創建於 11/18/2024 11:29

Bricky Brick, Dragon Red, Armageddon Dust, Salmon Eggs, Vallarta Blue, Greyish Purple, Pretty in Plum, Bloody Periphylla, Rosettee

Bricky Brick
Dragon Red
Armageddon Dust
Salmon Eggs
Vallarta Blue
Greyish Purple
Pretty in Plum
Bloody Periphylla
Rippled Rock
Smell the Mint
Autumn Child
Drifting Cloud
Welcome White
Instant Relief
November Pink
調色盤由 半暗, 黑暗的, 光 種顏色組成. 強調色 Bricky Brick 和 Dragon Red. 調色盤有 溫暖的, 涼爽的, 中性的 色溫.
調色盤 Bricky Brick, Dragon Red, Armageddon Dust, Salmon Eggs, Vallarta Blue, Greyish Purple, Pretty in Plum, Bloody Periphylla, Rosettee 具有 17 程式碼顏色的組合:
十六進位: #b33a22, RGB: (179, 58, 34); 十六進位: #9e0200, RGB: (158, 2, 0); 十六進位: #d3a907, RGB: (211, 169, 7)
十六進位: #f7d560, RGB: (247, 213, 96); 十六進位: #30658e, RGB: (48, 101, 142); 十六進位: #887191, RGB: (136, 113, 145)
十六進位: #cc5588, RGB: (204, 85, 136); 十六進位: #aa1144, RGB: (170, 17, 68); 十六進位: #d7a491, RGB: (215, 164, 145)
十六進位: #c4c5bc, RGB: (196, 197, 188); 十六進位: #b4e2d5, RGB: (180, 226, 213); 十六進位: #bef7cf, RGB: (190, 247, 207)
十六進位: #fbe6c1, RGB: (251, 230, 193); 十六進位: #dbe0e1, RGB: (219, 224, 225); 十六進位: #f3e3ca, RGB: (243, 227, 202)
十六進位: #ede7d2, RGB: (237, 231, 210); 十六進位: #ede6e8, RGB: (237, 230, 232)
陰影 firebrick, 陰影 darkred, 色調 goldenrod, 陰影 gold, 色調 steelblue, 色調 mediumpurple, 色調 palevioletred, 色調 brown, 陰影 darksalmon, 陰影 銀, 色調 paleturquoise, 陰影 aquamarine, 陰影 wheat, 陰影 gainsboro, 色調 papayawhip, 色調 cornsilk, 色調 lavenderblush
配色方案是由 palettespicker


Bricky Brick, Dragon Red, Armageddon Dust, Salmon Eggs, Vallarta Blue, Greyish Purple, Pretty in Plum, Bloody Periphylla, Rosettee 表中顏色代碼 HEX、RGB 訊息

顏色 十六進位 RGB 姓名 備用名稱
#b33a22 RGB(179, 58, 34)Bricky Brick
#9e0200 RGB(158, 2, 0)Dragon Red
#d3a907 RGB(211, 169, 7)Armageddon Dust
#f7d560 RGB(247, 213, 96)Salmon EggsLight mustard
#30658e RGB(48, 101, 142)Vallarta Blue
#887191 RGB(136, 113, 145)Greyish PurpleGreyish purple
#cc5588 RGB(204, 85, 136)Pretty in Plum
#aa1144 RGB(170, 17, 68)Bloody Periphylla
#d7a491 RGB(215, 164, 145)Rosettee
#c4c5bc RGB(196, 197, 188)Rippled Rock
#b4e2d5 RGB(180, 226, 213)Cruise
#bef7cf RGB(190, 247, 207)Smell the Mint
#fbe6c1 RGB(251, 230, 193)Autumn Child
#dbe0e1 RGB(219, 224, 225)Drifting Cloud
#f3e3ca RGB(243, 227, 202)Welcome White
#ede7d2 RGB(237, 231, 210)Instant Relief
#ede6e8 RGB(237, 230, 232)November Pink

圖像調色板 Bricky Brick, Dragon Red, Armageddon Dust, Salmon Eggs, Vallarta Blue, Greyish Purple, Pretty in Plum, Bloody Periphylla, Rosettee PNG