創建於 09/26/2024 07:57

Terra Cotta Sun, Manticore Wing, Drop Green, Lunar Basalt, Marine Grey, Macaroni and Cheese, Rose Sorbet, Fine Porcelain palette

Terra Cotta Sun
Manticore Wing
Drop Green
Lunar Basalt
Marine Grey
Macaroni and Cheese
Rose Sorbet
Fine Porcelain
Winter Mist
Errigal White
調色盤由 光 種顏色組成. 強調色 Terra Cotta Sun 和 Manticore Wing. 調色盤有 溫暖的, 中性的 色溫.
調色盤 Terra Cotta Sun, Manticore Wing, Drop Green, Lunar Basalt, Marine Grey, Macaroni and Cheese, Rose Sorbet, Fine Porcelain palette 具有 10 程式碼顏色的組合:
十六進位: #9c675f, RGB: (156, 103, 95); 十六進位: #dd7711, RGB: (221, 119, 17); 十六進位: #69bd5a, RGB: (105, 189, 90)
十六進位: #686b67, RGB: (104, 107, 103); 十六進位: #a5b2aa, RGB: (165, 178, 170); 十六進位: #ffb97b, RGB: (255, 185, 123)
十六進位: #fbd3cd, RGB: (251, 211, 205); 十六進位: #faf0e1, RGB: (250, 240, 225); 十六進位: #e7fbec, RGB: (231, 251, 236)
十六進位: #f2f2f4, RGB: (242, 242, 244)
色調 indianred, 陰影 chocolate, 陰影 limegreen, 陰影 dimgrey, 陰影 darkgrey, 陰影 sandybrown, 色調 mistyrose, 色調 oldlace, 色調 honeydew, 色調 whitesmoke
配色方案是由 colourlock


Terra Cotta Sun, Manticore Wing, Drop Green, Lunar Basalt, Marine Grey, Macaroni and Cheese, Rose Sorbet, Fine Porcelain palette 表中顏色代碼 HEX、RGB 訊息

顏色 十六進位 RGB 姓名 備用名稱
#9c675f RGB(156, 103, 95)Terra Cotta Sun
#dd7711 RGB(221, 119, 17)Manticore Wing
#69bd5a RGB(105, 189, 90)Drop Green
#686b67 RGB(104, 107, 103)Lunar Basalt
#a5b2aa RGB(165, 178, 170)Marine Grey
#ffb97b RGB(255, 185, 123)Macaroni and Cheese
#fbd3cd RGB(251, 211, 205)Rose Sorbet
#faf0e1 RGB(250, 240, 225)Fine Porcelain
#e7fbec RGB(231, 251, 236)Winter Mist
#f2f2f4 RGB(242, 242, 244)Errigal White

圖像調色板 Terra Cotta Sun, Manticore Wing, Drop Green, Lunar Basalt, Marine Grey, Macaroni and Cheese, Rose Sorbet, Fine Porcelain palette PNG