創建於 08/22/2024 15:33

California Poppy, Oakwood Brown, Mandalay Road, Sweet Lemon Seed, Horizon Blue, Frenzied Red, Zinfandel Red, Paving Stones palette

California Poppy
Oakwood Brown
Mandalay Road
Sweet Lemon Seed
Horizon Blue
Frenzied Red
Zinfandel Red
Paving Stones
A Smell of Bakery
調色盤由 半暗, 光 種顏色組成. 強調色 California Poppy 和 Oakwood Brown. 調色盤有 溫暖的, 涼爽的, 中性的 色溫.
調色盤 California Poppy, Oakwood Brown, Mandalay Road, Sweet Lemon Seed, Horizon Blue, Frenzied Red, Zinfandel Red, Paving Stones palette 具有 10 程式碼顏色的組合:
十六進位: #a83c3f, RGB: (168, 60, 63); 十六進位: #8f716e, RGB: (143, 113, 110); 十六進位: #a05f45, RGB: (160, 95, 69)
十六進位: #fff45a, RGB: (255, 244, 90); 十六進位: #289dbe, RGB: (40, 157, 190); 十六進位: #814a5c, RGB: (129, 74, 92)
十六進位: #5a3844, RGB: (90, 56, 68); 十六進位: #cbccc4, RGB: (203, 204, 196); 十六進位: #eebbff, RGB: (238, 187, 255)
十六進位: #f3e9d9, RGB: (243, 233, 217)
陰影 brown, 色調 灰色的, 陰影 sienna, 陰影 黃色的, 色調 cadetblue, 陰影 mediumvioletred, 陰影 紫色的, 色調 lightgrey, 陰影 plum, 色調 antiquewhite
配色方案是由 bad_colors


California Poppy, Oakwood Brown, Mandalay Road, Sweet Lemon Seed, Horizon Blue, Frenzied Red, Zinfandel Red, Paving Stones palette 表中顏色代碼 HEX、RGB 訊息

顏色 十六進位 RGB 姓名 備用名稱
#a83c3f RGB(168, 60, 63)California Poppy
#8f716e RGB(143, 113, 110)Oakwood Brown
#a05f45 RGB(160, 95, 69)Mandalay Road
#fff45a RGB(255, 244, 90)Sweet Lemon Seed
#289dbe RGB(40, 157, 190)Horizon Blue
#814a5c RGB(129, 74, 92)Frenzied Red
#5a3844 RGB(90, 56, 68)Zinfandel Red
#cbccc4 RGB(203, 204, 196)Paving Stones
#eebbff RGB(238, 187, 255)Euphoria
#f3e9d9 RGB(243, 233, 217)A Smell of Bakery

圖像調色板 California Poppy, Oakwood Brown, Mandalay Road, Sweet Lemon Seed, Horizon Blue, Frenzied Red, Zinfandel Red, Paving Stones palette PNG