創建於 11/29/2024 12:45

American Rose, Screaming Bell Metal, Track and Field, Dancing Daisy, Taiga, Greenish Blue, Steel Pink, Swiss Chard palette

American Rose
Screaming Bell Metal
Track and Field
Dancing Daisy
Greenish Blue
Steel Pink
Swiss Chard
Chocolate Brown
Ballet Rose
調色盤由 光, 半暗, 黑暗的 種顏色組成. 強調色 American Rose 和 Screaming Bell Metal. 調色盤有 溫暖的, 中性的, 涼爽的 色溫.
調色盤 American Rose, Screaming Bell Metal, Track and Field, Dancing Daisy, Taiga, Greenish Blue, Steel Pink, Swiss Chard palette 具有 10 程式碼顏色的組合:
十六進位: #ff033e, RGB: (255, 3, 62); 十六進位: #c16f45, RGB: (193, 111, 69); 十六進位: #d66352, RGB: (214, 99, 82)
十六進位: #efc857, RGB: (239, 200, 87); 十六進位: #768078, RGB: (118, 128, 120); 十六進位: #0b8b87, RGB: (11, 139, 135)
十六進位: #cc33cc, RGB: (204, 51, 204); 十六進位: #dd5e6d, RGB: (221, 94, 109); 十六進位: #411900, RGB: (65, 25, 0)
十六進位: #d3adb1, RGB: (211, 173, 177)
陰影 crimson, 陰影 chocolate, 陰影 indianred, 色調 gold, 色調 灰色的, 陰影 darkcyan, 色調 mediumorchid, 陰影 indianred, 色調 栗色, 陰影 rosybrown
配色方案是由 hex


American Rose, Screaming Bell Metal, Track and Field, Dancing Daisy, Taiga, Greenish Blue, Steel Pink, Swiss Chard palette 表中顏色代碼 HEX、RGB 訊息

顏色 十六進位 RGB 姓名 備用名稱
#ff033e RGB(255, 3, 62)American Rose
#c16f45 RGB(193, 111, 69)Screaming Bell Metal
#d66352 RGB(214, 99, 82)Track and Field
#efc857 RGB(239, 200, 87)Dancing Daisy
#768078 RGB(118, 128, 120)Taiga
#0b8b87 RGB(11, 139, 135)Greenish BlueGreenish blue
#cc33cc RGB(204, 51, 204)Steel Pink
#dd5e6d RGB(221, 94, 109)Swiss Chard
#411900 RGB(65, 25, 0)Chocolate BrownChocolate brown
#d3adb1 RGB(211, 173, 177)Ballet Rose

圖像調色板 American Rose, Screaming Bell Metal, Track and Field, Dancing Daisy, Taiga, Greenish Blue, Steel Pink, Swiss Chard palette PNG