創建於 04/28/2024 09:21

Kimberlite, Cotton Cardigan, Gold Plate, Candle in the Wind, Wedding Dress palette

Cotton Cardigan
Gold Plate
Candle in the Wind
Wedding Dress
調色盤由 光 種顏色組成. 強調色 Kimberlite 和 Cotton Cardigan. 調色盤有 涼爽的, 溫暖的, 中性的 色溫.
調色盤 Kimberlite, Cotton Cardigan, Gold Plate, Candle in the Wind, Wedding Dress palette 具有 5 程式碼顏色的組合:
十六進位: #696fa5, RGB: (105, 111, 165); 十六進位: #7596b8, RGB: (117, 150, 184); 十六進位: #e6bd8f, RGB: (230, 189, 143)
十六進位: #f9ebbf, RGB: (249, 235, 191); 十六進位: #fefee7, RGB: (254, 254, 231)
陰影 slateblue, 色調 cornflowerblue, 陰影 burlywood, 陰影 moccasin, 陰影 beige
配色方案是由 colorscheme


Kimberlite, Cotton Cardigan, Gold Plate, Candle in the Wind, Wedding Dress palette 表中顏色代碼 HEX、RGB 訊息

顏色 十六進位 RGB 姓名 備用名稱
#696fa5 RGB(105, 111, 165)Kimberlite
#7596b8 RGB(117, 150, 184)Cotton Cardigan
#e6bd8f RGB(230, 189, 143)Gold Plate
#f9ebbf RGB(249, 235, 191)Candle in the Wind
#fefee7 RGB(254, 254, 231)Wedding Dress

圖像調色板 Kimberlite, Cotton Cardigan, Gold Plate, Candle in the Wind, Wedding Dress palette PNG