創建於 06/10/2024 06:01
經過  colorslib

Vermin Brown, Kings of Sea, Blue Sparkle, Boysenberry, Godzilla, Cypress Bark Red, Fish Pond, Insightful Rose palette

Vermin Brown
Kings of Sea
Blue Sparkle
Cypress Bark Red
Fish Pond
Insightful Rose
Finishing Touch
Sun Glint
調色盤由 光 種顏色組成. 強調色 Vermin Brown 和 Kings of Sea. 調色盤有 溫暖的, 涼爽的, 中性的 色溫.
調色盤 Vermin Brown, Kings of Sea, Blue Sparkle, Boysenberry, Godzilla, Cypress Bark Red, Fish Pond, Insightful Rose palette 具有 10 程式碼顏色的組合:
十六進位: #8f7303, RGB: (143, 115, 3); 十六進位: #2d8297, RGB: (45, 130, 151); 十六進位: #0077ff, RGB: (0, 119, 255)
十六進位: #873260, RGB: (135, 50, 96); 十六進位: #3c4d03, RGB: (60, 77, 3); 十六進位: #6f3028, RGB: (111, 48, 40)
十六進位: #86c8ed, RGB: (134, 200, 237); 十六進位: #c9b0ab, RGB: (201, 176, 171); 十六進位: #cbbfb3, RGB: (203, 191, 179)
十六進位: #faf3d9, RGB: (250, 243, 217)
色調 橄欖, 陰影 青色, 色調 royalblue, 陰影 紫色的, 色調 darkolivegreen, 陰影 栗色, 色調 lightskyblue, 陰影 rosybrown, 陰影 銀, 色調 cornsilk
配色方案是由 colorslib


Vermin Brown, Kings of Sea, Blue Sparkle, Boysenberry, Godzilla, Cypress Bark Red, Fish Pond, Insightful Rose palette 表中顏色代碼 HEX、RGB 訊息

顏色 十六進位 RGB 姓名 備用名稱
#8f7303 RGB(143, 115, 3)Vermin BrownPoo
#2d8297 RGB(45, 130, 151)Kings of Sea
#0077ff RGB(0, 119, 255)Blue Sparkle
#873260 RGB(135, 50, 96)Boysenberry
#3c4d03 RGB(60, 77, 3)GodzillaDark olive green
#6f3028 RGB(111, 48, 40)Cypress Bark Red
#86c8ed RGB(134, 200, 237)Fish Pond
#c9b0ab RGB(201, 176, 171)Insightful Rose
#cbbfb3 RGB(203, 191, 179)Finishing Touch
#faf3d9 RGB(250, 243, 217)Sun Glint

圖像調色板 Vermin Brown, Kings of Sea, Blue Sparkle, Boysenberry, Godzilla, Cypress Bark Red, Fish Pond, Insightful Rose palette PNG