創建於 07/13/2024 10:12
Red Wine, Honey Yellow, Tartrazine, Spearfish, Medium Jungle Green palette
Red Wine
Honey Yellow
Medium Jungle Green
Link to the Past
調色盤由 黑暗的, 光 種顏色組成. 強調色 Red Wine 和 Honey Yellow. 調色盤有 溫暖的, 涼爽的 色溫.
調色盤 Red Wine, Honey Yellow, Tartrazine, Spearfish, Medium Jungle Green palette 具有 7 程式碼顏色的組合:
十六進位: #8c0034, RGB: (140, 0, 52); 十六進位: #ca9456, RGB: (202, 148, 86); 十六進位: #f7d917, RGB: (247, 217, 23)
十六進位: #5fb6bf, RGB: (95, 182, 191); 十六進位: #1c352d, RGB: (28, 53, 45); 十六進位: #d2b48c, RGB: (210, 180, 140)
十六進位: #afebde, RGB: (175, 235, 222)
色調 brown, 陰影 peru, 陰影 gold, 陰影 cadetblue, 色調 darkslategrey, tan, 色調 paleturquoise
配色方案是由 coolor
Red Wine, Honey Yellow, Tartrazine, Spearfish, Medium Jungle Green palette 表中顏色代碼 HEX、RGB 訊息