創建於 01/23/2025 12:31

Brown Rose, Spring Forth, Ocean in a Bowl, Lifeless Green, Splashing Wave, Hyacinth Dream, Obscure Olive, Potting Soil, Black Jasm

Brown Rose
Spring Forth
Ocean in a Bowl
Lifeless Green
Splashing Wave
Hyacinth Dream
Obscure Olive
Potting Soil
Black Jasmine Rice
Heavy Grey
Bed of Roses
Caribbean Sunrise
Botticelli Angel
登入 將調色板保存在集合中
調色盤由 光, 半暗 種顏色組成. 強調色 Splashing Wave #44ddff 和 Botticelli Angel #fbdfd6. 調色盤有 溫暖的, 涼爽的, 中性的 色溫.
調色盤 Brown Rose, Spring Forth, Ocean in a Bowl, Lifeless Green, Splashing Wave, Hyacinth Dream, Obscure Olive, Potting Soil, Black Jasm 具有 14 程式碼顏色的組合:
十六進位: #8d736c, RGB: (141, 115, 108); 十六進位: #11bb22, RGB: (17, 187, 34); 十六進位: #68dfbb, RGB: (104, 223, 187)
十六進位: #00dead, RGB: (0, 222, 173); 十六進位: #44ddff, RGB: (68, 221, 255); 十六進位: #807388, RGB: (128, 115, 136)
十六進位: #4a5d23, RGB: (74, 93, 35); 十六進位: #54392d, RGB: (84, 57, 45); 十六進位: #74563d, RGB: (116, 86, 61)
十六進位: #82868a, RGB: (130, 134, 138); 十六進位: #b893ab, RGB: (184, 147, 171); 十六進位: #f5daaa, RGB: (245, 218, 170)
十六進位: #d9d9ea, RGB: (217, 217, 234); 十六進位: #fbdfd6, RGB: (251, 223, 214)
色調 灰色的, 色調 limegreen, 陰影 mediumaquamarine, 色調 mediumaquamarine, 色調 skyblue, 色調 灰色的, 色調 darkolivegreen, 色調 saddlebrown, 陰影 saddlebrown, 陰影 灰色的, 陰影 rosybrown, 色調 wheat, 色調 lavender, 色調 mistyrose
配色方案是由 hex


Brown Rose, Spring Forth, Ocean in a Bowl, Lifeless Green, Splashing Wave, Hyacinth Dream, Obscure Olive, Potting Soil, Black Jasm 表中顏色代碼 HEX、RGB 訊息

顏色 十六進位 RGB 姓名 備用名稱
#8d736c RGB(141, 115, 108)Brown Rose
#11bb22 RGB(17, 187, 34)Spring Forth
#68dfbb RGB(104, 223, 187)Ocean in a Bowl
#00dead RGB(0, 222, 173)Lifeless Green
#44ddff RGB(68, 221, 255)Splashing Wave
#807388 RGB(128, 115, 136)Hyacinth Dream
#4a5d23 RGB(74, 93, 35)Obscure Olive
#54392d RGB(84, 57, 45)Potting Soil
#74563d RGB(116, 86, 61)Black Jasmine Rice
#82868a RGB(130, 134, 138)Heavy Grey
#b893ab RGB(184, 147, 171)Bed of Roses
#f5daaa RGB(245, 218, 170)Caribbean Sunrise
#d9d9ea RGB(217, 217, 234)Eyeshadow
#fbdfd6 RGB(251, 223, 214)Botticelli Angel


44 色彩搭配對比度過低,需要改善,這可能會影響可讀性。
文字顏色 背景顏色 對比

圖像調色板 Brown Rose, Spring Forth, Ocean in a Bowl, Lifeless Green, Splashing Wave, Hyacinth Dream, Obscure Olive, Potting Soil, Black Jasm PNG

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