創建於 10/27/2024 13:34

Fortune Red, Stella, Composite Artefact Green, Adventurine, Denim Blue, Moonless Night, Exotic Evening, Savoy House, Upscale, Past

Fortune Red
Composite Artefact Green
Denim Blue
Moonless Night
Exotic Evening
Savoy House
Pasta Luego
Silverpine Cyan
Slices of Happy
調色盤由 光, 半暗, 黑暗的 種顏色組成. 強調色 Fortune Red 和 Stella. 調色盤有 溫暖的, 涼爽的, 中性的 色溫.
調色盤 Fortune Red, Stella, Composite Artefact Green, Adventurine, Denim Blue, Moonless Night, Exotic Evening, Savoy House, Upscale, Past 具有 13 程式碼顏色的組合:
十六進位: #b0534d, RGB: (176, 83, 77); 十六進位: #f5d056, RGB: (245, 208, 86); 十六進位: #55cc00, RGB: (85, 204, 0)
十六進位: #7cac88, RGB: (124, 172, 136); 十六進位: #2f6479, RGB: (47, 100, 121); 十六進位: #2f2d30, RGB: (47, 45, 48)
十六進位: #58516e, RGB: (88, 81, 110); 十六進位: #7e4242, RGB: (126, 66, 66); 十六進位: #a8adc2, RGB: (168, 173, 194)
十六進位: #fae17f, RGB: (250, 225, 127); 十六進位: #d6b2ad, RGB: (214, 178, 173); 十六進位: #8ae8ff, RGB: (138, 232, 255)
十六進位: #ede5bc, RGB: (237, 229, 188)
色調 indianred, 陰影 gold, 陰影 limegreen, 色調 darkseagreen, 陰影 darkslategrey, 陰影 黑色的, 陰影 darkslateblue, 陰影 brown, 色調 lightsteelblue, 色調 卡其色, 陰影 rosybrown, 陰影 skyblue, 色調 lemonchiffon
配色方案是由 coolor


Fortune Red, Stella, Composite Artefact Green, Adventurine, Denim Blue, Moonless Night, Exotic Evening, Savoy House, Upscale, Past 表中顏色代碼 HEX、RGB 訊息

顏色 十六進位 RGB 姓名 備用名稱
#b0534d RGB(176, 83, 77)Fortune Red
#f5d056 RGB(245, 208, 86)Stella
#55cc00 RGB(85, 204, 0)Composite Artefact Green
#7cac88 RGB(124, 172, 136)Adventurine
#2f6479 RGB(47, 100, 121)Denim Blue
#2f2d30 RGB(47, 45, 48)Moonless Night
#58516e RGB(88, 81, 110)Exotic Evening
#7e4242 RGB(126, 66, 66)Savoy House
#a8adc2 RGB(168, 173, 194)Upscale
#fae17f RGB(250, 225, 127)Pasta Luego
#d6b2ad RGB(214, 178, 173)Victoriana
#8ae8ff RGB(138, 232, 255)Silverpine Cyan
#ede5bc RGB(237, 229, 188)Slices of Happy

圖像調色板 Fortune Red, Stella, Composite Artefact Green, Adventurine, Denim Blue, Moonless Night, Exotic Evening, Savoy House, Upscale, Past PNG