Created at 02/23/2023 07:47
#01f9c6 HEX Color Bright Teal information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#01f9c6 | RGB(1, 249, 198) |
RGB values are RGB(1, 249, 198)
#01f9c6 color contain Red 0.39%, Green 97.65% and Blue 77.65%.
Color Names of #01f9c6 HEX code
Bright Teal Color
Opposite Color for Bright Teal is #f90133
#01f9c6 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #01f9c6 Bright Teal
hsl(168, 99%, 49%)
hsla(168, 99%, 49%, 1)
RGB(1, 249, 198)
RGBA(1, 249, 198, 1)
Palettes for #01f9c6 color Bright Teal:
Below examples of color palettes for #01f9c6 HEX color
darkest color is #001914 from shades and lightest color is #e6fef9 from tints
Shades palette of #01f9c6:
Tints palette of #01f9c6:
Complementary palette of #01f9c6:
Triadic palette of #01f9c6:
Square palette of #01f9c6:
Analogous palette of #01f9c6:
Split-Complementary palette of #01f9c6:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #01f9c6:
Suggested colors palettes for #01f9c6 HEX:
Colors palette with color #01f9c6 #1:
Colors palette with color #01f9c6 #2:
Colors palette with color #01f9c6 #3:
Colors palette with color #01f9c6 #4:
Colors palette with color #01f9c6 #5:
Color Bright Teal #01f9c6 used in palettes (49)
Bright Teal Bright Teal, Old Truck, Delicate Truffle, Pink Swan, Crushed Limestone palette Essential Brown, Tropical Blooms, Bright Teal, French Fuchsia, Stardust palette Red Revival, Lucky Orange, Bright Teal, Rose Colored Glasses, Thin Cloud palette Cherry Tomato, Earth Fired Red, Capers, Fortune Red, Navel, Eucalyptus Wreath, Key Lime Pie, Bright Teal, Shrub Green, Shadow Warr Bright Teal, Pink Chablis palette Crocodile Smile, Pepper Sprout, Link's Awakening, Bright Teal, Honest Blue, Pink Pride, Rhapsody Rap, Bella Sera, Slate Brown, Ske Knotweed, Seed Pod, Bright Teal, Lake Lucerne, The Broadway, Scarlet Ribbons, Tōnatiuh Red, Eclectic Purple, Little Blue Box, Spri Vibrant Orange, Sap Green, Bright Teal, Victorian Rouge, Dustwallow Marsh, Harmonious Gold, Lemon Pound Cake, Sunny Veranda, Fresh Tomato Baby, Clay Bath, Extra Life, Bright Teal, Bluestone Path, Light Shōtoku Purple, Victorian Plum, Pearl Aqua, Impetuous, Came Lobster, October, Grunervetliner, Agave Plant, Green Blob, Bright Teal, Violet Vibes, Purple Balloon, Natural Candy Pink, Black Gl Mission Trail, Larchmere, Bright Teal, Strawberry Freeze, Night Mission, Dishy Coral, Freshman palette Cherry Bomb, Kumera, Soaked in Sun, Bright Teal, Galactic Cruise, Yíng Guāng Sè Purple, Shocking Pink, Stone Violet, Chimney, Arub Light Brown, Liquid Neon, Green Illude, Bright Teal, Port Royale, Radigan Conagher Brown, Woodrose, Windsor Greige, Best in Show, Orko, Weather Board, Ludicrous Lemming, Buffallo Sauce, Nordic Grass Green, Bright Teal, Enamel Antique Green, Indiviolet Sunset, Caraquenian Crimson, Sea Elephant, Bright Teal, Gentian Violet, Cream Violet, Prominent Pink palette Teakwood, Paradise Sky, Bright Teal, British Shorthair, Feather Star, Silver Taupe, Diorite, Tropical Holiday, Rose Dusk, Sedate G Orange Fire, Green Turquoise, Turquoise Chalk, Bright Teal, Red Red Wine, Wine Country, Coveted Blue palette Trading Post, Bright Teal, Safflower Purple, Estate Vineyard palette Raw Linen, Eucalyptus Wreath, Greenbrier, Bright Teal, Totally Black palette Flame Scarlet, Bloodthirsty Warlock, Rare Red, Syrup, Bright Teal, Meditative, Swanky Grey, Vanilla Seed, Sprouted, Basil Smash, W Cypress Green, Lion's Mane, Clarified Orange, Canary, Fiji Palm, Arctic Lichen Green, Undertow, Bright Teal, Inky Violet, Rich Tex Qahvei Brown, Dirty Orange, Sparrow’s Fire, Cathode Green, Bright Teal, Capri, Fired Brick, Stinging Nettle, Best Bronze, Teton Bl Rose Madder, Macabre, Roanoke Taupe, Ninjin Orange, Miyazaki Verdant, Garlic Pesto, Mountain Lake Green, Bright Teal, Visiona Red, Desirable, Nārangī Orange, Soft Fern, Orange Delight, Bright Teal, Sky Lodge, Zinfandel Red, Hampton Green, Light Oak, Azuremyst I Kombu, Zinc Luster, Cress Green, Bright Teal, Colombo Red Mauve, Midsummer's Dream palette Turtle Bay, Bright Teal, Eggplant Tint, Plum Harvest, Fresh Start palette Sangoire Red, Vibrant Amber, Copper River, Bright Teal, Quarterdeck, Fuchsia Berries, Westhaven, Charade, Bronze Olive, Burnt Russ Golden Gate Bridge, Lazy Shell Red, Saveloy, Desert Sage, Bright Teal, Legendary Sword, Award Night, Rose Gold, Irogon Blue palett Bright Teal, Mesa Red, Power Grey, Wasabi Paste palette Cork Wood, Green Venom, Bright Teal, Twinkly Pinkily palette Coffee Kiss, Salted Capers, Coin Slot, Antique Moss, Emperor's Silk, Bright Teal, Huckleberry palette Cǎo Lǜ Grass, Bright Teal palette 100 Mph, Cherry Tomato, Warplock Bronze Metal, Fire Dragon Bright, Bright Teal, Prince Charming, Chicory Coffee, Cay palette Whetstone Brown, Culpeo, Bright Teal, Abyssopelagic Water, Royal Orchard palette Bright Teal, Full Swing Indigo, Shady Character, Bashful Emu, Deserted Path, Yellow Dragon, Gossamer Green, Netsuke palette Red Gore, Bindi Red, Ceramic Pot, Herbery Honey, Bright Teal, Purehearted, Sailing Safari, Orchid Haze palette Rusty Gate, Spring Forest, Hisui Kingfisher, Bright Teal, Raw Cinnabar, Kitchen Blue, Lark Green, Scud palette Roycroft Rose, Akebono Dawn, Dilly Dally, Chestnut Shell, Bright Teal, Dead Lake, Blackthorn Berry palette Orpington Chicken, Sierra Pink, Bright Teal, Cuban Rhythm palette USC Cardinal, Jaded Ginger, Green Neon, Gluten, Radiant Sun, Bright Teal, Peninsula, Venus Slipper Orchid palette Chōjicha Brown, Fairy Tale Green, Bright Teal, Harem Silk, Tree Green, Iced Vovo, Peach Glow palette Hot Hazel, Poison Green, Bright Teal, Deep Velvet, Pitch, Oriental Eggplant palette Jasper Orange, Aegean Green, Bright Teal, Grape Compote, Denim Tradition, Melon Melody palette Coastal Storm, Avocado Cream, Bright Teal, Caribbean Cruise, Blush Essence, Nature palette Fury, Gamboge, Sequesta, Bright Teal, Winter Evening, Pansy Garden, When Red Met Blue, Black Orchid palette Fire Bolt, Big Yellow Streak, Bright Teal, Mourning Blue, Blueberry Pie, Discover, Aqua Foam palette Strawberry Jam, Orange Ochre, Bright Teal, Island Lush, Honolulu Blue, Paradise Pink, Pita Bread, Glacial Water Green palette Bright Teal, Vinca, Fresh Sprout, Purple Premiere, Livingstone, Elusive Dream palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #01f9c6 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#01f9c6 Contrast Ratio
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#01f9c6 Contrast Ratio
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