Created at 02/23/2023 15:37

#0073cf HEX Color Wizard Blue information

#0073cf RGB(0, 115, 207)

RGB values are RGB(0, 115, 207)
#0073cf color contain Red 0%, Green 45.1% and Blue 81.18%.

Color Names of #0073cf HEX code

Wizard Blue, True Blue Color

Classification of #0073cf color

#0073cf is Semi dark and Cool Color
Tint of steelblue
Opposite Color for Wizard Blue is #d15e00

#0073cf Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #0073cf Wizard Blue

hsl(207, 100%, 41%)
hsla(207, 100%, 41%, 1)
RGB(0, 115, 207)
RGBA(0, 115, 207, 1)

Palettes for #0073cf color:

Below examples of color palettes for #0073cf HEX color

darkest color is #000b15 from shades and lightest color is #e6f1fa from tints

Shades palette of #0073cf:
Tints palette of #0073cf:
Complementary palette of #0073cf:
Triadic palette of #0073cf:
Square palette of #0073cf:
Analogous palette of #0073cf:
Split-Complementary palette of #0073cf:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #0073cf:

Color Wizard Blue #0073cf used in palettes (44)

Logistics and Supply Chain Smokey Topaz colors palette Wizard Blue, Create, Porcelain Crab palette Crazy Horse, Greenish Blue, London Grey, Gulf Waters, Wizard Blue palette Jalapeño Red, Burnt Red, Mint Morning, Wizard Blue, Watermelon Red palette Biotic Grasp, Vibrant, Wizard Blue, Fife palette Piment Piquant, Shelter, Peachy Scene, Pico Sun, Mirage Lake, Kickstart Purple, Wizard Blue, Electric Pink, Siyâh Black, Bruised P Wizard Blue, Teal Motif, Hearty Hosta, Splash of Honey, Cantera palette Wizard Blue, Jewel Caterpillar, Ibis palette River Fountain, Wizard Blue, Parsnip, Chess Ivory palette Mid Century Furniture, Wizard Blue, Trillium, Corfu Sky, Amarillo Yellow palette Sencha Brown, Wizard Blue, Royal, Chopped Dill, Sand Drift, Cashew Cheese, Cloud Dancer palette Wizard Blue, Hornblende Green, Blue Stream, Vidalia, Warm Winter, Paper Plane, Bone Dust, Warm Light palette Boiling Magma, Grainfield, Camel Red, Honey Wax, Celuce, Wizard Blue, Thick Purple, Mega Greige, Seaborn, Monorail Silver, Rite of Perfect Sky, Wizard Blue, Underground Stream, Noble Knight, Darkest Grape, Queen Conch Shell palette Good Luck Charm, Golden Blond, Cozy Nook, Wizard Blue, Saffron Desires, Smoked Flamingo, Shadow Mountain, Alaskan Ice, Sheer Lilac Guardsman Red, Ketchup, Caraïbe, Red River, Wizard Blue, Black Elder, Zahri Pink, God of Nights, Quixotic Plum, Imperial Jewel, Ro French Winery, Fiery Glow, Aquadulce, Wizard Blue, Divine, Glimpse into Space, Rangoon Green, Livid Brown, Tardis Blue, Deep Fores Blue Smart, Wizard Blue, Mauve Jazz, Clairvoyant, Ramsons, Pine Needle, Tres Naturale, Ivory Paper, White Cedar palette Rhubarb Leaf Green, Victorian Garden, Icy Life, Wizard Blue, Megadrive Screen, Art Nouveau Violet, Apparition, Pelican palette Roulette, Rustic Pottery, Stellar, Federal Blue, Greek Flag Blue, Wizard Blue, Purple Sapphire, Aniline Mauve, Pale Robin Egg Blue Olive Yellow, Harbor Blue, Tucson Teal, Wizard Blue, Phenomenal Pink, Magenta Pink, Shadow Wood, Longfellow, Ash Plum, Blushing Se Wizard Blue, Amish Green, Plasticine, Red Wine Vinegar, Forest Tapestry, Creamy Nougat, Double Spanish White, Violet Beauty, Soft Olive Niçoise, Coppersmith, Soft Tone Ink, Wizard Blue, Banafš Violet, Tiki Straw, Macaroni palette Cherry Tart, Burst of Gold, Primrose Yellow, Hubert's Truck Green, Grassy Green, Paris Green, Maximum Blue, Wizard Blue, Hollywood Stonegate, Lentil Sprout, Brandy Punch, Green Glitter, Sheffield, Wizard Blue palette Wine, Unforgettably Gold, Etruscan, Camel, Maple Leaf, Silver Blueberry, Hideout, Thai Teal, Wizard Blue, Tomato Scepter, Dusty Ol Finger Banana, Sun Flooded Woods, Wizard Blue, Raw Garnet Viola, Drama Violet, Ashlite, Majestic Dune, Light Shōshin Yellow, Elect Earthly Pleasures, Common Jasper, Wizard Blue, New Bulgarian Rose, Tulle Grey palette Ceylonese, Wizard Blue, Philippine Bronze, Calico Rose palette Golden Sage, Chocolate Caliente, Firecracker Salmon, Mamba Green, Wizard Blue, By the Bayou, Master palette Laurel Oak, Sneezy, Christmas Ivy, Mountain Lake Green, Wizard Blue, Berry Jam, Toxic Frog palette Golden Dream, Green Apple, Spanish Sky Blue palette Wizard Blue, Momo Peach, Elderberry Black, Blossom Yellow, Afternoon Stroll palette Harlequin Green, Wizard Blue, Rose Branch, Moire palette Red Clay, March Green, Radiant Hulk, Wizard Blue, Tamarind Fruit palette Hacienda Tile, Wizard Blue, Rose Branch palette yellow and blue palette Spanish Leather, Khmer Curry, Cheddar, Wizard Blue, Fiery Fuchsia palette Wizard Blue, Delhi Spice palette Dangerously Red, Wizard Blue palette Nasturtium Flower, Wizard Blue, Purple Silhouette, Purposeful, Pine Haven, Butterscotch Cake palette Drops of Honey, Wizard Blue, Subtle Touch palette Wizard Blue, Crusoe, Aftercare, Delightful palette Wizard Blue, Clairvoyant, Dark Souls, Peony Blush, Bayberry Frost, Cumulus palette

Image Wizard Blue #0073cf color png