創建於 08/26/2024 13:30

Imperial Dynasty, Cape Cod Bay, International, X Marks the Spot, Deep Pine, Bora Bora Shore palette

Imperial Dynasty
Cape Cod Bay
X Marks the Spot
Deep Pine
Bora Bora Shore
Hawkes Blue
Smell of Lavender
調色盤由 光, 半暗 種顏色組成. 強調色 Imperial Dynasty 和 Cape Cod Bay. 調色盤有 涼爽的, 溫暖的, 中性的 色溫.
調色盤 Imperial Dynasty, Cape Cod Bay, International, X Marks the Spot, Deep Pine, Bora Bora Shore palette 具有 8 程式碼顏色的組合:
十六進位: #33746b, RGB: (51, 116, 107); 十六進位: #557080, RGB: (85, 112, 128); 十六進位: #3762a5, RGB: (55, 98, 165)
十六進位: #e6474a, RGB: (230, 71, 74); 十六進位: #557138, RGB: (85, 113, 56); 十六進位: #92d0d0, RGB: (146, 208, 208)
十六進位: #d2daed, RGB: (210, 218, 237); 十六進位: #dce0ea, RGB: (220, 224, 234)
陰影 青色, 色調 slategrey, 色調 royalblue, 色調 indianred, 陰影 darkolivegreen, 色調 powderblue, 色調 lavender, 陰影 gainsboro
配色方案是由 bad_colors


Imperial Dynasty, Cape Cod Bay, International, X Marks the Spot, Deep Pine, Bora Bora Shore palette 表中顏色代碼 HEX、RGB 訊息

顏色 十六進位 RGB 姓名 備用名稱
#33746b RGB(51, 116, 107)Imperial Dynasty
#557080 RGB(85, 112, 128)Cape Cod Bay
#3762a5 RGB(55, 98, 165)International
#e6474a RGB(230, 71, 74)X Marks the Spot
#557138 RGB(85, 113, 56)Deep Pine
#92d0d0 RGB(146, 208, 208)Bora Bora Shore
#d2daed RGB(210, 218, 237)Hawkes Blue
#dce0ea RGB(220, 224, 234)Smell of Lavender

圖像調色板 Imperial Dynasty, Cape Cod Bay, International, X Marks the Spot, Deep Pine, Bora Bora Shore palette PNG