Created at 02/25/2023 07:46

#005b7a HEX Color Job's Tears information

#005b7a RGB(0, 91, 122)

RGB values are RGB(0, 91, 122)
#005b7a color contain Red 0%, Green 35.69% and Blue 47.84%.

Color Names of #005b7a HEX code

Job's Tears Color

Classification of #005b7a color

#005b7a is Light and Cool Color
Opposite Color for Job's Tears is #7a1f00

#005b7a Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #005b7a Job's Tears

hsl(195, 100%, 24%)
hsla(195, 100%, 24%, 1)
RGB(0, 91, 122)
RGBA(0, 91, 122, 1)

Palettes for #005b7a color Job's Tears:

Below examples of color palettes for #005b7a HEX color

darkest color is #00090c from shades and lightest color is #e6eff2 from tints

Shades palette of #005b7a:
Tints palette of #005b7a:
Complementary palette of #005b7a:
Triadic palette of #005b7a:
Square palette of #005b7a:
Analogous palette of #005b7a:
Split-Complementary palette of #005b7a:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #005b7a:

Color Job's Tears #005b7a used in palettes (40)

Fossil, Collectible, Golden Freesia, Grapefruit, Bright Saffron, Bath Turquoise, Big Daddy Blue, Job's Tears, Wet Suit, Solar Ener Fire Engine, Belgian Sweet, Jīn Zōng Gold, Electric Yellow, Underwater Fern, Team Spirit, Mega Blue, Job's Tears, Rich Texture, Ra Job's Tears, Pout palette Warplock Bronze Metal, Mythical Forest, Green Jelly, Job's Tears, Woodlawn Green, Blackish Grey, Caramel Milk, Teal Deer, Sunlight Raisin in the Sun, Brandied Apple, Straw, Cricket Chirping, Formal Garden, Dana, Teal Blue, Job's Tears, Fireworks, Rosewood Brown Job's Tears, Claret Red, Fondue Fudge, Urban Charm, Plymouth Green, Chrysanthemum Leaf, Homeopathic Lime palette Picante, Job's Tears, Misty Grape, Pewter Ring, Light Lilac palette Digger's Gold, English Ivy, Job's Tears, Lemon Splash palette Loveliest Leaves, Fat Gold, Vineyard, Job's Tears, Fawn Brown, Blue Quarry, Cloudless Day, Grape Cassata, Oat Cake, Creamy Mauve, Arcade Fire, Caramel Sauce, Au Gratin, The Fifth Sun, Lyric Blue, Job's Tears, Purple Vanity, Myself, Olive Brown, Forest Ride, Pl Special Ops, Job's Tears, Blue Arc, Cosmic Explorer palette Red Stone, Woodgrain, Job's Tears, Suva Grey, Bright Loam, Friar Tuck, Sunday Drive palette Hushed Auburn, Shamanic Journey, Fresh Artichoke, Job's Tears, Rock Garden, Silk Lilac, Nile Green, Spring Yellow, Butterscotch Ca Grape Vine, Stamp Pad Green, Frozen Turquoise, Cancer Seagreen Scarab, Job's Tears, Scapa Flow, Second Pour, Blue Depression palet Dwarf Pony, Foxtail, Barbecue, Homeopathic, Field Blue, Job's Tears, Pink Pride, Joyful Ruby, Frisky Blue, Pale Cerulean, Rediscov Chanticleer, Cabbage Green, Kingdom Gold, Bronze, Autumn Pine Green, Insignia, Job's Tears, Blood Rose, Xiao Long Bao Dumpling, Eg Chinese Red, Bretzel Brown, Summer Sunset, Fool’s Gold, Hilltop, Mountain Bluebird, Job's Tears, Bloodtracker Brown, Cedar, Swampl Oakwood Brown, Creamy Caramel, Romantic Isle, Job's Tears, Nīlā Blue, Strong Blue, Striking Red, Astral Aura, Rose Glory, Fortune' C-3PO, Birch Leaf Green, Chesty Bond, Job's Tears, Dull Violet, Witches Cauldron, Cool Operator's Overalls, Blackish Green, Lovage Dark Sting, Poppy Surprise, Pixel Nature, Sea Note, Mystic Blue, Teal Blue, Job's Tears, Wine Stroll, Rust Magenta, Kir Royale Ros Ranch House, Lippie, Pecan Veneer, After Burn, Rayo de Sol, Iris Eyes, Maui Blue, Job's Tears, Opulent Blue, Blue Cardinal Flower, Mesozoic Green, Salmon, Candy Grass, Opal Green, Dangerously Elegant, Job's Tears, Slice of Heaven, Sea Serpent's Tears, Sonoma Sa Spice of Life, Pepperoni, Dark Sage, Healing Plant, Dexter, Job's Tears, Reddish Pink, Gardens Sericourt, Red Mane, Wave Top palet Cadmium Red, Kogane Gold, Greyish Teal, Aqua Velvet, Job's Tears, Calico Dress, Aluminum Sky, Malaysian Mist, Crumble Topping, Anc Turquoise Sea, Job's Tears palette University of California Gold, Orange Tea Rose, Backyard, Job's Tears, Harbour Grey, Hornet Nest, Sherbet Fruit palette Cuban Cigar, Legendary Grey, Della Robbia Blue, Job's Tears, Persian Plum, Cane Sugar palette Job's Tears, Patina Creek, Wewak palette Yamabukicha Gold, Splashing Wave, Naval Passage, Turkish Sea, Job's Tears, Soft Beige, Smokey Pink, Woodstock Rose palette Sea Elephant, Dark Orange, Khaki Green, Job's Tears, Honey Chili, New Kenyan Copper, Superstitious, Green Gaze palette 009 GAME Stop, Chocolate Curl, American River, Dark Horizon, Job's Tears, Tezcatlipōca Blue palette Archaeological Site, Brownstone, Electric Lime, Athonian Camoshade, Job's Tears, Cowboy, Deep Viridian, Thatch palette Smashed Pumpkin, Job's Tears, Brilliant Rose, Bright Midnight Blue, Isolation, Soft Beige, Blanc palette Library Pewter, Sunny Disposition palette Python Yellow, Job's Tears, Space Dust, Royal Fuchsia, Nordic Noir, Highlander, Blue Tulip, Dusty Blue palette Tarpon Green, Cinnamon Brandy, Umbrella Green, Ballyhoo, Job's Tears, Solution, Seven Veils palette Astronomicon Grey, Amparo Blue, Job's Tears, Extravehicular Activity, Domino, Ash Tree, Maya Green, Wasabi Zing palette Green of Bhabua, Job's Tears palette Persian Green, Job's Tears, The End palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #005b7a with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Job's Tears #005b7a color png