創建於 03/07/2024 10:12
Toreador, Piccadilly Purple, Clairvoyant, Midnight in the Tropics, Hush Puppy, Minimum Beige palette
Piccadilly Purple
Midnight in the Tropics
Hush Puppy
Minimum Beige
調色盤由 光, 半暗, 黑暗的 種顏色組成. 強調色 Toreador 和 Piccadilly Purple. 調色盤有 溫暖的, 涼爽的 色溫.
調色盤 Toreador, Piccadilly Purple, Clairvoyant, Midnight in the Tropics, Hush Puppy, Minimum Beige palette 具有 6 程式碼顏色的組合:
十六進位: #b61032, RGB: (182, 16, 50); 十六進位: #51588e, RGB: (81, 88, 142); 十六進位: #480656, RGB: (72, 6, 86)
十六進位: #435964, RGB: (67, 89, 100); 十六進位: #e4b095, RGB: (228, 176, 149); 十六進位: #e8d3ba, RGB: (232, 211, 186)
色調 brown, 陰影 darkslateblue, 色調 indigo, 陰影 darkslategrey, 陰影 darksalmon, 色調 bisque
配色方案是由 colorscheme
Toreador, Piccadilly Purple, Clairvoyant, Midnight in the Tropics, Hush Puppy, Minimum Beige palette 表中顏色代碼 HEX、RGB 訊息