創建於 10/30/2024 13:29

Chocolate Milk, Narcissus, Northern Barrens Dust, In the Woods, Green Field, Matisse, Allports, Iris Blue, Hawaii Morning, Tulipan

Chocolate Milk
Northern Barrens Dust
In the Woods
Green Field
Iris Blue
Hawaii Morning
Tulipan Violet
Violet Orchid
Major Tom
Opera Blue
Bonza Green
Brown Ridge
Lilac Light
Light Otto Ice
調色盤由 光, 半暗, 黑暗的 種顏色組成. 強調色 Northern Barrens Dust #de743c 和 Hawaii Morning #00bbff. 調色盤有 溫暖的, 中性的, 涼爽的 色溫.
調色盤 Chocolate Milk, Narcissus, Northern Barrens Dust, In the Woods, Green Field, Matisse, Allports, Iris Blue, Hawaii Morning, Tulipan 具有 17 程式碼顏色的組合:
十六進位: #976f4c, RGB: (151, 111, 76); 十六進位: #c39449, RGB: (195, 148, 73); 十六進位: #de743c, RGB: (222, 116, 60)
十六進位: #72786f, RGB: (114, 120, 111); 十六進位: #88aa77, RGB: (136, 170, 119); 十六進位: #365c7d, RGB: (54, 92, 125)
十六進位: #1f6a7d, RGB: (31, 106, 125); 十六進位: #03b4c8, RGB: (3, 180, 200); 十六進位: #00bbff, RGB: (0, 187, 255)
十六進位: #966993, RGB: (150, 105, 147); 十六進位: #ca7988, RGB: (202, 121, 136); 十六進位: #001177, RGB: (0, 17, 119)
十六進位: #453e6e, RGB: (69, 62, 110); 十六進位: #5e6b44, RGB: (94, 107, 68); 十六進位: #735852, RGB: (115, 88, 82)
十六進位: #d7c1ba, RGB: (215, 193, 186); 十六進位: #cde7dd, RGB: (205, 231, 221)
陰影 sienna, 陰影 darkgoldenrod, 陰影 chocolate, 色調 灰色的, 色調 darkseagreen, 色調 royalblue, 陰影 darkslategrey, 色調 darkturquoise, 色調 deepskyblue, 色調 mediumorchid, 色調 palevioletred, 色調 midnightblue, 色調 darkslateblue, 陰影 darkolivegreen, 色調 dimgrey, 色調 mistyrose, 色調 honeydew
配色方案是由 raccoon


Chocolate Milk, Narcissus, Northern Barrens Dust, In the Woods, Green Field, Matisse, Allports, Iris Blue, Hawaii Morning, Tulipan 表中顏色代碼 HEX、RGB 訊息

顏色 十六進位 RGB 姓名 備用名稱
#976f4c RGB(151, 111, 76)Chocolate Milk
#c39449 RGB(195, 148, 73)Narcissus
#de743c RGB(222, 116, 60)Northern Barrens Dust
#72786f RGB(114, 120, 111)In the Woods
#88aa77 RGB(136, 170, 119)Green Field
#365c7d RGB(54, 92, 125)Matisse
#1f6a7d RGB(31, 106, 125)Allports
#03b4c8 RGB(3, 180, 200)Iris Blue
#00bbff RGB(0, 187, 255)Hawaii Morning
#966993 RGB(150, 105, 147)Tulipan Violet
#ca7988 RGB(202, 121, 136)Violet Orchid
#001177 RGB(0, 17, 119)Major Tom
#453e6e RGB(69, 62, 110)Opera Blue
#5e6b44 RGB(94, 107, 68)Bonza Green
#735852 RGB(115, 88, 82)Brown Ridge
#d7c1ba RGB(215, 193, 186)Lilac Light
#cde7dd RGB(205, 231, 221)Light Otto Ice


70 色彩搭配對比度過低,需要改善,這可能會影響可讀性。
文字顏色 背景顏色 對比

圖像調色板 Chocolate Milk, Narcissus, Northern Barrens Dust, In the Woods, Green Field, Matisse, Allports, Iris Blue, Hawaii Morning, Tulipan PNG