創建於 11/10/2024 10:00

Korma, Rosemarried, Chasm Green, Army Canvas, Smaragdine, Purple Navy, Shipmate, Tusche Blue, Hacienda Blue, Kerr's Pink Potato, A

Chasm Green
Army Canvas
Purple Navy
Tusche Blue
Hacienda Blue
Kerr's Pink Potato
Absence of Light
Foggy Grey
Alexandrian Sky
On Cloud Nine
Rapier Silver
Wishy-Washy Yellow
Gold of Midas
調色盤由 半暗, 光, 黑暗的 種顏色組成. 強調色 Korma 和 Rosemarried. 調色盤有 溫暖的, 涼爽的, 中性的 色溫.
調色盤 Korma, Rosemarried, Chasm Green, Army Canvas, Smaragdine, Purple Navy, Shipmate, Tusche Blue, Hacienda Blue, Kerr's Pink Potato, A 具有 17 程式碼顏色的組合:
十六進位: #804e2c, RGB: (128, 78, 44); 十六進位: #819b4f, RGB: (129, 155, 79); 十六進位: #63b521, RGB: (99, 181, 33)
十六進位: #5b6f61, RGB: (91, 111, 97); 十六進位: #4a9976, RGB: (74, 153, 118); 十六進位: #4e5180, RGB: (78, 81, 128)
十六進位: #7aa3cc, RGB: (122, 163, 204); 十六進位: #0082ad, RGB: (0, 130, 173); 十六進位: #0087a8, RGB: (0, 135, 168)
十六進位: #b57281, RGB: (181, 114, 129); 十六進位: #15151c, RGB: (21, 21, 28); 十六進位: #a7a69d, RGB: (167, 166, 157)
十六進位: #bcd9dc, RGB: (188, 217, 220); 十六進位: #c2e7e8, RGB: (194, 231, 232); 十六進位: #d8dfda, RGB: (216, 223, 218)
十六進位: #e9e9d5, RGB: (233, 233, 213); 十六進位: #ffeac7, RGB: (255, 234, 199)
陰影 saddlebrown, 陰影 olivedrab, 色調 limegreen, 色調 dimgrey, 陰影 seashell, 陰影 darkslateblue, 陰影 cornflowerblue, 色調 steelblue, 色調 steelblue, 色調 palevioletred, 陰影 黑色的, 色調 darkgrey, 陰影 lightblue, 陰影 powderblue, 陰影 gainsboro, 色調 beige, 色調 blanchedalmond
配色方案是由 hex


Korma, Rosemarried, Chasm Green, Army Canvas, Smaragdine, Purple Navy, Shipmate, Tusche Blue, Hacienda Blue, Kerr's Pink Potato, A 表中顏色代碼 HEX、RGB 訊息

顏色 十六進位 RGB 姓名 備用名稱
#804e2c RGB(128, 78, 44)Korma
#819b4f RGB(129, 155, 79)Rosemarried
#63b521 RGB(99, 181, 33)Chasm Green
#5b6f61 RGB(91, 111, 97)Army Canvas
#4a9976 RGB(74, 153, 118)Smaragdine
#4e5180 RGB(78, 81, 128)Purple Navy
#7aa3cc RGB(122, 163, 204)Shipmate
#0082ad RGB(0, 130, 173)Tusche Blue
#0087a8 RGB(0, 135, 168)Hacienda Blue
#b57281 RGB(181, 114, 129)Kerr's Pink Potato
#15151c RGB(21, 21, 28)Absence of Light
#a7a69d RGB(167, 166, 157)Foggy Grey
#bcd9dc RGB(188, 217, 220)Alexandrian Sky
#c2e7e8 RGB(194, 231, 232)On Cloud Nine
#d8dfda RGB(216, 223, 218)Rapier Silver
#e9e9d5 RGB(233, 233, 213)Wishy-Washy Yellow
#ffeac7 RGB(255, 234, 199)Gold of Midas

圖像調色板 Korma, Rosemarried, Chasm Green, Army Canvas, Smaragdine, Purple Navy, Shipmate, Tusche Blue, Hacienda Blue, Kerr's Pink Potato, A PNG