創建於 02/27/2023 22:57
#eaf3d0 十六進位 顏色 Light of New Hope 資訊
顏色 | 十六進位 | RGB |
#eaf3d0 | RGB(234, 243, 208) |
RGB 值是 RGB(234, 243, 208)
#eaf3d0 顏色包含 紅色的 91.76%, 綠色的 95.29% 和 藍色的 81.57%.
顏色名稱 #eaf3d0 十六進位 程式碼
Light of New Hope 顏色
替代顏色 Light of New Hope #eaf3d0
Light of New Hope 相反的顏色是 #d7cef2
#eaf3d0 顏色轉換
有關十六進制顏色十進制的代碼和值信息,十六進制。 HSL、HSLA、RGB、RGBA 值 #eaf3d0 Light of New Hope
hsl(75, 59%, 88%)
hsla(75, 59%, 88%, 1)
RGB(234, 243, 208)
RGBA(234, 243, 208, 1)
#eaf3d0 顏色的調色板 Light of New Hope:
以下是 #eaf3d0 十六進位顏色的調色板範例
最深的顏色是色調中的 #171815,最淺的顏色是色調中的 #fdfefa
#eaf3d0 的色調調色板:
#eaf3d0 的色調調色板:
#eaf3d0 的補充調色板:
#eaf3d0 的三元調色板:
#eaf3d0 的方形調色板:
#eaf3d0 的類似調色板:
#eaf3d0 的拆分互補調色板:
#eaf3d0 的矩形(四元)調色板:
顏色 Light of New Hope #eaf3d0 用於調色板 (50)
Logodesign contemporary logo design mascot colors palette Palm, Golden Cartridge, Emberglow, Nārangī Orange, Yellow Tang, Plastic Pines, Lenticular Ore, Seaweed, Lupine Blue, Valley of Gla New Sled, Larimar Green, Light of New Hope palette Vivid Yellow, Jungle Cloak, Contented, Stucco Wall, Lavender Cream, Light of New Hope palette Emu, Sheraton Sage, High Tea, Guinea Pig, Venom, Candy Corn, Kilkenny, Miami Jade, Industrial Revolution, Thistle Mauve, Indian In Dirt Brown, Passion Fruit, Smoky, Parador Inn, Comfort Grey, Light of New Hope, Bright Grey palette Rich Biscuit, Golden Lion Tamarin, Jet Ski, Dark Slate Blue, Buckingham Palace, Icecap, Sea Anemone, Light of New Hope palette Western Reserve, Marine Teal, Coral Serenade, Cotton Grey, Light of New Hope palette Fragrant Satchel, Classic Taupe, Light of New Hope, Pale Shrimp, Weak Orange palette Island Monkey, Pistachio Flour, Midori Green, Thick Blue, Groundwater, Preppy Rose, Iridescent Red, 20000 Leagues Under the Sea, S Red Stop, Noble Robe, Cave of the Winds, Dry Pasture, Golden Glove, Radiance, Green Katamari, Winter Could Grey, Mineral Blue, Fuj Tropical Wood, Gothic Gold, Raging Leaf, Delaunay Green, Greek Flag Blue, Fresh Ivy Green palette Coriander Powder, Non-Stop Orange, Chanterelles, Frond, Platinum Grey, Summer Air, Kokiake Brown, Heifer, Light Thought, Crazy Hor Party Time, Westminster, Celestial Horizon, Sherpa Blue, Artistic License, Albeit, Pincushion, Candle Flame, Half Spanish White, L Au Chico, Banana Leaf, Salt Caramel, Patrician Purple, Crazy Ex, Bottle Green, Tobago, Droëwors, Cold Purple, Marshy Habitat, Stra Mango Salsa, Green Glow, Brig, Methyl Blue, Blue Party Parrot, Deep Claret, Raw Cinnabar, Primula, Sea Glass, Gentle Sea, Moon Mis Red Savina Pepper, Banh Bot Loc Dumpling, Yamabukicha Gold, Blue Sapphire, Rare Wood, Zinnwaldite palette Sulphur, New Gold, Greek Sea, Indian Silk, Jet, Taxite, Asagi Koi, Earth Chicory, Cloudy Desert, Orange Sherbet, Sleep Baby Sleep, Well Read, Salt Island Green, Turbinado Sugar, Strong Mustard, Hummingbird Green, Ultra Green, Mood Mode, Ashton Blue, Lavish Spen Gaharā Lāl, Arousing Alligator, Bananarama, Yellow Tang, Cold Spring, Pestering Pesto, Tandayapa Cloud Forest, Lapis Jewel, Flower Rosso Corsa, Bronze Fig, Hidden Meadow, Fúchsia Intenso, Purple People Eater, Alaskan Grey, Coral Cove, Misty Aqua palette Tree Hugger, Calico Cat, Vivid Green, Midsummer Nights, Wild Violet, Dark Side of the Moon, Octavius, Madder, Orchid Haze, Pearl B Sacrifice, Graphical 80's Sky, Tulip Red, Matterhorn palette Fall Harvest, Vibrant Honey, Lake Thun, Blue Pencil, Green Glutton, Outer Space, Seryi Grey, Serene Scene, Windy Day, Atlantic Tul Burning Bush, Tangle, Whispering Grasslands, Peach Macaron, Ecstasy, Livid Lime, Oregon Grape, Lava Rock, Lobster Bisque, Sierra M Vivid Crimson, Rice Curry, Barbecue, Porcelain Rose, Bird Of Paradise, Trixter, Ancient Fuchsia, Strawberry Wine, Carmoisine, Hidd Tango Red, Teddy Bear, Smashing Pumpkins, Ripe Mango, Blinking Blue, Cinnamon Roast, Oxygen Blue, Pineapple Whip, Ottoman, Ulthuan Red Gore, Brick Orange, Wild Beet Leaf, Overgrown Trellis, Medium Gunship Grey, Orion Blue palette Oxblood, Winter in Paris, Violettuce, Tundora, Zambezi palette Schooner, Bretzel Brown, Dill Powder, Luigi, Fennel Fiasco, Navigate, Hidden Peak, Waterline Blue, Clouded Blue, Green Spool, Ultr Anarchy, Spores, Tile Green, Legal Eagle palette Wild Axolotl, Sour Apple, Berlin Blue, Coral Coast, Wild Geranium, Oriental Ruby, New Kenyan Copper, Churchill, Saxon Blue, Pinebr Mustard Flower, Quince Jelly, Coalmine, Green Goanna, Walk Me Home, Terminatus Stone, Sea Dew, Cloudy Blue, Half Colonial White pa Mammary Red, Vivid Orange Peel, Sugarloaf Brown, Griffin, Pistachio Shortbread, Brave Purple, Brown Sugar Coating, Blue Glow, Love Café Renversé, Move Mint, Rushing River, Snowstorm Space Shuttle, Elderberry, Tidal palette Petrol Slumber, Light of New Hope palette Hungry Red, Donegal Tweed, Moroccan Henna, Angelic Yellow, Light of New Hope, Kansas Grain, Freeze Up palette Raw Copper, Princeton Orange, Village Green, Dark Lime, Deco Grey, Germania, Starlet Pink, Light of New Hope palette Wooden Cabin, Texas Boots, Rose Cheeks, Pincushion palette Oitake Green, Kitchen Blue, Wisteria Light Soft Blue, Honeydew Peel, Soft Doeskin palette Mississippi Mud, Karak Stone, Dark Summoning palette Hinomaru Red, Electric Ultramarine, Satin Soft Blue, Champagne Bubbles palette Blue Sail, Electric Ultramarine, Rugby Tan, Ocean Bubble, Wisteria Light Soft Blue, Bungalow Taupe, Keepsake, Gramp's Tea Cup pale Bronze Mist, Hazy Daze, Marjoram palette October Leaves, Dapper Greyhound, Stand Out, Serrano Pepper, Lady Nicole, Ace palette Kinsusutake Brown, Dark Jade, Moss Glen palette Gilded Pear, Philosophical, French Plum, Green Glutton, Royal Silk, Grey River Rock, Pearl Ash palette Fieldstone, Jute, Tawny Birch, Cardboard, Pixel Nature, St. Tropez, Frontier, Winter Feather, Big Surf, Malibu Beige, Peach Amber, Adobe Avenue, Lemon Gate, Spanish Pink palette Blonde Wood, Winning Ticket, Gnome Green, Apricot Cream, Dappled Sunlight palette
基於 WCAG 無障礙對比度的標準,#eaf3d0 與黑色和白色的小字體、大字體和圖形的顏色搭配。
#eaf3d0 對比
尺寸 | AA級 | AAA級 |
大文字: | ||
小文字: |
#eaf3d0 對比
尺寸 | AA級 | AAA級 |
大文字: | ||
小文字: |