創建於 02/24/2023 11:29

#fffbee 十六進位 顏色 Frosting Cream 資訊

顏色 十六進位 RGB
#fffbee RGB(255, 251, 238)

RGB 值是 RGB(255, 251, 238)
#fffbee 顏色包含 紅色的 100%, 綠色的 98.43% 和 藍色的 93.33%.

顏色名稱 #fffbee 十六進位 程式碼

Frosting Cream 顏色


#fffbee 是 光 和 中性的 顏色
陰影 oldlace
Frosting Cream 相反的顏色是 #f0f3ff

#fffbee 顏色轉換

有關十六進制顏色十進制的代碼和值信息,十六進制。 HSL、HSLA、RGB、RGBA 值 #fffbee Frosting Cream

hsl(46, 100%, 97%)
hsla(46, 100%, 97%, 1)
RGB(255, 251, 238)
RGBA(255, 251, 238, 1)

#fffbee 顏色的調色板 Frosting Cream:

以下是 #fffbee 十六進位顏色的調色板範例

最深的顏色是色調中的 #191918,最淺的顏色是色調中的 #fffffd

#fffbee 的色調調色板:
#fffbee 的色調調色板:
#fffbee 的補充調色板:
#fffbee 的三元調色板:
#fffbee 的方形調色板:
#fffbee 的類似調色板:
#fffbee 的拆分互補調色板:
#fffbee 的矩形(四元)調色板:

顏色 Frosting Cream #fffbee 用於調色板 (50)

Royal Yellow Tints of Mustard color #FFDB58 hex Mustard Julia Fresh Cream Oxcarbazepine Yriel Yellow Lasagnette Not Yo Cheese Brandy Brown, Muted Mauve, Cheese Powder, Calm Tint, Frosting Cream palette Tranquil Pond, Magenta Crayon, Very Navy, Frosting Cream palette November Moon Sago, Frosting Cream palette Kelly Green, Pale Sagebrush, Frosting Cream palette Roxy Brown, Antique Honey, Sea Pink, Sunken Gold, Radical Green, Oriental Nights, Winter Mood, Irish Moor, Sail into the Horizon, Constant Coral, Island Moment, Gypsy Jewels, Rokō Brown, Asphalt Grey, Handwoven, Transcend, Frosting Cream palette Coelia Greenshade, Deep Periwinkle, Charter, Watercolour Blue, Ebicha Brown, Uguisu Brown, Enjoy, Papier Blanc, Bread and Butter, Tuesday Taco test26 Trinidad Moruga Scorpion, Red Savina Pepper, Vermilion Green, Lilac Luster, Barista, Cherry Cordial, Frosting Cream palette Jennifer Coin Slot, Charred Chocolate, White Blue, Stone Harbour, Frosting Cream palette Swallowtail Ken Masters Red, Obscure Ochre, Spice Route, Hatoba-Nezumi Grey, Twisted Blue, Desert Floor, Softly Softly palette Whisky, Baked Salmon, Brihaspati Orange, Corralize, Evening Blue, Blue Depths, Natural Pumice, Conspiracy Velvet, Peanut, Diversio Tree Bark, Centaur Brown, Veranda, Linen Grey, Winter Sage, Creamy Peach palette Racing Red, Thick Green, Píng Gǔo Lǜ Green, Teal Forest, Sedia, Pink Rose Bud, Garden Gate, Ice Flower, Green Glacier, Source Blue Sandy Taupe, Muted Green, Horizon, Canyon Iris, Diva Violet, Les Cavaliers Beach, Spanish Blue, Resolution Blue, Arcane, Eggplant, Woodhaven, Yam, Halloween Orange, Plumville, Cherryade, Anthracite Grey, Pinkling, Old Map, Noble Blush palette Red Clown, Tyson Taupe, Au Chico, Beauty Patch, Greyish Blue, Moat, Empire Violet, Love Letter, Telopea, Deep Marine, Ulva Lactuca Apple Cider Vinegar Dream of Spring, Black Garnet, Lavish Lime, Iced Tulip, Lilac Bloom, Delicate Lilac, Jade Spell palette Coral Rose, Jade Lime, Nettle Green, Mocha Glow, Master, Capri Isle, Formal Maroon, Stamped Concrete, Net Worker, Pineapple Whip, Weathered Fossil, Golden Harvest, Brilliant Azure, Gothic Spire, Exclusive Green, Charcoal Dust, Rhine Castle, Cosmic Quest, Kidna November Yellow Red Hawk, Mandalay, Burning Orange, Golden Sprinkles, Lima Sombrio, Link's Awakening, Bighorn Sheep, Dried Flower Purple, Addo Ski Leroy, Celtic, Burka Black, Iridescent, Modish Moss, Sinking Sand, Island Sea, Rose Marble palette Purple Shade, Best Beige, Calming Silver Lavender, Pop Shop, Maya Blue, Metal, Billowy Breeze, Stark White, Modern Zen palette Spiced Pumpkin, Fluorescent Red, Banana King, Desire, Natural Grey, Dewpoint, Peach Puree, Hill Giant palette Wistful Longing, Aerospace Orange, Napier Green, Eva Green, Muted Purple, Amethyst Purple, Triple Berry palette Sweet Annie, Midnight Brown, Helena Rose, Cake Spice, Honeysuckle, Mermaid Harbor, Turquoise Sea, Felix, City Hunter Blue, Blue Be Renwick Heather, Nomadic, Bonfire, Rose Fusion, Brescian Blue, Poison Purple, Sparkling Grape, Blackened Brown, Lights Out, Her Hi Lachlan Cream Let’s Laugh Day Holiday Turquoise, Frosting Cream palette Liddell, Green Glow, Starship Trooper, Angel Green palette Ferocious, Wild Wilderness, Roman Gold, Creamy Sweet Corn, Interdimensional Blue, London Hue palette C-3PO, Salted Caramel Popcorn, Forsythia, Broccoflower, Fennel Flower, Intense Green, Rise and Shine palette Confidence, Natural Pumice, Boeing Blue, Winter Chill palette Luxe Blue, Magentella, Charleston Green, Property, Windrock, El Capitan, Natural Rice Beige palette


基於 WCAG 無障礙對比度的標準,#fffbee 與黑色和白色的小字體、大字體和圖形的顏色搭配。


影像 Frosting Cream #fffbee 顏色 PNG