創建於 10/12/2024 16:51

Snake Fruit, Russet Red, Fresh Scent, Dusty Rose, Genetic Code, Wren, Tropical Siesta, Sandwisp, Marjoram, Across the Bay palette

Snake Fruit
Russet Red
Fresh Scent
Dusty Rose
Genetic Code
Tropical Siesta
Across the Bay
Mint Blue
Yucca White
調色盤由 光 種顏色組成. 強調色 Snake Fruit 和 Russet Red. 調色盤有 溫暖的, 涼爽的, 中性的 色溫.
調色盤 Snake Fruit, Russet Red, Fresh Scent, Dusty Rose, Genetic Code, Wren, Tropical Siesta, Sandwisp, Marjoram, Across the Bay palette 具有 12 程式碼顏色的組合:
十六進位: #db2217, RGB: (219, 34, 23); 十六進位: #9f6859, RGB: (159, 104, 89); 十六進位: #f1c11c, RGB: (241, 193, 28)
十六進位: #ba797d, RGB: (186, 121, 125); 十六進位: #18515d, RGB: (24, 81, 93); 十六進位: #4a4139, RGB: (74, 65, 57)
十六進位: #ddc073, RGB: (221, 192, 115); 十六進位: #decb81, RGB: (222, 203, 129); 十六進位: #bfcba2, RGB: (191, 203, 162)
十六進位: #b3e1e8, RGB: (179, 225, 232); 十六進位: #bce0df, RGB: (188, 224, 223); 十六進位: #f2ead5, RGB: (242, 234, 213)
陰影 紅色的, 陰影 sienna, 色調 gold, 色調 rosybrown, 色調 darkslategrey, 色調 dimgrey, 陰影 burlywood, 色調 卡其色, 陰影 darkseagreen, 陰影 powderblue, 陰影 powderblue, 色調 cornsilk
配色方案是由 colorday


Snake Fruit, Russet Red, Fresh Scent, Dusty Rose, Genetic Code, Wren, Tropical Siesta, Sandwisp, Marjoram, Across the Bay palette 表中顏色代碼 HEX、RGB 訊息

顏色 十六進位 RGB 姓名 備用名稱
#db2217 RGB(219, 34, 23)Snake Fruit
#9f6859 RGB(159, 104, 89)Russet Red
#f1c11c RGB(241, 193, 28)Fresh Scent
#ba797d RGB(186, 121, 125)Dusty Rose
#18515d RGB(24, 81, 93)Genetic Code
#4a4139 RGB(74, 65, 57)Wren
#ddc073 RGB(221, 192, 115)Tropical Siesta
#decb81 RGB(222, 203, 129)Sandwisp
#bfcba2 RGB(191, 203, 162)Marjoram
#b3e1e8 RGB(179, 225, 232)Across the Bay
#bce0df RGB(188, 224, 223)Mint Blue
#f2ead5 RGB(242, 234, 213)Yucca White

圖像調色板 Snake Fruit, Russet Red, Fresh Scent, Dusty Rose, Genetic Code, Wren, Tropical Siesta, Sandwisp, Marjoram, Across the Bay palette PNG