創建於 02/21/2023 20:04
#d9d9d3 十六進位 顏色 Silver Tradition 資訊
顏色 | 十六進位 | RGB |
#d9d9d3 | RGB(217, 217, 211) |
RGB 值是 RGB(217, 217, 211)
#d9d9d3 顏色包含 紅色的 85.1%, 綠色的 85.1% 和 藍色的 82.75%.
顏色名稱 #d9d9d3 十六進位 程式碼
Silver Tradition 顏色
替代顏色 Silver Tradition #d9d9d3
Seagull Grey
First Star
light grey
Ancient Stone
Ancient Kingdom
Alpine Frost
Almond Blossom Pink
Aged Cotton
Aesthetic White
Abalone Shell
A Dime a Dozen
Silver Tradition 相反的顏色是 #d3d3d9
#d9d9d3 顏色轉換
有關十六進制顏色十進制的代碼和值信息,十六進制。 HSL、HSLA、RGB、RGBA 值 #d9d9d3 Silver Tradition
hsl(60, 7%, 84%)
hsla(60, 7%, 84%, 1)
RGB(217, 217, 211)
RGBA(217, 217, 211, 1)
#d9d9d3 顏色的調色板:
以下是 #d9d9d3 十六進位顏色的調色板範例
最深的顏色是色調中的 #161615,最淺的顏色是色調中的 #fbfbfb
#d9d9d3 的色調調色板:
#d9d9d3 的色調調色板:
#d9d9d3 的補充調色板:
#d9d9d3 的三元調色板:
#d9d9d3 的方形調色板:
#d9d9d3 的類似調色板:
#d9d9d3 的拆分互補調色板:
#d9d9d3 的矩形(四元)調色板:
顏色 Silver Tradition #d9d9d3 用於調色板 (35)
blue Barcelona Brown, Shagbark Olive, Griffin, Beckett, Silver Tradition palette Gran Torino Red, BBQ, Fresh Acorn, Offbeat Green, Artisans Gold, Royal Star, Emu Egg, Blue Monday, Scholarship, Distant Sky, Whale Refined Chianti, In the Red, Limbert Leather, Antique Treasure, Emergency Zone, Greenivorous, Industrial Turquoise, Shaker Blue, P Don't Be Shy, Center Ridge, Fire Dust, Cosmic Coral, Teldrassil Purple, Alaskan Cruise, Forest Tapestry, Halakā Pīlā, Stone Fruit, Golden Summer, Wheatmeal, Earthen Jug, Apple Green, Mountain Lake Green, Sereni Teal, Rockman Blue, Palatinate Blue, Ceylanite, Co Monarch Migration, Jericho Jade, Emperor Jewel, Asagi Koi, Knight's Tale, Eggshell Pongee, Peas In A Pod, Pink Lady, Silver Tradit Silver Marlin Alfajor Brown, Gordons Green, Lion Cub, Silver Tradition, Jakarta, Silk Sheets palette Serpent Silver Tradition, Delicate Daisy palette Picante, Leather Loafers, Brass, African Mahogany, Ancient Bronze, Mission Wildflower, Link to the Past, Reform, Fossil Tan, Tinte Bonfire Night, Akebono Dawn, Vintage Orange, Golden Moray Eel, Viridis, Bruise, The Devil's Grass, Skydiver, Art Deco Pink, Silver Tia Maria, Brandywine Raspberry, Twisted Time, Garnet Rose, Crystal Dark Red, Ceil, Overtone, New Clay palette Wiener Dog, Mud Brown, Harrison Grey, Majestic Violet, Doeskin Grey, Hearth, Silver Tradition, Silver Grass Traces palette Ancient Earth, Rosedust, Oro, Yoshi, Rich Violet, Orchid Ecstasy, Tree Bark Brown, Zinc Grey, Faded Lilac, Painted Desert, Serena Chelsea Gem, High Tea Green, Puerto Princesa, Cashmere Clay, Cottage Rose, Jungle Mist, Sweet Spring, Silver Tradition palette Cake Spice, Devil’s Butterfly, Kikuchiba Gold, Astrogranite, Lynch, The Real Teal, Goddess of Dawn, Jade Mussel Green, Death by Ch Gold Pheasant, Never Forget, Spanish Crimson, Smoked Claret, Less Traveled, The Boulevard, Purple Essence, Silver Tradition, Seren Gran Torino Red, Open Range, Ecru Olive, Orange Gluttony, Extreme Yellow, Trippy Velvet, Eternal Flame, Blarney Stone, Microwave B Paperboy's Lawn, Bristol Blue, Purple Zergling, Surf'n'dive, Oily Steel, Lián Hóng Lotus Pink, Silver Tradition palette Soft Impala, Lords of the Night, Crimson Strawberry, Turnip Boy, Lady Banksia, Salmon Upstream, Silver Tradition palette Petal of a Dying Rose, Space Opera, Wood Violet, Chaotic Roses, Deep Sea Dive, Caper, Iron Wood palette Lavender Mosaic, Tarmac, Silver Tradition palette Tiki Torch, Cornucopia, Peabody, Highland Green, Pewter Patter, Caramel Powder, Serene Breeze, Silver Tradition palette Red Stop, Peachy Maroney, Granite Peak, Iris, Dune, Pediment, Blackberry Yogurt palette Akira Red, Woodkraft, Milk Chocolate, Electric Yellow, Paradise City, Bourbon Truffle, Jaguar Rose palette Come Sail Away, Tantalize, Recollection Blue, Mirror Lake, Bright Sepia, Liberace, Silver Tradition, Parchment Paper palette Acid Pool, Lucerne, Death of a Star, Ephemera, Gettysburg Grey, Cream and Butter palette Anzac, Orange Popsicle, Broadleaf Forest, Candidate, Flint Smoke, Graceful Grey, Boxwood Yellow, Silver Tradition palette Prairie Sun, Hidden Peak, Camelot, Equanimity, Friend Flesh, Banana Cream, Silver Tradition, Landing palette African Mahogany, Breaking Wave, Christalle, Briquette Grey, Riviera Clay, Sunning Deck palette Red Tape, Reno Sand, Purple Silhouette, Manganese Red, Winner's Circle, Tender Taupe, Aloe Cream, Silver Tradition palette Steamed Salmon, Silver Tradition palette Heart of Artichoke