創建於 02/24/2023 18:34
#f2dea4 十六進位 顏色 North Star 資訊
顏色 | 十六進位 | RGB |
#f2dea4 | RGB(242, 222, 164) |
RGB 值是 RGB(242, 222, 164)
#f2dea4 顏色包含 紅色的 94.9%, 綠色的 87.06% 和 藍色的 64.31%.
顏色名稱 #f2dea4 十六進位 程式碼
North Star 顏色
替代顏色 North Star #f2dea4
North Star 相反的顏色是 #a6b9f2
#f2dea4 顏色轉換
有關十六進制顏色十進制的代碼和值信息,十六進制。 HSL、HSLA、RGB、RGBA 值 #f2dea4 North Star
hsl(45, 75%, 80%)
hsla(45, 75%, 80%, 1)
RGB(242, 222, 164)
RGBA(242, 222, 164, 1)
#f2dea4 顏色的調色板:
以下是 #f2dea4 十六進位顏色的調色板範例
最深的顏色是色調中的 #181610,最淺的顏色是色調中的 #fefcf6
#f2dea4 的色調調色板:
#f2dea4 的色調調色板:
#f2dea4 的補充調色板:
#f2dea4 的三元調色板:
#f2dea4 的方形調色板:
#f2dea4 的類似調色板:
#f2dea4 的拆分互補調色板:
#f2dea4 的矩形(四元)調色板:
顏色 North Star #f2dea4 用於調色板 (30)
Father’s Day Colors Lauriston Stone, Sweet Baby Rose, Stone Blue, Charismatic, North Star palette Ridgecrest, Autumn Leaf, Carrot Cake, Pecan Veneer, Viva Gold, Balor Brown, Paid in Full, Saffron Crocus, Electric Violet, Earth G Lightning Yellow, Paradise Landscape, Abyssal, North Star palette Urban Exploration, Hè Sè Brown, Green Grey Mist, North Star, Pristine palette Synergy, Unripe Strawberry, Sunny Burrata, North Star, Light Pink Linen, Satin Cream White palette Ramadi Grey, North Star palette Mosaic Tile, Maximum Blue Green, North Star palette Laminated Wood, Black Velvet, Island Breeze, North Star palette Long Lake, Medieval, Galapagos, Bunchberry, Bored Accent Green palette Socialist, Firenze, Tanned Skin, Prickly Purple, Melodramatic Magenta, Basalt Black, Place of Dust, North Star palette Living Large, Big Yellow Taxi, Peppercorn Rent, Burnished Bark, Alfalfa Extract, Marooned, Tangled Vines, Sea Glass Teal palette Mojave Sunset, Capocollo, Moist Gold, Reptilian Green, Cornflower Blue, Benitoite, Purple Sky, Royal Raisin, Garden Shadow, Stilet Permanent Geranium Lake, Magic Magenta, Straw Gold, Elfin Yellow, Angora Blue, Crocodile Tooth, North Star, French Bustle, Minifie Bazaar, Fresh Olive, Cinnamon Crunch, Golden Palm, Trendy Green, Pohutukawa, Umber Brown, Berry Bliss, Profound Pink, Grain Brown, Amberglow, Pepper Sprout, Chromophobia Green, Antilles Blue, Tufts Blue, Rhapsody Rap, Watermelon Pink, Oak Barrel, Fortress Grey, Milk Coffee Brown, Yellow Flash, Regula Barbara Blue, Denim Drift, Blue Beads, Russian Violet, Dark Fig Violet, Makara, Royal Orch Red Chipotle, Blockchain Gold, Peachy Feeling, Red Orange Juice, Sidewalk Grey, Sheet Blue, Genestealer Purple, Sunset Red, Indulg Scab Red, Cloudy Carrot, Regula Barbara Blue, Blue Magenta Violet, Cherry On Top, Umber Rust, Robeson Rose, Air Blue, Noble Purple Disc Jockey, Mauve-a-Lish, Pawn Broker, Workout Routine palette Fingerpaint, Jade Dragon, Zimidar, Coffee, Downtown Grey, Bambino, North Star, Lips of Apricot palette Bright Rose, Suit Blue, Grey Sheep, Peach Buff palette Boulder, Gatsby Glitter palette Flyway, Jacaranda Pink, Sarsaparilla, Lilac Suede, Rambling Rose, North Star, Whetstone, Cordon Bleu Crust palette Simmering Ridge, Purple Stone palette Flame Pea, Bugman's Glow, Honey Crusted Chicken, Tamarack Yellow, Medium Orchid, Roycroft Bronze Green, Freefall, North Star palet Prickly Pear, Sahara Sun, Dragon Scale, Lupine Blue, Chatura Beige, All Dressed Up, North Star, Canvas Tan palette Pear Spritz, Blue Atoll, Yankee Doodle, Russian Blue, Land Ahoy! palette Spanish Sky Blue, Moenkopi Soil palette Cousteau, North Star palette