創建於 10/07/2024 08:58

Gallstone Yellow, Flattered Flamingo, Flambrosia, Night Pearl, Mirage Blue, Electric Pink, Fabulous Grape, Inner Sanctum, Warm Tau

Gallstone Yellow
Flattered Flamingo
Night Pearl
Mirage Blue
Electric Pink
Fabulous Grape
Inner Sanctum
Warm Taupe
Chance of Rain
Almost Plum
Thousand Needles Sand
調色盤由 光 種顏色組成. 強調色 Gallstone Yellow 和 Flattered Flamingo. 調色盤有 溫暖的, 涼爽的, 中性的 色溫.
調色盤 Gallstone Yellow, Flattered Flamingo, Flambrosia, Night Pearl, Mirage Blue, Electric Pink, Fabulous Grape, Inner Sanctum, Warm Tau 具有 12 程式碼顏色的組合:
十六進位: #a36629, RGB: (163, 102, 41); 十六進位: #ee6655, RGB: (238, 102, 85); 十六進位: #e7a500, RGB: (231, 165, 0)
十六進位: #11ffbb, RGB: (17, 255, 187); 十六進位: #636c77, RGB: (99, 108, 119); 十六進位: #ff0490, RGB: (255, 4, 144)
十六進位: #9083a5, RGB: (144, 131, 165); 十六進位: #78a6b5, RGB: (120, 166, 181); 十六進位: #af9483, RGB: (175, 148, 131)
十六進位: #a0a6a9, RGB: (160, 166, 169); 十六進位: #beb0c2, RGB: (190, 176, 194); 十六進位: #ffd9bb, RGB: (255, 217, 187)
陰影 sienna, 色調 tomato, 陰影 goldenrod, 陰影 mediumspringgreen, 陰影 dimgrey, 色調 deeppink, 陰影 mediumpurple, 陰影 cadetblue, 色調 rosybrown, 色調 darkgrey, 色調 thistle, 色調 peachpuff
配色方案是由 colourlock


Gallstone Yellow, Flattered Flamingo, Flambrosia, Night Pearl, Mirage Blue, Electric Pink, Fabulous Grape, Inner Sanctum, Warm Tau 表中顏色代碼 HEX、RGB 訊息

顏色 十六進位 RGB 姓名 備用名稱
#a36629 RGB(163, 102, 41)Gallstone Yellow
#ee6655 RGB(238, 102, 85)Flattered Flamingo
#e7a500 RGB(231, 165, 0)Flambrosia
#11ffbb RGB(17, 255, 187)Night Pearl
#636c77 RGB(99, 108, 119)Mirage Blue
#ff0490 RGB(255, 4, 144)Electric PinkElectric pink
#9083a5 RGB(144, 131, 165)Fabulous Grape
#78a6b5 RGB(120, 166, 181)Inner Sanctum
#af9483 RGB(175, 148, 131)Warm Taupe
#a0a6a9 RGB(160, 166, 169)Chance of Rain
#beb0c2 RGB(190, 176, 194)Almost Plum
#ffd9bb RGB(255, 217, 187)Thousand Needles Sand

圖像調色板 Gallstone Yellow, Flattered Flamingo, Flambrosia, Night Pearl, Mirage Blue, Electric Pink, Fabulous Grape, Inner Sanctum, Warm Tau PNG