創建於 07/10/2024 10:29

Dazzle and Delight, French Fry, Marine Teal, Sunshone Plum, Auberge, Aqua Smoke, Coastal Fringe palette

Dazzle and Delight
French Fry
Marine Teal
Sunshone Plum
Aqua Smoke
Coastal Fringe
Blonde Lace
Garbanzo Bean
調色盤由 光 種顏色組成. 強調色 Dazzle and Delight 和 French Fry. 調色盤有 溫暖的, 涼爽的, 中性的 色溫.
調色盤 Dazzle and Delight, French Fry, Marine Teal, Sunshone Plum, Auberge, Aqua Smoke, Coastal Fringe palette 具有 9 程式碼顏色的組合:
十六進位: #d99b7b, RGB: (217, 155, 123); 十六進位: #ebc263, RGB: (235, 194, 99); 十六進位: #008384, RGB: (0, 131, 132)
十六進位: #886688, RGB: (136, 102, 136); 十六進位: #3f3130, RGB: (63, 49, 48); 十六進位: #8c9fa0, RGB: (140, 159, 160)
十六進位: #80b9c0, RGB: (128, 185, 192); 十六進位: #d6b194, RGB: (214, 177, 148); 十六進位: #f1d5a5, RGB: (241, 213, 165)
色調 darksalmon, 陰影 goldenrod, 陰影 青色, 色調 mediumorchid, 陰影 黑色的, 色調 darkgrey, 色調 skyblue, 陰影 tan, 色調 wheat
配色方案是由 coolor


Dazzle and Delight, French Fry, Marine Teal, Sunshone Plum, Auberge, Aqua Smoke, Coastal Fringe palette 表中顏色代碼 HEX、RGB 訊息

顏色 十六進位 RGB 姓名 備用名稱
#d99b7b RGB(217, 155, 123)Dazzle and Delight
#ebc263 RGB(235, 194, 99)French Fry
#008384 RGB(0, 131, 132)Marine Teal
#886688 RGB(136, 102, 136)Sunshone Plum
#3f3130 RGB(63, 49, 48)Auberge
#8c9fa0 RGB(140, 159, 160)Aqua Smoke
#80b9c0 RGB(128, 185, 192)Coastal Fringe
#d6b194 RGB(214, 177, 148)Blonde Lace
#f1d5a5 RGB(241, 213, 165)Garbanzo Bean

圖像調色板 Dazzle and Delight, French Fry, Marine Teal, Sunshone Plum, Auberge, Aqua Smoke, Coastal Fringe palette PNG