創建於 10/20/2024 18:15

Spice Cake, Brassed Off, I Love to Boogie, Peachy Salmon, Como, Metallic Blue, Indigo Sloth, Christalle, Thousand Years Green, Win

Spice Cake
Brassed Off
I Love to Boogie
Peachy Salmon
Metallic Blue
Indigo Sloth
Thousand Years Green
Wine Stain
Ploughed Earth
Resolute Blue
Sahara Sand
Filtered Forest
Plume Grass
Lotus Pod
White Green
調色盤由 光, 黑暗的, 半暗 種顏色組成. 強調色 Peachy Salmon #ff9b80 和 Filtered Forest #b7e1d2. 調色盤有 溫暖的, 涼爽的, 中性的 色溫.
調色盤 Spice Cake, Brassed Off, I Love to Boogie, Peachy Salmon, Como, Metallic Blue, Indigo Sloth, Christalle, Thousand Years Green, Win 具有 17 程式碼顏色的組合:
十六進位: #b87243, RGB: (184, 114, 67); 十六進位: #cfa743, RGB: (207, 167, 67); 十六進位: #ffa917, RGB: (255, 169, 23)
十六進位: #ff9b80, RGB: (255, 155, 128); 十六進位: #4c785c, RGB: (76, 120, 92); 十六進位: #4f738e, RGB: (79, 115, 142)
十六進位: #1f0954, RGB: (31, 9, 84); 十六進位: #382161, RGB: (56, 33, 97); 十六進位: #316745, RGB: (49, 103, 69)
十六進位: #69444f, RGB: (105, 68, 79); 十六進位: #6c6459, RGB: (108, 100, 89); 十六進位: #85b0c4, RGB: (133, 176, 196)
十六進位: #f1e788, RGB: (241, 231, 136); 十六進位: #b7e1d2, RGB: (183, 225, 210); 十六進位: #d9d5c5, RGB: (217, 213, 197)
十六進位: #e7d7c2, RGB: (231, 215, 194); 十六進位: #d6e9ca, RGB: (214, 233, 202)
陰影 chocolate, 陰影 goldenrod, 陰影 橘子, 陰影 darksalmon, 色調 seashell, 色調 steelblue, 色調 midnightblue, 陰影 midnightblue, 色調 darkolivegreen, 陰影 brown, 色調 dimgrey, 色調 skyblue, 陰影 卡其色, 色調 paleturquoise, 陰影 lightgrey, 色調 antiquewhite, 色調 honeydew
配色方案是由 colorscheme


Spice Cake, Brassed Off, I Love to Boogie, Peachy Salmon, Como, Metallic Blue, Indigo Sloth, Christalle, Thousand Years Green, Win 表中顏色代碼 HEX、RGB 訊息

顏色 十六進位 RGB 姓名 備用名稱
#b87243 RGB(184, 114, 67)Spice Cake
#cfa743 RGB(207, 167, 67)Brassed Off
#ffa917 RGB(255, 169, 23)I Love to Boogie
#ff9b80 RGB(255, 155, 128)Peachy Salmon
#4c785c RGB(76, 120, 92)Como
#4f738e RGB(79, 115, 142)Metallic BlueMetallic blue
#1f0954 RGB(31, 9, 84)Indigo SlothDark indigo
#382161 RGB(56, 33, 97)Christalle
#316745 RGB(49, 103, 69)Thousand Years Green
#69444f RGB(105, 68, 79)Wine Stain
#6c6459 RGB(108, 100, 89)Ploughed Earth
#85b0c4 RGB(133, 176, 196)Resolute Blue
#f1e788 RGB(241, 231, 136)Sahara Sand
#b7e1d2 RGB(183, 225, 210)Filtered Forest
#d9d5c5 RGB(217, 213, 197)Plume Grass
#e7d7c2 RGB(231, 215, 194)Lotus Pod
#d6e9ca RGB(214, 233, 202)White Green


56 色彩搭配對比度過低,需要改善,這可能會影響可讀性。
文字顏色 背景顏色 對比

圖像調色板 Spice Cake, Brassed Off, I Love to Boogie, Peachy Salmon, Como, Metallic Blue, Indigo Sloth, Christalle, Thousand Years Green, Win PNG