創建於 06/27/2024 09:15

Irrigation, J's Big Heart, Muskelmannbraun, Canyon Wall, Young Green Onion, Ruins of Metal, Hospital Green palette

J's Big Heart
Canyon Wall
Young Green Onion
Ruins of Metal
Hospital Green
Merlin's Beard
調色盤由 光, 半暗 種顏色組成. 強調色 Irrigation 和 J's Big Heart. 調色盤有 溫暖的, 中性的, 涼爽的 色溫.
調色盤 Irrigation, J's Big Heart, Muskelmannbraun, Canyon Wall, Young Green Onion, Ruins of Metal, Hospital Green palette 具有 9 程式碼顏色的組合:
十六進位: #786c57, RGB: (120, 108, 87); 十六進位: #a06856, RGB: (160, 104, 86); 十六進位: #a57545, RGB: (165, 117, 69)
十六進位: #a14935, RGB: (161, 73, 53); 十六進位: #aacf53, RGB: (170, 207, 83); 十六進位: #9b8b84, RGB: (155, 139, 132)
十六進位: #9be5aa, RGB: (155, 229, 170); 十六進位: #d4d3c9, RGB: (212, 211, 201); 十六進位: #efe2d9, RGB: (239, 226, 217)
陰影 dimgrey, 陰影 sienna, 色調 peru, 色調 sienna, 陰影 黃綠色, 陰影 灰色的, 陰影 lightgreen, 色調 lightgrey, 色調 linen
配色方案是由 hex


Irrigation, J's Big Heart, Muskelmannbraun, Canyon Wall, Young Green Onion, Ruins of Metal, Hospital Green palette 表中顏色代碼 HEX、RGB 訊息

顏色 十六進位 RGB 姓名 備用名稱
#786c57 RGB(120, 108, 87)Irrigation
#a06856 RGB(160, 104, 86)J's Big Heart
#a57545 RGB(165, 117, 69)Muskelmannbraun
#a14935 RGB(161, 73, 53)Canyon Wall
#aacf53 RGB(170, 207, 83)Young Green Onion
#9b8b84 RGB(155, 139, 132)Ruins of Metal
#9be5aa RGB(155, 229, 170)Hospital GreenHospital green
#d4d3c9 RGB(212, 211, 201)Eon
#efe2d9 RGB(239, 226, 217)Merlin's Beard

圖像調色板 Irrigation, J's Big Heart, Muskelmannbraun, Canyon Wall, Young Green Onion, Ruins of Metal, Hospital Green palette PNG