創建於 07/21/2024 08:32

Sandalwood Tan, Stillwater, Caribbean Splash, Striking Red, Raspberry Leaf Green, Vibrant Hue, Beauty Bush palette

Sandalwood Tan
Caribbean Splash
Striking Red
Raspberry Leaf Green
Vibrant Hue
Beauty Bush
Smell of Garlic
Bannister White
調色盤由 光, 半暗 種顏色組成. 強調色 Sandalwood Tan 和 Stillwater. 調色盤有 溫暖的, 涼爽的, 中性的 色溫.
調色盤 Sandalwood Tan, Stillwater, Caribbean Splash, Striking Red, Raspberry Leaf Green, Vibrant Hue, Beauty Bush palette 具有 9 程式碼顏色的組合:
十六進位: #907f68, RGB: (144, 127, 104); 十六進位: #70a4b0, RGB: (112, 164, 176); 十六進位: #00697c, RGB: (0, 105, 124)
十六進位: #c03543, RGB: (192, 53, 67); 十六進位: #044f3b, RGB: (4, 79, 59); 十六進位: #544563, RGB: (84, 69, 99)
十六進位: #ebb9b3, RGB: (235, 185, 179); 十六進位: #d9ddcb, RGB: (217, 221, 203); 十六進位: #e1e0d6, RGB: (225, 224, 214)
陰影 灰色的, 陰影 cadetblue, 色調 青色, 陰影 crimson, 色調 darkslategrey, 陰影 darkslateblue, 色調 粉紅色的, 色調 beige, 陰影 gainsboro
配色方案是由 palettespicker


Sandalwood Tan, Stillwater, Caribbean Splash, Striking Red, Raspberry Leaf Green, Vibrant Hue, Beauty Bush palette 表中顏色代碼 HEX、RGB 訊息

顏色 十六進位 RGB 姓名 備用名稱
#907f68 RGB(144, 127, 104)Sandalwood Tan
#70a4b0 RGB(112, 164, 176)Stillwater
#00697c RGB(0, 105, 124)Caribbean Splash
#c03543 RGB(192, 53, 67)Striking Red
#044f3b RGB(4, 79, 59)Raspberry Leaf Green
#544563 RGB(84, 69, 99)Vibrant Hue
#ebb9b3 RGB(235, 185, 179)Beauty Bush
#d9ddcb RGB(217, 221, 203)Smell of Garlic
#e1e0d6 RGB(225, 224, 214)Bannister White

圖像調色板 Sandalwood Tan, Stillwater, Caribbean Splash, Striking Red, Raspberry Leaf Green, Vibrant Hue, Beauty Bush palette PNG