創建於 03/15/2023 14:13

#ebe5d7 十六進位 顏色 Sugar Quill 資訊

顏色 十六進位 RGB
#ebe5d7 RGB(235, 229, 215)

RGB 值是 RGB(235, 229, 215)
#ebe5d7 顏色包含 紅色的 92.16%, 綠色的 89.8% 和 藍色的 84.31%.

顏色名稱 #ebe5d7 十六進位 程式碼

Sugar Quill 顏色


#ebe5d7 是 光 和 中性的 顏色
色調 oldlace
Sugar Quill 相反的顏色是 #d6dcea

#ebe5d7 顏色轉換

有關十六進制顏色十進制的代碼和值信息,十六進制。 HSL、HSLA、RGB、RGBA 值 #ebe5d7 Sugar Quill

hsl(42, 33%, 88%)
hsla(42, 33%, 88%, 1)
RGB(235, 229, 215)
RGBA(235, 229, 215, 1)

#ebe5d7 顏色的調色板 Sugar Quill:

以下是 #ebe5d7 十六進位顏色的調色板範例

最深的顏色是色調中的 #171715,最淺的顏色是色調中的 #fdfcfb

#ebe5d7 的色調調色板:
#ebe5d7 的色調調色板:
#ebe5d7 的補充調色板:
#ebe5d7 的三元調色板:
#ebe5d7 的方形調色板:
#ebe5d7 的類似調色板:
#ebe5d7 的拆分互補調色板:
#ebe5d7 的矩形(四元)調色板:

建議的調色板 #ebe5d7 十六進位:

顏色 Sugar Quill #ebe5d7 用於調色板 (50)

Metallic Sunburst Netherworld, Worn Olive, Briquette Grey, Sugar Quill, Mist Yellow palette Phellodendron Amurense, Shindig, Violet Vibes, Strawberry Wine, Sugar Quill palette Mai Tai, Majorelle Gardens, Blue Review, Copenhagen Blue, Medium Jungle Green, Black Forest, Pebble Soft Blue White, Sugar Quill, Office Grey, Sugar Quill, Full Cream palette Orange Quench, Slime, Lucky Green, Slate Black, Evergreen Bough, Dawn, Sugar Quill, Touch of Sun palette Sour Yellow, Kettleman, Downy, Tareyton, Peach Brick, Sugar Quill, Peekaboo, Stellar Light palette Wild Chocolate, Midsummer, Sugar Quill, Light Red palette Granite Peak, Blueberry, Kaitoke Green, Chestnut Peel, Green Power, Hornet Nest, Timid Sheep, Sugar Quill palette Ineffable Forest, Blue Regatta, Cinnamon Candle, Black Russian, Shetland Pony, Gold Hearted, Templar's Gold palette Reikland Fleshshade Gloss, Sea Pink, Mango Mojito, Sausalito Port, Majestic Mountain, Wild Boar, Rampant Rhubarb, Brown Fox, Burni Earthen Jug, Venom, Green Suede, Spaceman, Quarterdeck, Pisces Vivid Amethyst, Timeless Ruby, Midnight Green, Verdun Green, Going Galena, Sporty Blue, Persian Plum, Arcala Green, Blue Linen, Yin Hūi Silver, Shadow Grey, Paper Tiger, Comforting Green palette Sinoper Red, Motif, Cane Toad, Rare Find, Sycamore Grove, Jellybean Pink, Hairy Heath, Genie, Drifting Sand, Grey Pearl, Brook Tro 100 Mph, Upstream Salmon, Fluorescent Red Orange, Larchmere, Vega Violet, Violethargic, Classic Brown, Thundercat, Prince Grey, Be Kingpin Gold, Shadows, Tapestry Teal, Zaffre, Dogwood Rose, Liquorice palette Badlands Sunset, Woolen Mittens, Minty Paradise, Ineffable Magenta, Illusion palette Flat Earth, Mellow Coral, Tango, Lime Punch, Aztec Sky, Midnight Spruce, Mint Bonbon Green, Sensitivity, Silver Cloud, Champagne B Apple Wine, Kid's Stuff, Greenivorous, Mid Green, Wicked Green, Paradise of Greenery, Pebble, Tourmaline Mauve, Shocking, Bleached Coyote Tracks, Monstera Deliciosa, Kantor Blue, Bison Hide, Fresh Gum, Pale Linen, Sugar Quill, Toasted Marshmallow, Fallen Petals Mocha Magic, Yellow Metal, Tangy Green, Buddha Gold, Pyrite, Caribe, Transporter Green, Spacescape, Autumn Night, Polished Metal, Flirt Alert, Ferocious, Ermine, Desert Willow, Peanut Brittle, Hammered Gold, Dark Energy, Coral Stone palette Mudskipper, Sweet Almond, Celestial Blue, Crème de Caramel, Sunset over the Alps, Autumn Child palette Dirty Orange, Brimstone, McNuke, Aqua Forest, Kickstart Purple, Mauve Seductress, Fall Mood, Sumptuous Peach, Bff, Pink Mist, Shal Supernatural Saffron, Spectacular Saffron, Conceptual, Traditional Blue, Imperial Palm, Gentle Dill, Flagstone palette Yellow, Watercress Spice, Enchanted Eve, Industrial Black, Tarzan Green, Cooled Blue, Boiling Mud, Chelsea Mauve, Antique Coin, Ic Toadstool, Banh Bot Loc Dumpling, Orange Caramel, Aloe Thorn, Highlighter Green, Carbide, Cobalt, Dahlia Purple, Deep Plum, Ebbtid Solitary Slate, Muscovado Sugar, Enough Is Enough, Hydra Turquoise, Red Elegance, Serrano Pepper, Roycroft Bronze Green, Mint Circ Antilles Garden, Spinel Grey, Beach Boardwalk, White Gauze, Barely Aqua, Shy Moment, Pale Berries palette Self Powered, Chinese New Year, Stormvermin Fur, Lava Rock, Moor Oak Grey, Mountain Moss, Peach Beauty, Wintergreen Mint palette Luminous Apricot, Bleached Denim, Smalt Blue, Blue Dolphin, Mountain Morn, Desert Plain, Sugar Quill palette Yellow Sea, Creamy Orange Blush, Folkstone Grey palette Bird’s Eye, Salami, Magic Malt, Falcon Turquoise, Nordmann Fir, Raspberry Glace, Chinese Ink, Hills of Ireland palette Treasured Love, Chronicle palette Woodbridge, Dragon Bay, Obsidian Shell, Arterial Blood Red, Smoky White, Field of Wheat, Friend Flesh, Apricot Fool palette Chinese Money Plant, Porcelain Pink palette Leather, Poplar, Fake Jade, Savoy Blue, Kala Namak, Ovation palette Green Sheen, Berry Burst, Violet Frog, Coffee Brick, Bluish Black, Puddle, That's My Lime, Verona Beach palette Victorian Crown, Backyard, Lush Un'goro Crater palette Fire Chi, Raccoon Tail, Vibrant Amber, Night Rendezvous, Toy Mauve, Nocturne, Silk Chiffon palette Lawn Green, Majestic Orchid, Joyful Tears, Pacific Line, Lump of Coal, Bourbon Truffle, Gossip, Grey Scape, Crestline, Water Bapti Hobgoblin, Fully Purple, Eggplant, Blush, Rockmelon Rind palette Dragonfly, Tamarind Fruit, Maison De Campagne, Goluboy Blue, Mille-Feuille, Bruin Spice, Static palette Manticore Wing, Smoothie Green, Pink Explosion, Bright Sepia, Windfall, Detroit, Dancing Mist palette Tamarack Yellow, Oxley, Sea Kale, Halt Red, Pleasant Hill, Terrace Brown, Oceano palette Muddy River, Emerald City, Pansy Garden, Blue Highlight, Pacific Queen, Quarzo palette Red Baron, Applesauce Cake, Draw Your Sword, Antique Grey, Regality, Norfolk Green, Tiki Straw, Almandine, Honey Do palette Blistering Mars, Cape Lee, Cold Pack, Teal Drama, Dressed to Impress, Blackberry Farm, Brown Ridge, Dull Pink, Pebble Path, Electr Kilauea Lava, Blockchain Gold, Tangerine Dream, BioShock, Falcon Turquoise, Jubilee Grey, Byzantium, Love Red, Constellation Blue, Umbra Sand, Redwood Forest, Gold Tweed, Antiquarian Gold, Wild Sage, Green Eyes, Port Au Prince, Pink-N-Purple, Forever Blue, Rugg


基於 WCAG 無障礙對比度的標準,#ebe5d7 與黑色和白色的小字體、大字體和圖形的顏色搭配。


影像 Sugar Quill #ebe5d7 顏色 PNG

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