創建於 01/04/2024 20:45

Red Wrath of Zeus, Highland Ridge, Dusted Clay, Goldie, Salmon Nigiri, Mandarin Sorbet, Citrus Peel, Zephyr Green, Ocean Call, Spi

Red Wrath of Zeus
Highland Ridge
Dusted Clay
Salmon Nigiri
Mandarin Sorbet
Citrus Peel
Zephyr Green
Ocean Call
Spirit Dance
Hokkaido Lavender
High Drama
Bottom of my Heart
Registration Black
Trapper Green
Powerful Mauve
Plum Wine
Tender Taupe
Fall Mood
Pineapple Delight
Duck Tail
Venetian Mask
Water Baptism
Whispering Rain
Ceylon Cream
Lemon Sponge Cake
調色盤由 光, 半暗, 黑暗的 種顏色組成. 強調色 Red Wrath of Zeus 和 Highland Ridge. 調色盤有 溫暖的, 涼爽的, 中性的 色溫.
調色盤 Red Wrath of Zeus, Highland Ridge, Dusted Clay, Goldie, Salmon Nigiri, Mandarin Sorbet, Citrus Peel, Zephyr Green, Ocean Call, Spi 具有 30 程式碼顏色的組合:
十六進位: #e0180c, RGB: (224, 24, 12); 十六進位: #8f714b, RGB: (143, 113, 75); 十六進位: #cc7357, RGB: (204, 115, 87)
十六進位: #c89d3f, RGB: (200, 157, 63); 十六進位: #f9906f, RGB: (249, 144, 111); 十六進位: #ffae42, RGB: (255, 174, 66)
十六進位: #b7bb6b, RGB: (183, 187, 107); 十六進位: #7cb083, RGB: (124, 176, 131); 十六進位: #2b6c8e, RGB: (43, 108, 142)
十六進位: #514b80, RGB: (81, 75, 128); 十六進位: #7736d9, RGB: (119, 54, 217); 十六進位: #9a3843, RGB: (154, 56, 67)
十六進位: #cc0077, RGB: (204, 0, 119); 十六進位: #000200, RGB: (0, 2, 0); 十六進位: #005239, RGB: (0, 82, 57)
十六進位: #4c3f5d, RGB: (76, 63, 93); 十六進位: #674550, RGB: (103, 69, 80); 十六進位: #a0a5a5, RGB: (160, 165, 165)
十六進位: #c4b198, RGB: (196, 177, 152); 十六進位: #c2ac9b, RGB: (194, 172, 155); 十六進位: #a5d8cd, RGB: (165, 216, 205)
十六進位: #f0e7a9, RGB: (240, 231, 169); 十六進位: #e9d6b1, RGB: (233, 214, 177); 十六進位: #e7ceb6, RGB: (231, 206, 182)
十六進位: #cacfd3, RGB: (202, 207, 211); 十六進位: #fabba9, RGB: (250, 187, 169); 十六進位: #cfdfdd, RGB: (207, 223, 221)
十六進位: #ececda, RGB: (236, 236, 218); 十六進位: #f3e9d6, RGB: (243, 233, 214); 十六進位: #f7f0e1, RGB: (247, 240, 225)
陰影 紅色的, 陰影 sienna, 色調 tomato, 色調 goldenrod, 陰影 darksalmon, 陰影 橘子, 陰影 darkkhaki, 色調 darkseagreen, 色調 steelblue, 陰影 darkslateblue, 色調 blueviolet, 陰影 brown, 色調 mediumvioletred, 陰影 黑色的, 色調 darkslategrey, 色調 darkslateblue, 色調 dimgrey, 色調 darkgrey, 色調 tan, 色調 tan, 色調 paleturquoise, 色調 palegoldenrod, 色調 wheat, 色調 peachpuff, 色調 lightgrey, 陰影 lightsalmon, 色調 azure, 色調 beige, 色調 oldlace, 色調 oldlace
配色方案是由 palettespicker


Red Wrath of Zeus, Highland Ridge, Dusted Clay, Goldie, Salmon Nigiri, Mandarin Sorbet, Citrus Peel, Zephyr Green, Ocean Call, Spi 表中顏色代碼 HEX、RGB 訊息

顏色 十六進位 RGB 姓名 備用名稱
#e0180c RGB(224, 24, 12)Red Wrath of Zeus
#8f714b RGB(143, 113, 75)Highland Ridge
#cc7357 RGB(204, 115, 87)Dusted Clay
#c89d3f RGB(200, 157, 63)Goldie
#f9906f RGB(249, 144, 111)Salmon Nigiri
#ffae42 RGB(255, 174, 66)Mandarin Sorbet
#b7bb6b RGB(183, 187, 107)Citrus Peel
#7cb083 RGB(124, 176, 131)Zephyr Green
#2b6c8e RGB(43, 108, 142)Ocean Call
#514b80 RGB(81, 75, 128)Spirit Dance
#7736d9 RGB(119, 54, 217)Hokkaido Lavender
#9a3843 RGB(154, 56, 67)High Drama
#cc0077 RGB(204, 0, 119)Bottom of my Heart
#000200 RGB(0, 2, 0)Registration Black
#005239 RGB(0, 82, 57)Trapper Green
#4c3f5d RGB(76, 63, 93)Powerful Mauve
#674550 RGB(103, 69, 80)Plum Wine
#a0a5a5 RGB(160, 165, 165)Castlegate
#c4b198 RGB(196, 177, 152)Tender Taupe
#c2ac9b RGB(194, 172, 155)Fall Mood
#a5d8cd RGB(165, 216, 205)Whirlpool
#f0e7a9 RGB(240, 231, 169)Pineapple Delight
#e9d6b1 RGB(233, 214, 177)Duck Tail
#e7ceb6 RGB(231, 206, 182)Venetian Mask
#cacfd3 RGB(202, 207, 211)Callisto
#fabba9 RGB(250, 187, 169)Yahoo
#cfdfdd RGB(207, 223, 221)Water Baptism
#ececda RGB(236, 236, 218)Whispering Rain
#f3e9d6 RGB(243, 233, 214)Ceylon Cream
#f7f0e1 RGB(247, 240, 225)Lemon Sponge Cake

圖像調色板 Red Wrath of Zeus, Highland Ridge, Dusted Clay, Goldie, Salmon Nigiri, Mandarin Sorbet, Citrus Peel, Zephyr Green, Ocean Call, Spi PNG