創建於 12/28/2023 08:58

Vampire Fiction, Virtual Boy, Cardamom Spice, Ebony Lips, Bright Gold, Citrus Honey, Main Mast Gold, Barf Green, Sea Capture, Old

Vampire Fiction
Virtual Boy
Cardamom Spice
Ebony Lips
Bright Gold
Citrus Honey
Main Mast Gold
Barf Green
Sea Capture
Old Gungeon Red
Bright Midnight Blue
Stay the Night
Lavender Dream
Sumptuous Peach
Sun Dust
First Day of School
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調色盤由 黑暗的, 光, 半暗 種顏色組成. 強調色 Main Mast Gold #b79400 和 Old Gungeon Red #0063ec. 調色盤有 溫暖的, 涼爽的 色溫.
調色盤 Vampire Fiction, Virtual Boy, Cardamom Spice, Ebony Lips, Bright Gold, Citrus Honey, Main Mast Gold, Barf Green, Sea Capture, Old 具有 16 程式碼顏色的組合:
十六進位: #9b0f11, RGB: (155, 15, 17); 十六進位: #fe0215, RGB: (254, 2, 21); 十六進位: #837165, RGB: (131, 113, 101)
十六進位: #b06a40, RGB: (176, 106, 64); 十六進位: #cf9f52, RGB: (207, 159, 82); 十六進位: #f6b96b, RGB: (246, 185, 107)
十六進位: #b79400, RGB: (183, 148, 0); 十六進位: #94ac02, RGB: (148, 172, 2); 十六進位: #61bddc, RGB: (97, 189, 220)
十六進位: #0063ec, RGB: (0, 99, 236); 十六進位: #1a4876, RGB: (26, 72, 118); 十六進位: #314662, RGB: (49, 70, 98)
十六進位: #b4aecc, RGB: (180, 174, 204); 十六進位: #e5b99b, RGB: (229, 185, 155); 十六進位: #f6e0a4, RGB: (246, 224, 164)
十六進位: #fadba0, RGB: (250, 219, 160)
陰影 darkred, 陰影 紅色的, 陰影 dimgrey, 色調 chocolate, 色調 goldenrod, 陰影 sandybrown, 陰影 darkgoldenrod, 色調 黃綠色, 色調 skyblue, 色調 royalblue, 色調 darkslateblue, 色調 darkslateblue, 色調 thistle, 陰影 burlywood, 色調 moccasin, 色調 navajowhite
配色方案是由 colorhunt


Vampire Fiction, Virtual Boy, Cardamom Spice, Ebony Lips, Bright Gold, Citrus Honey, Main Mast Gold, Barf Green, Sea Capture, Old 表中顏色代碼 HEX、RGB 訊息

顏色 十六進位 RGB 姓名 備用名稱
#9b0f11 RGB(155, 15, 17)Vampire Fiction
#fe0215 RGB(254, 2, 21)Virtual Boy
#837165 RGB(131, 113, 101)Cardamom Spice
#b06a40 RGB(176, 106, 64)Ebony Lips
#cf9f52 RGB(207, 159, 82)Bright Gold
#f6b96b RGB(246, 185, 107)Citrus Honey
#b79400 RGB(183, 148, 0)Main Mast GoldYellow brown
#94ac02 RGB(148, 172, 2)Barf GreenBarf green
#61bddc RGB(97, 189, 220)Sea Capture
#0063ec RGB(0, 99, 236)Old Gungeon Red
#1a4876 RGB(26, 72, 118)Bright Midnight BlueMidnight Blue
#314662 RGB(49, 70, 98)Stay the Night
#b4aecc RGB(180, 174, 204)Lavender Dream
#e5b99b RGB(229, 185, 155)Sumptuous Peach
#f6e0a4 RGB(246, 224, 164)Sun Dust
#fadba0 RGB(250, 219, 160)First Day of School


61 色彩搭配對比度過低,需要改善,這可能會影響可讀性。
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圖像調色板 Vampire Fiction, Virtual Boy, Cardamom Spice, Ebony Lips, Bright Gold, Citrus Honey, Main Mast Gold, Barf Green, Sea Capture, Old PNG

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