創建於 11/13/2024 22:18

Sis Kebab, Brown Orange, Sonic Silver, Blue Dude, Bright Indigo, Plum Dust, Scarlet Apple, X Marks the Spot, Iron Gate, Greenwich

Sis Kebab
Brown Orange
Sonic Silver
Blue Dude
Bright Indigo
Plum Dust
Scarlet Apple
X Marks the Spot
Iron Gate
Greenwich Village
Maya Blue
Pink Swan
Sweet Slumber Pink
Lavender Pearl
調色盤由 光, 半暗, 黑暗的 種顏色組成. 強調色 Sis Kebab 和 Brown Orange. 調色盤有 溫暖的, 中性的, 涼爽的 色溫.
調色盤 Sis Kebab, Brown Orange, Sonic Silver, Blue Dude, Bright Indigo, Plum Dust, Scarlet Apple, X Marks the Spot, Iron Gate, Greenwich 具有 16 程式碼顏色的組合:
十六進位: #884411, RGB: (136, 68, 17); 十六進位: #b96902, RGB: (185, 105, 2); 十六進位: #757575, RGB: (117, 117, 117)
十六進位: #4a5c94, RGB: (74, 92, 148); 十六進位: #6f00fe, RGB: (111, 0, 254); 十六進位: #aa4c8f, RGB: (170, 76, 143)
十六進位: #922e4a, RGB: (146, 46, 74); 十六進位: #e6474a, RGB: (230, 71, 74); 十六進位: #4e5055, RGB: (78, 80, 85)
十六進位: #afbfbe, RGB: (175, 191, 190); 十六進位: #73c2fb, RGB: (115, 194, 251); 十六進位: #bfb3b2, RGB: (191, 179, 178)
十六進位: #cab6c6, RGB: (202, 182, 198); 十六進位: #f8b8f8, RGB: (248, 184, 248); 十六進位: #f8edd7, RGB: (248, 237, 215)
十六進位: #ede5e8, RGB: (237, 229, 232)
色調 saddlebrown, 色調 chocolate, 陰影 dimgrey, 色調 slateblue, 色調 blueviolet, 陰影 mediumvioletred, 陰影 brown, 色調 indianred, 色調 dimgrey, 色調 銀, 色調 lightskyblue, 色調 銀, 色調 thistle, 陰影 plum, 色調 papayawhip, 色調 lavenderblush
配色方案是由 raccoon


Sis Kebab, Brown Orange, Sonic Silver, Blue Dude, Bright Indigo, Plum Dust, Scarlet Apple, X Marks the Spot, Iron Gate, Greenwich 表中顏色代碼 HEX、RGB 訊息

顏色 十六進位 RGB 姓名 備用名稱
#884411 RGB(136, 68, 17)Sis Kebab
#b96902 RGB(185, 105, 2)Brown OrangeBrown orange
#757575 RGB(117, 117, 117)Sonic SilverGray46
#4a5c94 RGB(74, 92, 148)Blue Dude
#6f00fe RGB(111, 0, 254)Bright Indigo
#aa4c8f RGB(170, 76, 143)Plum Dust
#922e4a RGB(146, 46, 74)Scarlet Apple
#e6474a RGB(230, 71, 74)X Marks the Spot
#4e5055 RGB(78, 80, 85)Iron Gate
#afbfbe RGB(175, 191, 190)Greenwich Village
#73c2fb RGB(115, 194, 251)Maya Blue
#bfb3b2 RGB(191, 179, 178)Pink Swan
#cab6c6 RGB(202, 182, 198)Ballad
#f8b8f8 RGB(248, 184, 248)Sweet Slumber Pink
#f8edd7 RGB(248, 237, 215)Gracious
#ede5e8 RGB(237, 229, 232)Lavender Pearl

圖像調色板 Sis Kebab, Brown Orange, Sonic Silver, Blue Dude, Bright Indigo, Plum Dust, Scarlet Apple, X Marks the Spot, Iron Gate, Greenwich PNG