創建於 05/29/2024 06:15
經過  hex

Red City of Morocco, Fossil Green, Steamed Salmon, Yanagizome Green, Bilious Green, Rhythm & Blues, Fine Wine, Bashful Rose palett

Red City of Morocco
Fossil Green
Steamed Salmon
Yanagizome Green
Bilious Green
Rhythm & Blues
Fine Wine
Bashful Rose
Pink Clay Pot
調色盤由 光, 半暗 種顏色組成. 強調色 Red City of Morocco 和 Fossil Green. 調色盤有 溫暖的, 涼爽的 色溫.
調色盤 Red City of Morocco, Fossil Green, Steamed Salmon, Yanagizome Green, Bilious Green, Rhythm & Blues, Fine Wine, Bashful Rose palett 具有 10 程式碼顏色的組合:
十六進位: #c10c27, RGB: (193, 12, 39); 十六進位: #6c6a43, RGB: (108, 106, 67); 十六進位: #ee8888, RGB: (238, 136, 136)
十六進位: #8c9e5e, RGB: (140, 158, 94); 十六進位: #a9d171, RGB: (169, 209, 113); 十六進位: #70767b, RGB: (112, 118, 123)
十六進位: #744e5b, RGB: (116, 78, 91); 十六進位: #b88686, RGB: (184, 134, 134); 十六進位: #d99294, RGB: (217, 146, 148)
十六進位: #ffc0c6, RGB: (255, 192, 198)
色調 firebrick, 陰影 darkolivegreen, 陰影 lightcoral, 陰影 olivedrab, 陰影 黃綠色, 陰影 dimgrey, 色調 dimgrey, 色調 rosybrown, 陰影 rosybrown, 色調 粉紅色的
配色方案是由 hex


Red City of Morocco, Fossil Green, Steamed Salmon, Yanagizome Green, Bilious Green, Rhythm & Blues, Fine Wine, Bashful Rose palett 表中顏色代碼 HEX、RGB 訊息

顏色 十六進位 RGB 姓名 備用名稱
#c10c27 RGB(193, 12, 39)Red City of Morocco
#6c6a43 RGB(108, 106, 67)Fossil Green
#ee8888 RGB(238, 136, 136)Steamed Salmon
#8c9e5e RGB(140, 158, 94)Yanagizome Green
#a9d171 RGB(169, 209, 113)Bilious Green
#70767b RGB(112, 118, 123)Rhythm & Blues
#744e5b RGB(116, 78, 91)Fine Wine
#b88686 RGB(184, 134, 134)Bashful Rose
#d99294 RGB(217, 146, 148)Pink Clay Pot
#ffc0c6 RGB(255, 192, 198)Piglet

圖像調色板 Red City of Morocco, Fossil Green, Steamed Salmon, Yanagizome Green, Bilious Green, Rhythm & Blues, Fine Wine, Bashful Rose palett PNG