創建於 02/22/2023 04:23

#ee00ee 十六進位 顏色 Piquant Pink 資訊

顏色 十六進位 RGB
#ee00ee RGB(238, 0, 238)

RGB 值是 RGB(238, 0, 238)
#ee00ee 顏色包含 紅色的 93.33%, 綠色的 0% 和 藍色的 93.33%.

顏色名稱 #ee00ee 十六進位 程式碼

Piquant Pink, magenta2 顏色


#ee00ee 是 光 和 中性的 顏色
色調 品紅
Piquant Pink 相反的顏色是 #00f000

#ee00ee 顏色轉換

有關十六進制顏色十進制的代碼和值信息,十六進制。 HSL、HSLA、RGB、RGBA 值 #ee00ee Piquant Pink

hsl(300, 100%, 47%)
hsla(300, 100%, 47%, 1)
RGB(238, 0, 238)
RGBA(238, 0, 238, 1)

#ee00ee 顏色的調色板 Piquant Pink:

以下是 #ee00ee 十六進位顏色的調色板範例

最深的顏色是色調中的 #180018,最淺的顏色是色調中的 #fde6fd

#ee00ee 的色調調色板:
#ee00ee 的色調調色板:
#ee00ee 的補充調色板:
#ee00ee 的三元調色板:
#ee00ee 的方形調色板:
#ee00ee 的類似調色板:
#ee00ee 的拆分互補調色板:
#ee00ee 的矩形(四元)調色板:

顏色 Piquant Pink #ee00ee 用於調色板 (50)

X11 colors palette chunk #16 Piquant Pink oaahj Chocolate Ripple, Tropical Wood, Canary, Komatsuna Green, Silent Night, Piquant Pink, Mineral Red, Used Oil, Connor's Lakefront, C Orpiment Orange, Liquid Lime, Salsify Grass, Holy Water, Piquant Pink, Chaotic Roses, Blarney Stone, Black Truffle, Salvation, Hor Fiery Orange, Banana Ball, Piquant Pink, It's Your Mauve, Pink Blossom palette Piquant Pink, Rainstorm, Tawny Mushroom, Sage Splendor, Steamy Dumpling, Light Limed White palette Ash Rose, Royal Rum, Fashion Green, Silk Crepe Mauve, Piquant Pink, Parrot Pink, Herring Silver palette Piquant Pink, Mary Rose, Prism Pink palette Persimmon Juice, Sunset, Piquant Pink, Amish Green, Grey Squirrel, Delicious Melon palette Chokecherry, Bushland Grey, Sea Life, Governor Bay, Piquant Pink, Meditation, Blue Feather, Plymouth Beige palette Twisted Tail, Schindler Brown, Royal Flycatcher Crest, Blue Smart, Deep Sky Blue, Deep Current, Piquant Pink, Dark Red Brown, Spac Madder Red, Owlet, Arrow Creek, Fossil Butte, Russet Orange, Nervy Hue, Granite Peak, Blue Sonki, Piquant Pink, Velvet Slipper, Pu Macabre, Golden Quartz Ochre, Apple Cinnamon, Piquant Pink, Copper Pink, Cherry Brandy, Patriarch, Avagddu Green, Blackened Pearl, Acorn, Raging Bull, Crimson Silk, Matador's Cape, Akebono Dawn, Poisonous Ice Cream, Iron Grey, Blue Dart Frog, Larkspur Blue, Piq Silk Road, Confident Yellow, Bilberry, Alexis Blue, Lightish Blue, London Rain, Piquant Pink, Sovereign, Double Duty, Sea Dew, Gra Alabama Crimson, Chili Pepper, Garden Weed, Blazing Bonfire, Jardinière, Brigade, Piquant Pink, Sinister, Garnet Stone Blue, Stron Piquant Pink, Resolute Blue, Lilac Scent Soft Blue, Almost Aqua, Italian Ice palette Boiling Magma, Highland Ridge, Jubilation, Piquant Pink, Vampire Hunter, Uniform Green palette Heart Throb, Estroruby, Cinnamon Brandy, Dark Brazilian Topaz, Venom, Sedona Sage, Piquant Pink, Canoe Blue, Farm Fresh, Shale Gre Marsupilami, Persian Belt, Common Teal, Sweet Flag, Hunky Hummingbird, Piquant Pink, Black Glaze, Clock Chimes Thirteen palette Wiener Dog, Samphire Green, Ineffable Green, Blue Plate, Peacock Plume, Piquant Pink, Deco Rose, Gold Black, Orchard Plum, Fuchsia Butterum, Balor Brown, Energy Orange, Embarrassment, Dull Turquoise, Algen Gerne, Hawk Turquoise, Winter Harbor, Brigade, Piquant Strawberry Cough, Aged Olive, Madeira Brown, Banana Brick, Golf Course, Stadium Lawn, Beanstalk, Piquant Pink, Chathams Blue, Valo Clay Terrace, Ferntastic, Noble Cause Purple, Piquant Pink, Overbaked, Soft Steel, Modern Mint, Downing Straw, Arctic Blue, Fairwa First Lady, Mulled Spice, Cheery, Orange Jewel, Becker Blue, Honolulu Blue, Piquant Pink, Brilliant Carmine, Root Brew, Sodalite B Oxblood, Brownish, Ginger Root, Lady Fern, Dry Moss, Coney Island, Piquant Pink palette Cricket's Cross, Peanut Butter, Busy Bee, Sap Green, Dark Seashore Night, Piquant Pink, Water Reed, Fair Green, Beveled Glass, For Fox, Buffallo Sauce, Avocado, Celestial Plum, Piquant Pink, Ordain, Dark Mahogany, Black Bay, Purple Brown, Holiday, Chenille, Cor Helvetia Red, Hamtaro Brown, Tanned Flesh, Burning Orange, Laddu Orange, Yuzu Jam, Shrinking Violet, Piquant Pink, Mid-century Gem Ski Patrol, West Side, Garden Grove, Piquant Pink, Hunter Green, Black Lacquer, Pavement, Roman Purple, Black Orchid, Sweet Spiceb Sawshark, Mulling Spice, Wild Pigeon, Drab, Calgar Blue, Piquant Pink, San Francisco Pink, New Amber, Olive Soap, Muted Lime, Perr Crocodile Eye, Medusa Green, Sandstorm, Tanned Skin, Yule Tree, Sonic Silver, Piquant Pink, Black Sabbath, Sweet Blue, Blush Kiss Bluish Green, Piquant Pink, Pasilla Chiles, Park Avenue, Lewisham, Lavender Tea palette Red Maple Leaf, Conifer Green, Lead Cast, Regal Azure, Spanish Blue, Piquant Pink, Empress, Raspberry Glace, Asphalt Grey, Bermuda Honey, Sugar Almond, Ready Lawn, Bold Avocado, Range Land, Peter Pan, Forest Maid, Klimt Green, Summer Sea, Piquant Pink, Vintage Ferocious, King's Ransom, Yellow Metal, Yellow Gold, Regal Azure, Leviathan Purple, Piquant Pink palette Bear Hug, Porchetta Crust, Harlequin, Slate Tint, Spartacus, Piquant Pink, Nocturnal Rose, Marshland, Deadly Depths, Humboldt Redw Gentleman's Whiskey, Yolk Yellow, Algerian Coral, Treasured Teal, Jade Powder, Piquant Pink, Fúchsia Intenso, Quills of Terico, Mu Snuggle Pie, Hill Lands, Piquant Pink, Black Metal, Abyssal Anchorfish Blue, Hexed Lichen, Deep Jungle, Patio Green, Newbury Moss, Sweet Brown, Pollination, Hidden Valley, Dangerously Green, Castaway Lagoon, Prunella, Piquant Pink, Severely Burnt Toast, Sealski Chamois Leather, Golden Rain Yellow, Chinese Green, Sick Green, On the Moor, Roseine Plum, Oceanic Motion, Cherenkov Radiation, Pi Maple Syrup, Opulent Blue, Piquant Pink, Crowberry Blue, Japanese Bonsai, Modern Monument palette Matt Demon, Green Blue Slate, Piquant Pink, Wild Truffle, Pale Jade, Tortilla, Ivory Mist palette Untamed Orange, Piquant Pink, Toasted Cashew palette Inner Journey, Piquant Pink, Action Green, Caveman, Silver Drop, Lián Hóng Lotus Pink, Balanced, Blonde Curl palette Liver Chestnut, Toffee Tart, Lionhead, Piquant Pink, Grimace, Planetary Silver palette Shadow Woods, Lime Zest, Les Cavaliers Beach, Piquant Pink, Desert Shadow, Runelord Brass, Offbeat palette Cheddar, Piquant Pink, Āsmānī Sky, Hybrid, Wisley Pink palette Mover and Shaker, Calmness, Piquant Pink palette


基於 WCAG 無障礙對比度的標準,#ee00ee 與黑色和白色的小字體、大字體和圖形的顏色搭配。


影像 Piquant Pink #ee00ee 顏色 PNG