創建於 02/17/2023 22:34
#f0c420 十六進位 顏色 Moon Yellow 資訊
顏色 | 十六進位 | RGB |
#f0c420 | RGB(240, 196, 32) |
RGB 值是 RGB(240, 196, 32)
#f0c420 顏色包含 紅色的 94.12%, 綠色的 76.86% 和 藍色的 12.55%.
顏色名稱 #f0c420 十六進位 程式碼
Moon Yellow 顏色
替代顏色 Moon Yellow #f0c420
Moon Yellow 相反的顏色是 #1f4cef
#f0c420 顏色轉換
有關十六進制顏色十進制的代碼和值信息,十六進制。 HSL、HSLA、RGB、RGBA 值 #f0c420 Moon Yellow
hsl(47, 87%, 53%)
hsla(47, 87%, 53%, 1)
RGB(240, 196, 32)
RGBA(240, 196, 32, 1)
#f0c420 顏色的調色板 Moon Yellow:
以下是 #f0c420 十六進位顏色的調色板範例
最深的顏色是色調中的 #181403,最淺的顏色是色調中的 #fef9e9
#f0c420 的色調調色板:
#f0c420 的色調調色板:
#f0c420 的補充調色板:
#f0c420 的三元調色板:
#f0c420 的方形調色板:
#f0c420 的類似調色板:
#f0c420 的拆分互補調色板:
#f0c420 的矩形(四元)調色板:
顏色 Moon Yellow #f0c420 用於調色板 (49)
Shades of Moon Yellow color #F0C420 hex Tints of Moon Yellow color #F0C420 hex Bonnie Digger's Gold, Buff Yellow, Moon Yellow, Golden Foil, Contemplative, Malarca, Peas in a Pod, Surf Green, Too Dark Tonight, Chyorny Llama Wool, Moon Yellow, Mirror Mirror, Lemon Ice palette Honey Carrot Cake, Moon Yellow, Baked Brie palette Moon Yellow, Vivid Cerulean, Eggshell Blue palette Amok, Moon Yellow, Janitor, Go Alpha, Garden Green, Trance, Minified Magenta, Edwardian Lace palette Moon Yellow, Fresh Blue of Bel Air, Intense Mauve palette Moon Yellow, Snowboard, Irish Coffee, Plum Orbit, Patio Stone, Bryophyte, Dead Grass, Fly Away palette Cranberry Red, Moon Yellow, Molly Robins, Berry Mix, Majestic Orchid, Black Leather Jacket, Dark Summoning, Blue Nights, Rainy Sid Red River, Coral Commander, Kalliene Yellow, Moon Yellow, Jade, Smoky Azurite, Blue Heath Butterfly, Satoimo Brown, Catwalk, Brisk Bearsuit, Moon Yellow, Ranger Station, Mint, Great Basin, Notorious Neanderthal, Waza Bear, Gardening, Green Andara, Girl Power, M Cherry Sangria, Yellow Ocher, Medium Brown, Wiggle, Moon Yellow, Margarine, Roof Tile Green, New Orleans, Ashen Tan, Young Apricot Donegal Tweed, Moon Yellow, Smalt, Magnificent Magenta, Bon Voyage, Pelican, Blush palette Methadone, Chestnut Stallion, Temptatious Tangerine, Moon Yellow, Meadow Mauve, Eight Ball, Mallard, Kuro Brown, Mirage, Glasgow F Moon Yellow, Green Hour, Dark Blue, Greene & Greene, Nature's Gate, Refresh, Floating Blue palette Wildflower Honey, Funky Yellow, Moon Yellow, Carlisle, Paradise City, Cosmic Bit Flip, Kuroi Black, Brown 383, Big Fish, Morris Ro Sun Drops, Moon Yellow, Coastal Storm, Woad Indigo, Han Blue, Victorian Iris, Coffee Bean, Moosewood, Paloma, Sorbet Ice Mauve, Ja Orange Rust, Nugget, Moon Yellow, Intense Teal, Tamarama, Medium Ruby, Asphalt, Storm Is Coming, Smoked Flamingo, Cashmere Blue pa Rookwood Clay, Moon Yellow, Tropical Elements, Unreal Teal, Dusky Purple, Amaranth, Navy Cosmos, Corral, Napa Grape, Heart Potion, Santa Fe Sunrise, Habanero Chile, Romesco, Moon Yellow, Tobago, Tropical Skies, Ferry, Gedney Green, Alpine Air, Country Air, Past Cinnamon Sand, Moon Yellow, Castaway Cove, Silent Night, Renanthera Orchid, New Kenyan Copper, Club Grey, Cimarron, Gnu Tan, Laven Antler Moth, Moon Yellow, Kelley Green, Midsummer Nights, Statuary, Lime Bright, Blue Glass, Zephyr Blue palette Mountain Elk, Brass Yellow, Hornet Yellow, Moon Yellow, Silver Willow Green, Rhinestone, Salsa Diane, Hard Coal, Green Mist, Charm Bengala Red, Summer Citrus, Moon Yellow, Moon Tide, Fair Spring, Mångata, Orca White, Coral Blossom palette Golden Gate Bridge, Heidelberg Red, Moon Yellow, Denver River, Sailfish, Mecha Metal, Iris Orchid, Devilish Diva, Terra Pin, Proph Sulphur Spring, Moon Yellow, Shadow Blue, Red Chicory, Bronze Olive, Cioccolato, High Maintenance, Fresh Praline, Whippet, Jazz Ag Furious Tomato, Sea Pink, Golden Glitter Storm, Moon Yellow, Banana Bread, Tree Frog Green, Greenella, UFO Green, Water Sports, Ot Once Bitten, Emperor's Gold, Cheerful Tangerine, Barcelona Orange, Moon Yellow, Link, Shoreline, Head Over Heels, Chimney, Mission Blood Kiss, Secret Path, Mustard Musketeers, Valkyrie, Moon Yellow, Cricket Green, Jargon Jade, Harrow's Gate, Exclusive Plum, Mid True Copper, Farmhouse Red, Polished Brown, Sanguine, Moon Yellow, Green Apple, UV Light, Thrush Egg palette Pepper Spice, Moon Yellow, Green Me, Go Go Green, Dark Reaper, Gold Buttercup palette Cocoa Powder, Deserted Island, Gold Season, Moon Yellow, Blueberry Twist, Cembra Blossom, Envy, Sunday Afternoon, Fashionable Grey Spiced Pumpkin, Moon Yellow, Ornamental Turquoise, Wind Star, Méi Hēi Coal, Shaded Fuchsia, Knight's Armor, Reseda, Andes Sky, Uni Goldbrown, Moon Yellow, Deadwind Pass, Dark Princess Pink palette Jester Red, Enchanted Wood, Cress Green, Moon Yellow, Drab Green, Athonian Camoshade, Luscious Purple, Aging Barrel, Perfect Khaki multi colors Moon Yellow, Tibetan Temple palette Childhood Crush, Moon Yellow, Chocolate Sprinkle, Marsh Fog palette Moon Yellow, Copper Turquoise, Oak Tone, Cocoa Butter palette Moon Yellow, Grapy, Sugar Plum, Enchanting palette Moon Yellow, Sea Radish, Rooted, Earhart Emerald, Spring Water Turquoise palette Golden History, Moon Yellow, Hong Kong Mist, Smoking Mirror, Garden Lattice palette Golden Quartz Ochre, Moon Yellow, Viridian, Great Serpent, Hanaasagi Blue, Clay Play palette yellow green and blue colors Thai Chili, Earthy Ocher, Painted Clay, Moon Yellow, Flounce palette Prairie Fire, Moon Yellow, Salamander, Royal Navy Blue, Grape Grey, Rose Ashes palette Sunray, Yellow Exhilaration, Moon Yellow, Psychic, Calabash palette
基於 WCAG 無障礙對比度的標準,#f0c420 與黑色和白色的小字體、大字體和圖形的顏色搭配。
#f0c420 對比
尺寸 | AA級 | AAA級 |
大文字: | ||
小文字: |
#f0c420 對比
尺寸 | AA級 | AAA級 |
大文字: | ||
小文字: |