創建於 09/09/2024 11:30
Dhalsim's Yoga Flame, Leprechaun Green, Gray Agate, Candle in the Wind palette
Dhalsim's Yoga Flame
Leprechaun Green
Gray Agate
Candle in the Wind
Sachet Cushion
調色盤由 光 種顏色組成. 強調色 Dhalsim's Yoga Flame 和 Leprechaun Green. 調色盤有 溫暖的, 涼爽的, 中性的 色溫.
調色盤 Dhalsim's Yoga Flame, Leprechaun Green, Gray Agate, Candle in the Wind palette 具有 6 程式碼顏色的組合:
十六進位: #fae432, RGB: (250, 228, 50); 十六進位: #395549, RGB: (57, 85, 73); 十六進位: #a8b1c0, RGB: (168, 177, 192)
十六進位: #f9ebbf, RGB: (249, 235, 191); 十六進位: #eedcd1, RGB: (238, 220, 209); 十六進位: #d4d8ed, RGB: (212, 216, 237)
陰影 gold, 陰影 darkslategrey, 色調 lightsteelblue, 陰影 moccasin, 色調 linen, 色調 lavender
配色方案是由 palettespicker
Dhalsim's Yoga Flame, Leprechaun Green, Gray Agate, Candle in the Wind palette 表中顏色代碼 HEX、RGB 訊息