創建於 02/23/2023 13:05

#ddbbdd 十六進位 顏色 Romantic Morning 資訊

顏色 十六進位 RGB
#ddbbdd RGB(221, 187, 221)

RGB 值是 RGB(221, 187, 221)
#ddbbdd 顏色包含 紅色的 86.67%, 綠色的 73.33% 和 藍色的 86.67%.

顏色名稱 #ddbbdd 十六進位 程式碼

Romantic Morning 顏色


#ddbbdd 是 光 和 中性的 顏色
色調 thistle
Romantic Morning 相反的顏色是 #bbddbb

#ddbbdd 顏色轉換

有關十六進制顏色十進制的代碼和值信息,十六進制。 HSL、HSLA、RGB、RGBA 值 #ddbbdd Romantic Morning

hsl(300, 33%, 80%)
hsla(300, 33%, 80%, 1)
RGB(221, 187, 221)
RGBA(221, 187, 221, 1)

#ddbbdd 顏色的調色板 Romantic Morning:

以下是 #ddbbdd 十六進位顏色的調色板範例

最深的顏色是色調中的 #161316,最淺的顏色是色調中的 #fcf8fc

#ddbbdd 的色調調色板:
#ddbbdd 的色調調色板:
#ddbbdd 的補充調色板:
#ddbbdd 的三元調色板:
#ddbbdd 的方形調色板:
#ddbbdd 的類似調色板:
#ddbbdd 的拆分互補調色板:
#ddbbdd 的矩形(四元)調色板:

建議的調色板 #ddbbdd 十六進位:

顏色 Romantic Morning #ddbbdd 用於調色板 (50)

Chakra, Club Navy, Double Fudge, Romantic Morning, Bare Bone palette Aged Merlot, Taffy Twist, Romantic Morning, Gorgeous White, Peach Fade palette Go Go Mango, Romantic Morning palette Copper Mining, Race Car Stripe, Battleship Green, Bark, Alice White, Romantic Morning palette Colony, Plunder, Romantic Morning, Buttery Salmon, Pueblo White palette Tan-Gent, Keese Blue, Deep Viridian, Seed Brown, Castor Grey, Mediterranean Charm, Impala, Romantic Morning, Pink Taffy palette Leafy Lichen, Broadleaf Forest, Exotica, Memorable Rose, Petit Four, Romantic Morning, Endearment palette Strong Strawberry, Bear Hug, Camel, Deep Magenta, Fool's Gold palette Matte Olive, Fall Harvest, Boho Copper, Blooming Wisteria, Philippine Bronze, Firm Green, Delicate Violet, Calliope, Casper, Roman Circus Peanut, Florida Keys, Sport Green, Ultraviolet Onsible, Heather Field, Galaxy Green, Pecos Spice, Wafting Grey, Romantic Mo Saladin, Silent Sage, Eye Blue, Insomnia, Pakistan Green, Moonquake, Crockery, Light Shōshin Yellow, Neutra, Pencil Eraser, Romant Decor Yellow, Oyster Bay, Berlin Blue, Sea Goddess, Coastal Jetty, Saturn Grey, Crystal Yellow palette Red Jalapeno, Robust Orange, Red Orpiment, Chá Lǜ Green, Money Banks, Distant Blue, Pristine Seas, Scarlet Gum, Aniseed Leaf Green Cowgirl Boots, Buffed Copper, Peppy Pineapple, Aloe Tip, Green With Envy, Tuscana Blue, Star Platinum Purple, Lovage Green, Canter Wheat Beer, Cherokee Dignity, Silver Linden Grey, Studio, Han Purple, Currant Jam, Ayame Iris, Ultra Violet Lentz, Grenade, Water Google calendar Iron Mountain, Pink Shade Granite, Heirloom, Golden Orange, Papaya, Stil De Grain Yellow, Xanthe Yellow, Bamboo Grass Green, Sea M Cochineal Red/Rouge, Pompeii Red, Daisy Bush, Imperial, Burnished Mahogany, Aqua Sky, Purple Amethyst, River Rouge, Gunny Sack pal Tartan Red, Weathered Wicker, Hi Def Lime, Lemon Punch, Poinsettia, Off Broadway, Woody Brown, Wild Mustang, Orchilla, Plymouth Gr Soft Bark, Mission Tile, Aquella, Dancing Sea, Liche Purple, Open Canyon, Tahuna Sands, Sunny Lime, Romantic Morning palette Habitat, Coral Expression, Lei Flower, Golden Lion Tamarin, Hephaestus Gold, Apple Orchard, Jacuzzi, Amazon Depths, Manhattan, Jog M. Bison, Lime Parfait, Adventure of the Seas, Kōbai Red, Rondo of Blood, Ore Bluish Black, Bargeboard Brown, Old Tudor, Aspiring Grill Master, Rose of Sharon, Summer Memory, Alexandrite Green, Alarming Slime, Liberalist, Moelleux Au Chocolat, Windsor Wine, De Codman Claret, Mexican Red, Thicket, Kelp'thar Forest Blue, Violent Violet, Gothic Grape, Amethyst Smoke, Smoky Slate, Croissant, Cadmium Purple, Marmot, Chuckles, Charlie Brown, Egyptian Green, Vega Violet, Velvet Cupcake, Young Night, Frog Green, Medium Blac Potter Green, Grass Blade, Clear Mauve, Crow, Fresh Herbs, Green Bayou, Back Stage, Pearl Bay, Washed Khaki, Buff Orange, Romantic Gerbera Red, Tropical Sun, Radioactive Lilypad, Wild Mulberry, Registration Black, Lotus Leaf, Flour Sack, Heart to Heart, Basilis Cloudy Cinnamon, Purple Kasbah, Ripe Malinka, Devil's Advocate, Nightingale, Kimono Grey, Bavarian, Art Deco Pink, Classic Taupe, Gingerbread Latte, Butterscotch Mousse, Roasted Seeds, Gondolier, Chromaphobic Black, Mechanicus Standard Grey, San Felix, Jazzber Banyan Tree, Peach Buff, Fresh Blue palette Red Team Spirit, Corona, Boot Cut, Clean N Crisp, Romantic Morning palette Wild Caribbean Green Winter Evening, Elephant Cub, Rincon Cove, Romantic Morning palette Indonesian Rattan, Nobel, Romantic Morning palette Golden Crescent, Northampton Trees, Bermuda Grey, Coastline Blue, Grapevine, Cress Vinaigrette palette Dusted Truffle, Golden Bell palette Ballyhoo, Warm Spring, Argyle Purple, Macaroon Rose, Pewter Blue, Aged Papyrus palette Canary Diamond, Nasturtium Shoot, Denim Drift, Bolt from the Blue, Poppy Pompadour, Smoked Mulberry, Raspberry Rose, Romantic Morn Dynamic Magenta, India Ink palette Spice Route, Herbalist's Garden, Turtle Warrior, Clear Brook, Wild Iris, Cornflake palette Camellia Rose, Shallow Shoal palette Wet Coral, Citrus Yellow palette Melon Mist, Usubeni Red, Matte Sage Green, Moonquake palette Ash Brown, Acid Pool, Overgrown Trellis, High Profile, Lightish Purple, Real Cork, Surf, Romantic Morning palette Bitter Orange, Color Me Green, Guppie Green, Kelp'thar Forest Blue, Song Thrush palette Dozen Roses, Sweet Maple, Ocean Tropic, Figue Pulp, Golden Blood, Wine Red, Romantic Morning, Diamond Stud palette Bucking Bronco, Caramel Dream, Rainier Blue, Rhythm, Buckwheat Groats, Romantic Morning, Mystified, Rio Sky palette Sinoper Red, Turbo, Milestone, Blackberry Sorbet, Pipe Clay palette Chic Shade, Feminin Nightshade, Magos, Cheyenne Rock palette Dangerously Green, American Bronze, Sir Edmund, Smoky Mauve, Warm Neutral, Romantic Morning, Angel Kiss palette


基於 WCAG 無障礙對比度的標準,#ddbbdd 與黑色和白色的小字體、大字體和圖形的顏色搭配。


影像 Romantic Morning #ddbbdd 顏色 PNG

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