創建於 03/07/2023 00:15

#ead988 十六進位 顏色 Pineapple Whip 資訊

顏色 十六進位 RGB
#ead988 RGB(234, 217, 136)

RGB 值是 RGB(234, 217, 136)
#ead988 顏色包含 紅色的 91.76%, 綠色的 85.1% 和 藍色的 53.33%.

顏色名稱 #ead988 十六進位 程式碼

Pineapple Whip 顏色


#ead988 是 光 和 溫暖的 顏色
Pineapple Whip 相反的顏色是 #8a9aea

#ead988 顏色轉換

有關十六進制顏色十進制的代碼和值信息,十六進制。 HSL、HSLA、RGB、RGBA 值 #ead988 Pineapple Whip

hsl(50, 70%, 73%)
hsla(50, 70%, 73%, 1)
RGB(234, 217, 136)
RGBA(234, 217, 136, 1)

#ead988 顏色的調色板 Pineapple Whip:

以下是 #ead988 十六進位顏色的調色板範例

最深的顏色是色調中的 #17160e,最淺的顏色是色調中的 #fdfbf3

#ead988 的色調調色板:
#ead988 的色調調色板:
#ead988 的補充調色板:
#ead988 的三元調色板:
#ead988 的方形調色板:
#ead988 的類似調色板:
#ead988 的拆分互補調色板:
#ead988 的矩形(四元)調色板:

顏色 Pineapple Whip #ead988 用於調色板 (50)

Packagingdesign logodesign branding design packaging hex colors Mechrite Red, Stravinsky Pink, Pineapple Whip, Salmon Flush palette Magic Lamp, Oak Buff, Fame Orange, Kissable, Holbein Blue Grey, Diva Violet, Pheromone Purple, Banished Brown, Mineral Deposit, Pi Persian Plush, Smoke Blue, Jojoba, Pineapple Whip palette Pirate Gold, Salsa Habanero, French Mirage Blue, Algiers Blue, Nightly Escapade, Hidden Mask, Chicory Coffee, Ancient Planks, Gala Smoky Black, Pineapple Whip, Provence Creme palette Pineapple Whip, Cherrystone, Green Charm palette Mango Squash, Orange Rust, Citrus Notes, Julep, Blue Dove, Christina Brown, Hellebore, Fortress, Chive Flower, Zen Blue, Sensitivi Tweed, Buzz-In, Ritterlich Blue, Moonshadow, Vivid Purple, Retro Pink, Pineapple Whip palette Future, Atelier, Pineapple Whip palette Dazzle, Nile Sand, Pineapple Whip, Sandalwood Beige palette Tan-Gent, Fame Orange, High Voltage, Armored Steel, Stormy Oceans, Church Blue, Tranquil Aqua, Pineapple Whip palette Caramel Latte, Buffed Copper, Pineapple Whip, Blackberry Yogurt, Watusi, Cascading White palette Nandi Bear, Lethal Lime, YInMn Blue, Ultra Violet, Imagery, Fairfax Brown, Eagle Rock, Porcelain Blue, Pineapple Whip, Spring Thym Rural Green, Japanese Iris, Joker's Smile, Young Night, Pineapple Whip, Pineapple Perfume, Weekend Retreat palette Sneaky Devil, Gold Earth, Lightning Yellow, Spores, Kelly's Flower, Jade Jewel, Pink OCD, Pineapple Whip, Windsor Purple, Bright S Clay, Power Outage, Forest Ride, Gale of the Wind, Storm Is Coming, Holiday, Fragrant Satchel, Pineapple Whip palette Hot Cinnamon, Harem Silk, Black Chestnut Oak, Victoria Red, Smock Blue, Black Jasmine Rice, Retro Mint, Pineapple Whip, Pewter Tra Cozy Nook, Honey Locust, Mikado Yellow, Islamic Green, Bright Zenith, Caterpillar Green, Blue Suede Shoes, Hockham Green, Morning' Brazil Nut, Spiced Up, Eye Catching, Peanut Butter Chicken, Beach Blue, Ephren Blue, Cabbage Blossom Violet, Plum Cheese, Aquatic, Simple Silhouette, Smoky Trout, Dry Dock, Wood Stain Brown, Mineral Yellow, Yellow Bell Pepper, Syndicalist, Confident Yellow, Mod Rayo de Sol, Juniper Oil, Copper Mineral Green, Clooney, Grenadine, Balsamic Reduction, November Skies, Blue Cuddle, Pineapple Whi Saucisson, Goji Berry, Fall Foliage, Fresh Cantaloupe, Beating Around the Bush, Grey Monument, Blithe, Skeletor's Cape, Piercing P Nomad Grey, Sandal, Fallow Deer, Status Bronze, Crunchy Carrot, Snot Green, Limerick, Medium Sea Green, Plum Blue, Nocturnal Exped Tasty Toffee, Raging Leaf, Cadaverous, Alpine Green, Chopped Chive, Blue Surf, Elderberry Grey palette Royal Brown, Palatinate Purple, Pineapple Whip, Delicate Mauve, Powder Ash, Beatrice palette Nile Reed, Hilo Bay, Pion Purple, Port, Sutherland, Wetland Stone, Azure Lake, Moss Print, Opal Turquoise, Pineapple Whip, Pale Pe Salvia Divinorum, Illuminating Emerald, Light Shōtoku Purple, Vulcan Burgundy, Silk Stone, Gray Tweed, Chloride, Pineapple Whip, P Mouse Tail, Viennese Blue, Rugby Tan, Thermos, Pineapple Whip, Land Ahoy!, Lantern Gold palette Tango Red, Teddy Bear, Smashing Pumpkins, Ripe Mango, Blinking Blue, Cinnamon Roast, Oxygen Blue, Pineapple Whip, Ottoman, Ulthuan Bleeding Crimson, Ghost Pepper, Go Green!, Red-Eye, Cathedral, Sequin, Pineapple Whip, Toasty Grey, Cactus Blooms, Apricot Obsessi Clarified Butter, Golden Schnitzel, Rat Brown, Cigarette Glow, Lattice Green, Nightly Silhouette, Pure Light Blue, Splatter, Onyx Deer Leather, Lizard Breath, Captain Kirk, Star Sapphire, Windsurf, Pineapple Whip, Sweet Mint Pesto palette Chicken Comb, Piper, Fěn Hóng Pink, Geddy Green, Calming Silver Lavender, Pineapple Whip, Lunch Box, Weathered Coral, Pale Periwin Antique Penny, Creamy Orange Blush, Bullfrog, Royal Palm, Kakitsubata Blue, Magic Dust, Bamboo Forest, Pineapple Whip, Fire Dance Adaptive Shade, Radiant Yellow, Luster Green, Aspen Hush, Silver Fir Blue, Blue Venus, Relic, Lime Pink, Pineapple Whip, Hushed Vi Assassin's Red, Copper Pipe, Paella, Extravehicular Activity, Highlighter Red, Gedney Green, Cambridge Blue palette Fiery Rose, Arizona, Pineapple Whip, Peach Darling, Aluminum Foil palette Tangerine Dream, Toxic Sludge, Samphire Green, Purple Passage, Pineapple Whip, Sandalwood Beige, Chayote palette Bison Beige, Lakefront palette Akebono Dawn, Afloat, Air Blue, Pineapple Whip palette Showstopper, Spanish Purple, Pineapple Whip, Pigeon Post palette Sick Green, Violets Are Blue, Brilliant Carmine, Dirty Pink, Canadian Lake, Silent Film, Vintage Mauve, Pineapple Whip palette Au Chico, Copper Trail, Cider Toddy, Autumnal, Parlour Red, Pineapple Whip, Cottage Rose palette Muscatel, El Caramelo, Soft Fern, Ruby Grey, Pineapple Whip, Sweet Dough, Durian White, Apatite Crystal Green palette Non-Stop Orange, Nectarine, Coney Island, Madison, Alpine Trail, Pineapple Whip palette Cleo's Bath, Lán Sè Blue palette Soul Side, Lords of the Night, Roses are Red, Charade, Nautilus, Pineapple Whip, Stone Fruit palette Party Time, Amber, Aloe Vera, Vibrant Vision, Orient Pink, Broadwater Blue, Homestead Brown, The Boulevard, Prize Winning Orchid, Storm Break, Pineapple Whip, Lilac Flare palette


基於 WCAG 無障礙對比度的標準,#ead988 與黑色和白色的小字體、大字體和圖形的顏色搭配。


影像 Pineapple Whip #ead988 顏色 PNG