Blossom Rose palette


基於 WCAG 無障礙對比度的標準,#cc99cc 與黑色和白色的小字體、大字體和圖形的顏色搭配。


影像 Ineffable Magenta #cc99cc 顏色 PNG