創建於 02/22/2023 17:10

#d94ff5 十六進位 顏色 Heliotrope 資訊

顏色 十六進位 RGB
#d94ff5 RGB(217, 79, 245)

RGB 值是 RGB(217, 79, 245)
#d94ff5 顏色包含 紅色的 85.1%, 綠色的 30.98% 和 藍色的 96.08%.

顏色名稱 #d94ff5 十六進位 程式碼

Heliotrope 顏色


#d94ff5 是 光 和 涼爽的 顏色
陰影 品紅
Heliotrope 相反的顏色是 #6df551

#d94ff5 顏色轉換

有關十六進制顏色十進制的代碼和值信息,十六進制。 HSL、HSLA、RGB、RGBA 值 #d94ff5 Heliotrope

hsl(290, 89%, 64%)
hsla(290, 89%, 64%, 1)
RGB(217, 79, 245)
RGBA(217, 79, 245, 1)

#d94ff5 顏色的調色板:

以下是 #d94ff5 十六進位顏色的調色板範例

最深的顏色是色調中的 #160818,最淺的顏色是色調中的 #fbedfe

#d94ff5 的色調調色板:
#d94ff5 的色調調色板:
#d94ff5 的補充調色板:
#d94ff5 的三元調色板:
#d94ff5 的方形調色板:
#d94ff5 的類似調色板:
#d94ff5 的拆分互補調色板:
#d94ff5 的矩形(四元)調色板:

顏色 Heliotrope #d94ff5 用於調色板 (32)

Strawberry Cough, Volcanic Rock, Caravel Brown, Green Glitter, Fruit Yellow, Green Dynasty, Poison Green, Copper Roof Green, Pixel Flint, Medieval Sulfur, Aoife's Green, Tobernite, Slice of Heaven, Kingfisher Daisy, Purplue, Bright Indigo, Heliotrope, Cipher, S Dusty Chestnut, Bean Pot, Chocolate Caliente, Almond Toast, Korma, Brown Green, Peach Echo, Sapphire, Deluge, Heliotrope, Joker's Tezcatlipōca Blue, Heliotrope, Heatstroke, Sundaze palette Resolution Blue, Heliotrope, Apple-A-Day, Pharmacy Green, Heart Potion, Warm Oats, Stonewashed, Hinoki, Weak Orange palette Chrysocolla Green, Heliotrope, Hermosa Pink, Electromagnetic, Wine Cellar, Floral Arrangement, Bakery Box palette Horizon Glow, Ayrshire, Parachute, Hearty Orange, Fired Up, La Terra, Citra, Sea Pea, Belly Flop, Heliotrope, Apple-A-Day, Mauve M Heliotrope, Arcane Red, Paris, Impressionist Blue, Freesia Purple palette Torrey Pine, DaVanzo Green, Hooloovoo Blue, Heliotrope, The Ego Has Landed, Chino palette Paris Creek, Heliotrope, Blue Regal, Charadon Granite palette Autumn Fest, Birch Leaf Green, Heliotrope palette Grainfield, Kimirucha Brown, Painted Poppy, Kimono Violet, Heliotrope, Bogong Moth, Clay Beige palette Yellowstone, Matcha Picchu, Jade Dragon, Lightsaber Blue, Panorama, Marker Blue, Heliotrope, Ordain palette Cerignola Olive, Heliotrope palette Antler, Orange Hibiscus, Jungle, Tropical Teal, Heliotrope, Volcanic Island palette Chips Provencale, Celtic Queen, Blue Horizon, Heliotrope, Cabin Fever, Frontier Shadow, Wellington palette Soft Impala, Equestrienne, Mossy Statue, Berta Blue, Heliotrope, Enamored, Mud Green, Moussaka, Underwater Realm, Windrock, Thredb Army Issue Green, Winter Storm, Acapulco Dive, Heliotrope, Thunder Grey, Shadow Gargoyle, Tropical Tan, It's a Girl palette Falu Red, Cool Copper, Cocoa, Cork Brown, Bright Delight, Zamesi Desert, Zunda Green, Kiwi Green, Mahonia Berry Blue, Heliotrope, Heliotrope, Lonely Chocolate, Ultramarine Violet, Limestone Green, Dutch White palette Cougar, Root Beer Float palette Heliotrope, Flagstaff Green palette Ridgeline, Ginger Crisp, Rumba Orange, Heliotrope palette Ochre, Royal Consort, Heliotrope, Diisha Green, Seaworthy, Pinecone Hill, Plasma Trail palette Earthly Pleasures, Syndicate Camouflage, Rich Brocade, Bottled Ship, Heliotrope, Juggernaut, Reserve palette Exploring Khaki, Gulf Weed, Gumbo palette Youthful Coral, Tacao, Heliotrope, Elite Teal, Lewisham, Salt Water, Creamy Avocado, Yahoo palette Battletoad, Tropical Rainforest, Heliotrope, Bermuda Onion, Berry Chocolate, Greenhouse palette Tree Fern, Golf Blazer, Heliotrope, Peace Yellow, Delicate Lilac Crystal, Dwindling Damon palette Italian Mocha, Dried Tobacco, Baby Shoes, Heliotrope, Victorian Rouge, Sunken Battleship, Sky Watch, Rocket Man palette Giant Cactus Green, Purple Sage, Heliotrope, Hibiscus Flower, Little Boy Blu, Artemisia palette Mindaro, Heliotrope, Malevolent Mauve palette

影像 Heliotrope #d94ff5 顏色 PNG