Created at 02/22/2023 20:16
#011993 HEX Color Bright Midnight information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#011993 | RGB(1, 25, 147) |
RGB values are RGB(1, 25, 147)
#011993 color contain Red 0.39%, Green 9.8% and Blue 57.65%.
Color Names of #011993 HEX code
Bright Midnight Color
Alternative colors of Bright Midnight #011993
Opposite Color for Bright Midnight is #937b01
#011993 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #011993 Bright Midnight
hsl(230, 99%, 29%)
hsla(230, 99%, 29%, 1)
RGB(1, 25, 147)
RGBA(1, 25, 147, 1)
Palettes for #011993 color Bright Midnight:
Below examples of color palettes for #011993 HEX color
darkest color is #00020f from shades and lightest color is #e6e8f4 from tints
Shades palette of #011993:
Tints palette of #011993:
Complementary palette of #011993:
Triadic palette of #011993:
Square palette of #011993:
Analogous palette of #011993:
Split-Complementary palette of #011993:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #011993:
Color Bright Midnight #011993 used in palettes (49)
Bright Midnight Blue Color shades Bright Midnight Peppered Moss, Sudan Brown, Not Yo Cheese, Inuit, Dark Blue, Real Mccoy, Bright Midnight, Dark Galaxy, Purplex, Afterlife, Stout, Autumn Umber, Koke Moss, Forest Path, Zatar Leaf, Veritably Verdant, Chambray, Midnight Violet, Empress Envy, Bright Navy Blue, Br Bright Midnight, Swampland, Serendibite Black, Gallery Grey palette Honey Ginger, Zodiac Constellation, Egyptian Gold, Retro Nectarine, Overt Green, Green Banana, Lighter Green, Luminescent Lime, Ch Chicken Masala, Festive Green, Becker Blue, Macquarie, Blue Ruin, Bright Midnight, Thimble Red, Nori Green, Stratos, Zucchini, Neu Spice Bazaar, Blackfire Earth, Bright Midnight, Vanilla Strawberry palette Desirable, Lipstick Red, Warm Comfort, Endless Possibilities, Yellow-Bellied, Barf Green, Talismanic Teal, Sotek Green, Bright Mid Bright Gold, Urobilin, Bright Midnight, Swedish Green, Field Drab, Marshy Habitat, Portofino, Sensible Hue palette Allura Red, Chili Green, Annular, Devil's Grass, Tractor Beam, Pacific Sea Teal, Bright Midnight, Fresh Sod, Baroque Blue, Horizon Neon Red, Tamarama, Dayflower, Bright Midnight, Euphoric Magenta, Black Sapphire, Deep Evergreen, Symphony of Blue, Freesia Purple In the Red, Dried Tomatoes, Lime Candy Pearl, Water Carrier, Bright Midnight, Lavender, Tristesse, Neutral Buff, Ajwain Green, Fin Cadmium Red, Sunbathing Beauty, Lizard Brown, Blockchain Gold, Grey Green, Verdant Views, Cold Trade Winds, Weldon Blue, Bright Mi Hiking Trail, Panela, Heisenberg Blue, Hideout, Bright Midnight, Dark Pink, Grey of Darkness, Tracery, Light Silver Grass palette Chinese Brown, Home Sweet Home, Castellina, Cress Green, Inca Yellow, Hawk Turquoise, Bright Midnight, Sophisticated Plum, Fairway Royal Mail Red, Covert Green, Osage Orange, Warm Spring, Bright Midnight, Circumorbital Ring, Victoria Red, Poppy Leaf, Grey Flank Raw Sunset, Marsh Marigold, Hill Lands, Admiral Blue, Bright Midnight, Violent Violet, Ponceau, Heartwood, Hiker's Delight palette Vintage Pottery, Cotton Candy Grape, Grass Stain Green, Bright Midnight, Mecha Metal, Easter Purple, Gold Bullion palette Old Wine, Tuscan Soil, Russet Orange, Fresh Leaf, Holiday Blue, Bright Midnight, Swiss Plum, Red Shrivel, Radishical, Bogey Green, Natural Bridge, Warm Earth, Tan Plan, Scrofulous Brown, Coralette, Akhdhar Green, Bright Midnight, Luminous Pink, Heatstroke, Mixe Toile Red, Eminent Bronze, Cheddar Cheese, Alpine Herbs, Palmetto, Sojourn Blue, Bright Midnight, Red Vine, Spirit Rock, Autumn Le Salon Rose, Trinket Gold, Mana, Pecan Veneer, Hematitic Sand, Energise, Bright Midnight, Grape Jelly, Night Turquoise, Overboard, World Peace, Bright Midnight, Chaotic Red, Goat, Pale Petticoat palette Kopi Luwak, Wet Sandstone, Gypsy, Noctis, Pagoda, Bright Midnight, Medium Scarlet, Inkwell, Shaved Chocolate, Pepperberry palette Pervenche, Bright Midnight, Bohemian Blue, Harvest Home, Charismatic Sky, Tenzing, Grey Dawn palette Art Nouveau Green, Grizzly, Yellow of Izamal, Adventure of the Seas, Bright Midnight, Havana, Roasted Black, Strong Winds, Just Ro Citrine Brown, Hunter's Orange, Sea Nettle, Orioles Orange, Paradise Bird, Toy Blue, Bright Midnight, Hawk Grey, Beets, Poinsettia California Dreamin', Dapper Tan, Eagle, Windy Seas, Pretentious Peacock, Bright Midnight, Buckeye, Lunar Base, Desert Riverbed, So Hot Cacao, Saffron Valley, Inventive Orange, Shutter Blue, Bright Midnight, Dilly Blue, Blithe Blue, Rose Colored, Plein Air palet Old Willow Leaf, Carrot Cake, Outgoing Orange, Orioles Orange, Bright Midnight, Prickly Purple, Popstar, Rurikon Blue, Wrought Iro Fossil Green, Garden Club, Kimono Violet, Bright Midnight, Cuban Rhythm, Benthic Black, Magic Whale, Kenpō Brown palette Tanned Leather, Bredon Green, Arcadia, Bright Midnight, Eye Popping Cherry, Doombull Brown, Grey Wool palette Uguisu Green, Acorn Spice, Poisonous Potion, Pleasant Stream, Bright Midnight, Moss Vale palette Bright Midnight, Vanishing Night, Onyx, Familiar Beige palette Bright Midnight, Spanish Carmine, Roycroft Bottle Green, Ash White, Quiet Splendor palette Empire Gold, Mocha Bisque, Bright Midnight, Tripleberry, Washed Denim palette Mud Bath, Oxley, Pale Green, Bright Midnight, Neon Violet, Minsk palette 18th Century Green, Zesty Apple, Bright Midnight, Crazy Pink palette Shadow Cliff, Bright Midnight, Spirit Rock, Italian Basil, Chuff Blue palette Superior Bronze, BBQ, Orangeade, Bright Cerulean, Retro Blue, Bright Midnight, Capri Fashion Pink, Distant Tan, Krypton, Rough Asp Metallic Gold, St. Patrick, Blarney, River Fountain, Bright Midnight palette Cedar Plank, Golden Granola, Canaletto, Punch Out Glove, Bright Midnight, Blue Fantastic, Brimstone Butterfly palette Dent Corn, Havelock Blue, Bright Midnight, Barbara, Little Bow Pink, Ebicha Brown, Meteorite Black Blue, Plum Raisin, Bermuda Gras Gǎn Lǎn Huáng Olive, Blue Boater, Amulet Gem, Bright Midnight, Nebula, Strawberry Milkshake, Deep into the Wood palette Raisin in the Sun, Greek Olive, Pumpkin Spice, Cadmium Blue, Bright Midnight, Pink Perennial, Sunken Battleship, Sycorax Bronze, B Abandoned Playground, Serengeti Grass, Winter Hedge, Antilles Garden, Bright Midnight, Wine Yellow, Casual Water, Garden Gazebo pa Cherry Kiss, Shot-Put, Nataneyu Gold, Benihi Red, Meadow Green, Weird Green, Blue Sapphire, Bright Midnight, Degas Pink, Federatio Hot Cuba, Fall Foliage, Banana Bread, Backyard, Bright Midnight, Kind Magenta, Lump of Coal, Minotaur Red, Satin Soft Blue, Falkla
Color Contrast
Color pairings #011993 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#011993 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#011993 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |