創建於 07/21/2024 18:34

Country Dweller, Dune Drift, Crushed Cinnamon, Lion of Menecrates, Purple Balloon, Hong Kong Mist palette

Country Dweller
Dune Drift
Crushed Cinnamon
Lion of Menecrates
Purple Balloon
Hong Kong Mist
Iqaluit Ice
調色盤由 光, 半暗 種顏色組成. 強調色 Country Dweller 和 Dune Drift. 調色盤有 溫暖的, 涼爽的, 中性的 色溫.
調色盤 Country Dweller, Dune Drift, Crushed Cinnamon, Lion of Menecrates, Purple Balloon, Hong Kong Mist palette 具有 8 程式碼顏色的組合:
十六進位: #b0967c, RGB: (176, 150, 124); 十六進位: #b88d70, RGB: (184, 141, 112); 十六進位: #b7735e, RGB: (183, 115, 94)
十六進位: #eeaa66, RGB: (238, 170, 102); 十六進位: #625b87, RGB: (98, 91, 135); 十六進位: #948e90, RGB: (148, 142, 144)
十六進位: #88c7e9, RGB: (136, 199, 233); 十六進位: #93cfe3, RGB: (147, 207, 227)
色調 tan, 陰影 peru, 陰影 indianred, 陰影 sandybrown, 陰影 darkslateblue, 陰影 灰色的, 色調 lightskyblue, 陰影 skyblue
配色方案是由 colourlock


Country Dweller, Dune Drift, Crushed Cinnamon, Lion of Menecrates, Purple Balloon, Hong Kong Mist palette 表中顏色代碼 HEX、RGB 訊息

顏色 十六進位 RGB 姓名 備用名稱
#b0967c RGB(176, 150, 124)Country Dweller
#b88d70 RGB(184, 141, 112)Dune Drift
#b7735e RGB(183, 115, 94)Crushed Cinnamon
#eeaa66 RGB(238, 170, 102)Lion of Menecrates
#625b87 RGB(98, 91, 135)Purple Balloon
#948e90 RGB(148, 142, 144)Hong Kong Mist
#88c7e9 RGB(136, 199, 233)Shimmer
#93cfe3 RGB(147, 207, 227)Iqaluit Ice

圖像調色板 Country Dweller, Dune Drift, Crushed Cinnamon, Lion of Menecrates, Purple Balloon, Hong Kong Mist palette PNG