創建於 01/31/2024 09:51

Secret Journal, Hat Box Brown, Taffeta Sheen, Electric Pink, Laurel Green, Steamy Spring, Almond Milk, Wind of Change palette

Secret Journal
Hat Box Brown
Taffeta Sheen
Electric Pink
Laurel Green
Steamy Spring
Almond Milk
Wind of Change
調色盤由 光 種顏色組成. 強調色 Secret Journal 和 Hat Box Brown. 調色盤有 溫暖的, 中性的, 涼爽的 色溫.
調色盤 Secret Journal, Hat Box Brown, Taffeta Sheen, Electric Pink, Laurel Green, Steamy Spring, Almond Milk, Wind of Change palette 具有 8 程式碼顏色的組合:
十六進位: #7c6055, RGB: (124, 96, 85); 十六進位: #8f775d, RGB: (143, 119, 93); 十六進位: #81825f, RGB: (129, 130, 95)
十六進位: #ff0490, RGB: (255, 4, 144); 十六進位: #a9ba9d, RGB: (169, 186, 157); 十六進位: #b1cfc7, RGB: (177, 207, 199)
十六進位: #d6cebe, RGB: (214, 206, 190); 十六進位: #c8deea, RGB: (200, 222, 234)
色調 dimgrey, 色調 灰色的, 陰影 darkolivegreen, 色調 deeppink, 陰影 darkseagreen, 色調 powderblue, 色調 lightgrey, 陰影 lightblue
配色方案是由 colorslib


Secret Journal, Hat Box Brown, Taffeta Sheen, Electric Pink, Laurel Green, Steamy Spring, Almond Milk, Wind of Change palette 表中顏色代碼 HEX、RGB 訊息

顏色 十六進位 RGB 姓名 備用名稱
#7c6055 RGB(124, 96, 85)Secret Journal
#8f775d RGB(143, 119, 93)Hat Box Brown
#81825f RGB(129, 130, 95)Taffeta Sheen
#ff0490 RGB(255, 4, 144)Electric PinkElectric pink
#a9ba9d RGB(169, 186, 157)Laurel Green
#b1cfc7 RGB(177, 207, 199)Steamy Spring
#d6cebe RGB(214, 206, 190)Almond Milk
#c8deea RGB(200, 222, 234)Wind of Change

圖像調色板 Secret Journal, Hat Box Brown, Taffeta Sheen, Electric Pink, Laurel Green, Steamy Spring, Almond Milk, Wind of Change palette PNG