創建於 02/22/2023 22:16
#fac8c3 十六進位 顏色 Gossamer Pink 資訊
顏色 | 十六進位 | RGB |
#fac8c3 | RGB(250, 200, 195) |
RGB 值是 RGB(250, 200, 195)
#fac8c3 顏色包含 紅色的 98.04%, 綠色的 78.43% 和 藍色的 76.47%.
顏色名稱 #fac8c3 十六進位 程式碼
Gossamer Pink 顏色
替代顏色 Gossamer Pink #fac8c3
Gossamer Pink 相反的顏色是 #c2f5fa
#fac8c3 顏色轉換
有關十六進制顏色十進制的代碼和值信息,十六進制。 HSL、HSLA、RGB、RGBA 值 #fac8c3 Gossamer Pink
hsl(5, 85%, 87%)
hsla(5, 85%, 87%, 1)
RGB(250, 200, 195)
RGBA(250, 200, 195, 1)
#fac8c3 顏色的調色板:
以下是 #fac8c3 十六進位顏色的調色板範例
最深的顏色是色調中的 #191413,最淺的顏色是色調中的 #fffaf9
#fac8c3 的色調調色板:
#fac8c3 的色調調色板:
#fac8c3 的補充調色板:
#fac8c3 的三元調色板:
#fac8c3 的方形調色板:
#fac8c3 的類似調色板:
#fac8c3 的拆分互補調色板:
#fac8c3 的矩形(四元)調色板:
顏色 Gossamer Pink #fac8c3 用於調色板 (42)
Moss Landing, Magnetic Magic, Jungle King, Gossamer Pink palette Wild Ginseng, Sand Dagger, Gossamer Pink palette Stormy Passion, Blue Flame, Stanley, Light Blue Grey, Gossamer Pink palette Harley Davidson Orange, Brown Eyes, Mushroom Bisque, Evening Glow, Gossamer Pink palette Red Lightning, Tawny Port, Gossamer Pink palette Bright Scarlet, Toasty, Leather Work, Base Sand, Ocean Storm, Purple Silhouette, Sandpiper, Gossamer Pink palette Sparkling Red, Walled Garden, Spring Juniper, Scalloped Potatoes, Swan Lake, Gossamer Pink palette Fennel Fiasco, Port Hope, Navy Blazer, Makara, Leek White palette Hypnotic Red, Tree Hugger, Tannin, Vesuvius, Japonica, Streusel Cake, Firecracker Salmon, Hippie Green, Bondi, Calypso Berry, Parl Wall Street, Carmine Carnation, Smoke Cloud palette Orko, Golden Palm, Onion Seedling, Industrial Revolution, Angel Green palette Spicy Pink, Mission Hills, Oceanic Climate, Himalayan Poppy, Poised Peach, Light Horizon Sky palette Brown Rabbit, Magic Lamp, Lebanon Cedar, Scented Frill palette Toile Red, Phosphor Green, Lingonberry, Serenity palette Sponge, Apricot Jam, Ship's Officer, Chicory Coffee, Forever Green palette Angry Pasta, Dublin Jack, Kokushoku Black, Satin White, Gossamer Pink palette Burnt Crust, Bee, Chaos Black, Dusty Lilac, Periwinkle Powder palette Burning Gold, Aerostatics, Aimiru Brown, Green Tone Ink, Totally Tan, Beachy Keen palette Bridle Leather, Sepia Skin, Waxy Corn, Ultramarine Blue, Indigo Red, Feasty Fuchsia, Magenta Red Lips, Intergalactic Blue, At The Artisan Tile, Sequoia, Synthetic Pumpkin, Dhalsim's Yoga Flame, Private Eye, Sylph, New Wool, Salt Glaze, Gossamer Pink palette Terra Cotta Pot, Golden Foil, Dead Flesh, Sea Turtle, Jade Orchid, Lotus Red, Deep Sapphire, Shadow Purple, Port Glow, Polaris, Ra Equestrienne, Dirty Green, Topiary Garden, Blasted Lands Rocks, Climbing Ivy, Herbalist, Quarry, Mini Bay, Taupe Tapestry, Veltlin Hè Sè Brown, Steel Armor, Chocolate Sparkle, Raspberry Wine, Opulent Mauve, Heartwood, Adhesion palette Sedona Brown, Hematitic Sand, Brihaspati Orange, Super Banana, Young Fern, Olympian Blue, Peaches of Immortality, Murasaki, Lounge Rose Fusion, Forest Edge, Atoll, Dirty Leather, Lazy Lavender, Mineral Grey, Desolace Dew, Lime Sorbet palette Chic Brick, Chinese Dragon, Water Carrier, Oswego Tea, Gossamer Pink, Ballerina Gown palette Astral, Young Greens, Garden Pebble, Rosie, Gossamer Pink palette Carmine Red, Cigar Smoke, Eye Grey, Bruised Bear, New Neutral, Gossamer Pink, Palatial palette Civara, Dark Slimelime, Echo One, New Amber, Sunday Afternoon, Candy Floss, Pebble Stone, Gossamer Pink palette Cream Can, Glass Jar Blue, Tranquil Pond, Blazing Dragonfruit, Gossamer Pink palette Olive Wood, Caramel Swirl, Contessa, Fine Pine, Shadow Azalea Pink, Baker's Chocolate palette Winter Shadow, Acai Berry palette Ethiopian Wolf, Citrus Honey, Drably Olive, Iris Petal, Dragonlord Purple, Full Glass, Bonanza palette Anemone, Pointed Fir, Pink Palazzo, Mini Blue, Blue Calico, Gossamer Pink palette Sunset Gold, Coconut Grove, Cornflower Blue, Sea Wonder, Strawberry Frosting, Venetian, Bliss Blue, Pixie Green palette Lichtenstein Yellow, Pêra Rocha, Arctic Dusk, Grape Purple, Gold Wash, Modesty palette Golden Nectar, Daisy Bush, Neutral Buff, Tiara, Tapioca palette Turmeric, Barbarian Flesh, Rookwood Dark Red palette Carnival, Barnyard Grass, Prairie Green, Hushed Lilac, Bali Batik, Virtuous Violet, Pistachio Green palette Hot Ginger, Halt and Catch Fire, Pinecone Hill, Powder Blue, Slaanesh Grey palette Macchiato, Royal Consort, Lochmara, Brink Pink, Forever Green, Prom palette Flashman, Carol, Ruggero Grey, Christalle, Aquastone, Brass Trumpet, Marine Grey palette