創建於 02/25/2023 05:33

#f5f5e4 十六進位 顏色 Precious Dewdrop 資訊

顏色 十六進位 RGB
#f5f5e4 RGB(245, 245, 228)

RGB 值是 RGB(245, 245, 228)
#f5f5e4 顏色包含 紅色的 96.08%, 綠色的 96.08% 和 藍色的 89.41%.

顏色名稱 #f5f5e4 十六進位 程式碼

Precious Dewdrop 顏色


#f5f5e4 是 光 和 中性的 顏色
色調 ivory
Precious Dewdrop 相反的顏色是 #e5e5f5

#f5f5e4 顏色轉換

有關十六進制顏色十進制的代碼和值信息,十六進制。 HSL、HSLA、RGB、RGBA 值 #f5f5e4 Precious Dewdrop

hsl(60, 46%, 93%)
hsla(60, 46%, 93%, 1)
RGB(245, 245, 228)
RGBA(245, 245, 228, 1)

#f5f5e4 顏色的調色板 Precious Dewdrop:

以下是 #f5f5e4 十六進位顏色的調色板範例

最深的顏色是色調中的 #181817,最淺的顏色是色調中的 #fefefc

#f5f5e4 的色調調色板:
#f5f5e4 的色調調色板:
#f5f5e4 的補充調色板:
#f5f5e4 的三元調色板:
#f5f5e4 的方形調色板:
#f5f5e4 的類似調色板:
#f5f5e4 的拆分互補調色板:
#f5f5e4 的矩形(四元)調色板:

顏色 Precious Dewdrop #f5f5e4 用於調色板 (50)

Precious Dewdrop Autumn Sunset, Golden Moray Eel, Pont Moss, Snarky Mint, Turf Master, Oxley, Hyacinth Mauve, High Dive, Shade-Grown, Sequoia Redwo Star Spangled, Muted Mulberry, Shaded Sun, Precious Dewdrop palette Tartar Sauce Homemade Reflecting Pond, Moon Landing, Precious Dewdrop palette Argyle Rose, Purple Anemone, North Rim, Ash Yellow, Precious Dewdrop palette Cotton Wool Blue, Precious Dewdrop palette Tartar Sauce Day Frog Prince, Bougainvillea, Precious Dewdrop palette Hillside View, Medium Lavender Magenta, Precious Dewdrop, Granulated Sugar palette Rise-N-Shine, Overt Green, Ocean Liner, Congo Brown palette Burning Idea, Twining Vine, Treasured Teal, Active Green, Sky Lodge, Sinatra, Sapphire Sparkle, British Grey Mauve, Scarlet Ribbon Canyon Sunset, Cancer Seagreen Scarab, Victoria Blue, Noble Cause Purple, Luscious, Single Origin, Twisted Vine, Autumn Air, Livel Opera Red, Aloe, Funky Frog, Milkwort Red, Sticky Black Tarmac, Zeus Palace, False Cypress, Rapid Rock, Sinking Sand, Chive Flower Mesa Tan, Tegreen, Canyon Sunset, Apricot Red, Bella Pink, Gardener's Soil, Haunted Candelabra, Forest Canopy, Feldspar Silver, Re Habanero Gold, Golden Handshake, Evening Hush, Tropical Waters, Graphical 80's Sky, Spicy Purple, Illicit Darkness palette Aare River Brienz, Gardens Sericourt, Firm Green, Peony palette Hemp, Red Chipotle, River of Gold, Pepperoni, Amok, Young Bud, Matcha Picchu, Folly, Sacramento State Green, Crown of Thorns, Gran Cameo Brown, Digger's Gold, Curry Bubbles, Fiery Flamingo, Winter Sage, Hot Stone, Wax Green, Journal White, Fresh Gum, Touch of T Cameleer, Winter Shadow, Deep Daichi Black, Grey Pinstripe, Holiday, Saxon, Smokestack, Clean Green, Bright Ube, Beige Green, Eagl Rogan Josh, Shades of Ruby, Wasteland, Cattail Brown, Spice Cake, October, Offbeat Green, Grass Court, Marlin, Gem, Chocolate Pral Lionfish Red, Library Oak, Chimera Brown, Early Spring Night, Ritual, Moscow Midnight, Gale of the Wind, Sigmarite, Angel Face Ros Cobblestone Path, Smokin Hot, 24 Karat, Melted Copper, Cocktail Hour, Seachange, Lurid Pink, Tea Chest, Fair Green, Angel in Blue Casandora Yellow, Signal Pink, Pink Carnation, Millbrook, Sweet Surrender palette Mystic Blue, Out of Fashion, Fir Green, Cherished, Germania palette First Timer Green, Fitness Blue, Pink Kitsch, Warm Pink, Plymouth Green, Green Papaya, Mango Nectar, Reserved Blue palette Vivid Burgundy, Lollipop, Fresh Nectar, Lāl Red, Banana Palm, Ducati, Accursed Black, Powdered Brick, Iron Wood, Ranch Tan, Hush, Stetson, Burnside, Prayer Flag, Yellow Mandarin, Noble Silver, Cordial, Fuchsia Purple, Brown Pepper, Mysterious, Shiitake, Stonel Persian Red, Wooden Nutmeg, Prairie Clay, Desert Night, Emotive Ring, Castellan Green, Deep Loch, Shockwave, Dark Souls, Rampart, River Rocks, Bright Orange, Prairie Green, Iguana Green, Bright Eggplant, Dark Tavern, Foliage Green, Blooming Perfect, Chamomile Yorkshire Brown, Topiary, Red Pink, Blind Forest, Covent Garden, Amaranth Pink, A Certain Shade Of Green, Slightly Peach palette Bricky Brick, Rackham Red, Pure Red, Buttered Rum, Equatorial Forest, Akebi Purple, Garden Path, Lilac Smoke, Silk, Fragrant Lilac Rutherford, Elven Olympics, Queen Blue, Deep Maroon, Portico, Duct Tape Grey, Xenon Blue palette Husk, Crispy Gold, Badass Grass, Active Green, Midnight Jam, Skydiver, Rousseau Gold palette Chrome Yellow, Liberty Blue, Roman Purple, Matt Sage, Precious Dewdrop palette MVS Red, Pixel Bleeding, Village Crier, Tetsuonando Black, Spätzle Yellow, Hanami Pink, Rosy Lavender, Precious Dewdrop palette Döner Kebab, Totally Broccoli, Precious Dewdrop palette Sinoper Red, Rococo Gold, Philips Green, Trendy Pink, Pink Parade, Glossy Olive, Coconut Ice, Precious Dewdrop palette Cranberry Red, Richardson Brick, Kingpin Gold, Oregano Green, Tamarillo, Snow Leopard, Ibis Pink palette Sweet Lychee, Mana Tree, Ensign Blue, Water Chi, Rich Taupe, Stormy Bay, Desert Riverbed palette Coral Gold, Royal Banner, Roanoke, Spiceberry, Apricot Glow, Sandshell, Country Breeze palette Craftsman Brown, Mojave Dusk, Sunset Orange, Kendal Green, Labradorite, Refreshing Tea, Goodbye Kiss palette Rustic Ranch, Sage, Jungle Green, Frank Blue, Lords of the Night, Purple Hedonist, Shock Jockey, Frills palette Parasite Brown, Calliste Green, On a Whim, Green Pigment, Labradorite, Glacier Grey, Amethyst Ice, Zürich White palette Vineyard, Pelican Feather palette Tate Olive, Parfait, Candle in the Wind, End of the Rainbow palette 1 Out of the Blue, Transporter Green palette Caramel Swirl, Bulma Hair, Dubonnet, Blueberry Tart, Gleeful, Peach Beige, Rancho Verde palette Conte Crayon, Sports Fan, Spanish Viridian palette


基於 WCAG 無障礙對比度的標準,#f5f5e4 與黑色和白色的小字體、大字體和圖形的顏色搭配。


影像 Precious Dewdrop #f5f5e4 顏色 PNG