創建於 02/23/2023 01:42

#fddcb7 十六進位 顏色 Peche 資訊

顏色 十六進位 RGB
#fddcb7 RGB(253, 220, 183)

RGB 值是 RGB(253, 220, 183)
#fddcb7 顏色包含 紅色的 99.22%, 綠色的 86.27% 和 藍色的 71.76%.

顏色名稱 #fddcb7 十六進位 程式碼

Peche 顏色


#fddcb7 是 光 和 溫暖的 顏色
Peche 相反的顏色是 #b4d6fd

#fddcb7 顏色轉換

有關十六進制顏色十進制的代碼和值信息,十六進制。 HSL、HSLA、RGB、RGBA 值 #fddcb7 Peche

hsl(32, 95%, 85%)
hsla(32, 95%, 85%, 1)
RGB(253, 220, 183)
RGBA(253, 220, 183, 1)

#fddcb7 顏色的調色板:

以下是 #fddcb7 十六進位顏色的調色板範例

最深的顏色是色調中的 #191612,最淺的顏色是色調中的 #fffcf8

#fddcb7 的色調調色板:
#fddcb7 的色調調色板:
#fddcb7 的補充調色板:
#fddcb7 的三元調色板:
#fddcb7 的方形調色板:
#fddcb7 的類似調色板:
#fddcb7 的拆分互補調色板:
#fddcb7 的矩形(四元)調色板:

顏色 Peche #fddcb7 用於調色板 (50)

2 Mosaic Green, Fennel Stem, Peche, Shattered Sky, Sauna Steam palette Miyamoto Red, Brown Thrush, Red Clay, Labradorite, Sojourn Blue, Tempo Teal, Spanish Carmine, Havana, Tungsten, Legendary, Buckwhe Tapestry Gold, Reno Sand, Duckling, Chinese Green, Armory, Starship Trooper, Durango Blue, Wild Geranium, Abbey, Ombre Grey, Greig Allyson, Coveted Blue, Heavenly Cocoa, Peche, Cotton Puff palette Flamboyant, Crack Willow, Nipple, Gold Ransom, Tavern Creek, Hep Green, Egyptian Gold, Toad, June Bud, Dark Galaxy, Port Wine, Bri Nouveau Copper, Chocolate Chip, Suds, Bright Citrus, Peche palette Intimate Journal, Peche palette Havana Blue, Peche palette Hickory Cliff, Imagery, Vivid Cerise, Peche, Melting Snowman palette Starflower Blue, Celadon Blue, Real Mccoy, Boredom, Vintage Blue, Lettuce Alone, Champagne Wishes, Peche palette Paradise Landscape, Rita's Rouge, Catskill Brown, Scud, Peche palette Hilltop, Venture Violet, Soft Turquoise, Peche palette Phenomenon, Dark Olive Paste, Balanced Beige, Peche, Ballet White, Lovely Harmony palette Crop Circle, Precious Emerald, Desert Sandstorm palette Baked Cookie, Voxatron Purple, Jazz, Gentle Grape, Nomadic Travels, Purple Essence, Darling Bud, Glad Yellow, Congo, Peche palette Iced Mocha, Chimes palette Dodge Pole, Money Banks, Biology Experiments, Insignia Blue, Mature Grape, Graceful Green, Purple Gladiola palette Braid, Emperor Jade, Thistleblossom Soft Blue palette Flash in the Pan, Parma Mauve, Bleached Cedar, Anthracite Grey, Black Pine Green, Spring Walk palette Caramel Sauce, Wicked Green, Oasis Spring, Orchid Grey, Scorched, Granite Black, Spanish Plum, Grant Grey, Baroque Blue palette Torch Red, Soil Of Avagddu, King's Robe, Wish Upon a Star, Tempo Teal, Fruit Dove, Immersed, Kaitoke Green, Wine Cellar, Bonsai Ga Spicy, Caramel Latte, Cranapple, Spacebox, Cynical Black, Jungle Cover, Pango Black, Natural Green, Clinical Soft Blue, Igniting, Corrosion Red, Fading Sunset, Light Jellyfish Blue, Peche, Sugar Cane Dahlia palette Beat Around the Bush, Redridge Brown, Gargoyle Gas, Jade Cream, Ocean Trip, The Oregon Blue, Renaissance Rose, Alfonso Olive, San Old Asparagus, Flood, Violet Red, Chestnut, Ruggero Grey, Champlain Blue, Barnfloor, Rapid Rock, Leek Powder, Champagne Bubbles pa Threat Coral Commander, Limeade, Wild Forest, Pacific Depths, Highlighter Red, Manzanita, Jungle Civilization, Squid's Ink, Dolphin Grey, Medieval Cobblestone, Packing Paper, Red My Mind, Schnipo, Arcadia, Port Wine Red, German Grey, Aged Merlot, Coastal Vista, Warm T More Maple, Early Dawn, Aswad Black, Obsidian Red, Pineapple, Cool Black, Chocolate Bhut Jolokia, Wisteria Trellis, Niebla Azul, J Lye, Coyote Tracks, Wilted Brown, Tobi Brown, Vineyard Wine, Dusty Olive, Tickled Crow, Aerial View, Seasoned Salt, Moody Mist, Su Cherry Tart, Cloudburst, Icky Green, Aare River, Aquarium Diver, Woodrush, Tobacco, Asian Violet, Pinch Me, Yreka!, Seafair Green, Muddy Waters, Supermint, Caribbean Splash, Beryl Red, Amethyst Phlox, Foil, Peche palette Acai Berry, Purple Noir, Enchanting Ivy, Dustwallow Marsh, Dark Seagreen, Acacia Haze, City Loft, Tombstone Grey palette Sea Squash, Cider Toddy, Ancient Maze, Apple Green palette Free Speech Magenta, Weathered Wood, Artifact, Pacific Fog, Soft Satin palette Neapolitan, Totally Broccoli, Sap Green, Bluebird's Belly palette Zen, Strawberry Buttercream palette Traffic Red, Tau Sept Ochre, Lake Blue, Apricot Obsession palette Brick Hearth, Plunder, Kakitsubata Blue, Black Velvet, Dutch Jug palette Rattan Palm, Gilded Leaves, Drab, Sugar Beet, Valentine, Self-Destruct palette Chocoholic, Copper Beech, Bulgarian Rose, Brown Suede, Capri Isle palette Jade Lime, St. Tropez, Nightshade Purple, Numbers, Dockside, Crème de la Crème palette Terrain, Lavender Blue Shadow palette Whole Wheat, Toasted Chestnut, Orange Essential, Brazilianite, Sea Beast, Revolver, Intergalactic Cowboy, Seneca Rock palette Sierra Redwood, Mocha Black, Dried Chamomile, Soft Chamois, Porch Ceiling, Lilylock, Peche palette OU Crimson Red, Silk Road, Modal Blue, Parsley palette Salsa, Forbidden Thrill, Cat's Eye Marble, Templar's Gold, Pout palette Lush Un'goro Crater, Green Cyan, Pyjama Blue, Her Velour, Roast Coffee, Greywacke palette Vintage Copper, Strawberry Spinach Red, Butterblond, Fashionista, Brilliant Beige, Light Slipper Satin palette

影像 Peche #fddcb7 顏色 PNG