創建於 09/29/2024 18:26

Chocolate Fondue, Hardware, Birdseye, Autumn Fest, Autumn Yellow, Fluorescent Green, Beach Towel palette

Chocolate Fondue
Autumn Fest
Autumn Yellow
Fluorescent Green
Beach Towel
Pearls and Lace
Stonewashed Pink
調色盤由 光 種顏色組成. 強調色 Chocolate Fondue 和 Hardware. 調色盤有 溫暖的, 中性的 色溫.
調色盤 Chocolate Fondue, Hardware, Birdseye, Autumn Fest, Autumn Yellow, Fluorescent Green, Beach Towel palette 具有 9 程式碼顏色的組合:
十六進位: #9a3001, RGB: (154, 48, 1); 十六進位: #8b8372, RGB: (139, 131, 114); 十六進位: #ab823d, RGB: (171, 130, 61)
十六進位: #be7d33, RGB: (190, 125, 51); 十六進位: #e99700, RGB: (233, 151, 0); 十六進位: #08ff08, RGB: (8, 255, 8)
十六進位: #fce3b3, RGB: (252, 227, 179); 十六進位: #eee7dc, RGB: (238, 231, 220); 十六進位: #f4eee4, RGB: (244, 238, 228)
色調 saddlebrown, 陰影 灰色的, 色調 darkgoldenrod, 色調 peru, 色調 橘子, 陰影 萊姆, 色調 moccasin, 色調 linen, 色調 oldlace
配色方案是由 palettespicker


Chocolate Fondue, Hardware, Birdseye, Autumn Fest, Autumn Yellow, Fluorescent Green, Beach Towel palette 表中顏色代碼 HEX、RGB 訊息

顏色 十六進位 RGB 姓名 備用名稱
#9a3001 RGB(154, 48, 1)Chocolate FondueAuburn
#8b8372 RGB(139, 131, 114)Hardware
#ab823d RGB(171, 130, 61)Birdseye
#be7d33 RGB(190, 125, 51)Autumn Fest
#e99700 RGB(233, 151, 0)Autumn Yellow
#08ff08 RGB(8, 255, 8)Fluorescent GreenFluorescent green
#fce3b3 RGB(252, 227, 179)Beach Towel
#eee7dc RGB(238, 231, 220)Pearls and Lace
#f4eee4 RGB(244, 238, 228)Stonewashed Pink

圖像調色板 Chocolate Fondue, Hardware, Birdseye, Autumn Fest, Autumn Yellow, Fluorescent Green, Beach Towel palette PNG