創建於 01/04/2024 20:59

Concord, Carriage Door, Secluded Green, Yardbird, Almond Toast, Congo Pink, Banana Brick, Shindig, Raspberry Whip, Anime Blush, Ma

Carriage Door
Secluded Green
Almond Toast
Congo Pink
Banana Brick
Raspberry Whip
Anime Blush
Makore Veneer Red
Pine Cone
Mystical Shade
Sonoma Sage
Misty Moss
Winsome Rose
Calming Effect
Taffy Twist
Almost Aloe
At The Beach
Pale Spring Bud
Ancient Stone
Frozen Grass
Cream Clear
Peony Prize
登入 將調色板保存在集合中
調色盤由 光, 半暗 種顏色組成. 強調色 Shindig #00a990 和 Anime Blush #ff7a83. 調色盤有 中性的, 溫暖的, 涼爽的 色溫.
調色盤 Concord, Carriage Door, Secluded Green, Yardbird, Almond Toast, Congo Pink, Banana Brick, Shindig, Raspberry Whip, Anime Blush, Ma 具有 28 程式碼顏色的組合:
十六進位: #827f79, RGB: (130, 127, 121); 十六進位: #958d79, RGB: (149, 141, 121); 十六進位: #6f6d56, RGB: (111, 109, 86)
十六進位: #9e826a, RGB: (158, 130, 106); 十六進位: #bf9e77, RGB: (191, 158, 119); 十六進位: #f98379, RGB: (249, 131, 121)
十六進位: #e8d82c, RGB: (232, 216, 44); 十六進位: #00a990, RGB: (0, 169, 144); 十六進位: #b3737f, RGB: (179, 115, 127)
十六進位: #ff7a83, RGB: (255, 122, 131); 十六進位: #6e2f2c, RGB: (110, 47, 44); 十六進位: #645345, RGB: (100, 83, 69)
十六進位: #4c5364, RGB: (76, 83, 100); 十六進位: #90a58a, RGB: (144, 165, 138); 十六進位: #bbb477, RGB: (187, 180, 119)
十六進位: #a0af9d, RGB: (160, 175, 157); 十六進位: #c28ba1, RGB: (194, 139, 161); 十六進位: #cfd3a2, RGB: (207, 211, 162)
十六進位: #aad0ba, RGB: (170, 208, 186); 十六進位: #bdbfc8, RGB: (189, 191, 200); 十六進位: #bfe5b1, RGB: (191, 229, 177)
十六進位: #e7d9b9, RGB: (231, 217, 185); 十六進位: #ecebbd, RGB: (236, 235, 189); 十六進位: #eff0c0, RGB: (239, 240, 192)
十六進位: #ded8d4, RGB: (222, 216, 212); 十六進位: #deeadc, RGB: (222, 234, 220); 十六進位: #f1f3da, RGB: (241, 243, 218)
十六進位: #faddd4, RGB: (250, 221, 212)
色調 灰色的, 陰影 灰色的, 陰影 dimgrey, 陰影 灰色的, 色調 tan, 陰影 salmon, 色調 gold, 色調 lightseagreen, 色調 palevioletred, 陰影 lightcoral, 陰影 栗色, 色調 dimgrey, 色調 dimgrey, 色調 darkseagreen, 色調 darkkhaki, 色調 darkseagreen, 陰影 rosybrown, 色調 palegoldenrod, 陰影 darkseagreen, 色調 銀, 陰影 lightgreen, 色調 wheat, 色調 lightgoldenrodyellow, 色調 lightgoldenrodyellow, 色調 gainsboro, 色調 honeydew, 色調 beige, 色調 mistyrose
配色方案是由 palettespicker


Concord, Carriage Door, Secluded Green, Yardbird, Almond Toast, Congo Pink, Banana Brick, Shindig, Raspberry Whip, Anime Blush, Ma 表中顏色代碼 HEX、RGB 訊息

顏色 十六進位 RGB 姓名 備用名稱
#827f79 RGB(130, 127, 121)Concord
#958d79 RGB(149, 141, 121)Carriage Door
#6f6d56 RGB(111, 109, 86)Secluded Green
#9e826a RGB(158, 130, 106)Yardbird
#bf9e77 RGB(191, 158, 119)Almond Toast
#f98379 RGB(249, 131, 121)Congo Pink
#e8d82c RGB(232, 216, 44)Banana Brick
#00a990 RGB(0, 169, 144)Shindig
#b3737f RGB(179, 115, 127)Raspberry Whip
#ff7a83 RGB(255, 122, 131)Anime Blush
#6e2f2c RGB(110, 47, 44)Makore Veneer Red
#645345 RGB(100, 83, 69)Pine Cone
#4c5364 RGB(76, 83, 100)Mystical Shade
#90a58a RGB(144, 165, 138)Sonoma Sage
#bbb477 RGB(187, 180, 119)Misty Moss
#a0af9d RGB(160, 175, 157)Drizzle
#c28ba1 RGB(194, 139, 161)Winsome Rose
#cfd3a2 RGB(207, 211, 162)Calming Effect
#aad0ba RGB(170, 208, 186)Taffy Twist
#bdbfc8 RGB(189, 191, 200)Anon
#bfe5b1 RGB(191, 229, 177)Almost Aloe
#e7d9b9 RGB(231, 217, 185)At The Beach
#ecebbd RGB(236, 235, 189)Pale Spring Bud
#eff0c0 RGB(239, 240, 192)Missed
#ded8d4 RGB(222, 216, 212)Ancient Stone
#deeadc RGB(222, 234, 220)Frozen Grass
#f1f3da RGB(241, 243, 218)Cream Clear
#faddd4 RGB(250, 221, 212)Peony Prize


214 色彩搭配對比度過低,需要改善,這可能會影響可讀性。
文字顏色 背景顏色 對比

圖像調色板 Concord, Carriage Door, Secluded Green, Yardbird, Almond Toast, Congo Pink, Banana Brick, Shindig, Raspberry Whip, Anime Blush, Ma PNG

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