Created at 02/24/2023 16:56
#0d5eaf HEX Color Greek Flag Blue information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#0d5eaf | RGB(13, 94, 175) |
RGB values are RGB(13, 94, 175)
#0d5eaf color contain Red 5.1%, Green 36.86% and Blue 68.63%.
Color Names of #0d5eaf HEX code
Greek Flag Blue Color
Alternative colors of Greek Flag Blue #0d5eaf
Opposite Color for Greek Flag Blue is #af5e0d
#0d5eaf Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #0d5eaf Greek Flag Blue
hsl(210, 86%, 37%)
hsla(210, 86%, 37%, 1)
RGB(13, 94, 175)
RGBA(13, 94, 175, 1)
Palettes for #0d5eaf color Greek Flag Blue:
Below examples of color palettes for #0d5eaf HEX color
darkest color is #010911 from shades and lightest color is #e7eff7 from tints
Shades palette of #0d5eaf:
Tints palette of #0d5eaf:
Complementary palette of #0d5eaf:
Triadic palette of #0d5eaf:
Square palette of #0d5eaf:
Analogous palette of #0d5eaf:
Split-Complementary palette of #0d5eaf:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #0d5eaf:
Suggested colors palettes for #0d5eaf HEX:
Color Greek Flag Blue #0d5eaf used in palettes (50)
Corkboard, Capocollo, Buzz, Greek Flag Blue, Mysteria, Asian Violet, Pecan Sandie, Vanilla Tan palette Greek Flag Blue, Ode to Joy, Techile palette Prefect, Greek Flag Blue, Pale Lime Yellow palette Old Porch, Lemon Tart, Sports Blue, Greek Flag Blue, Careys Pink, Baby's Blanket, Aragonite, Lily The Pink palette Patches, Wu-Tang Gold, Greek Flag Blue, Megaman Helmet, Rubiate, Camaron Pink palette Lunar Federation, Indian Brass, Vivid Yellow, Green Glimmer, Greek Flag Blue, Tank, Pure Turquoise, Top Hat Tan, Melmac Silver, Fr Glistening Dawn, Mosaic Tile, Greek Flag Blue, Kelp'thar Forest Blue, Mulberry Mix, The End, Nile River, Moenkopi Soil, Neutra, Cu Dozen Roses, Yellow Powder, Greek Flag Blue, Vin Rouge, Mauve It, Purple Anxiety, Card Table Green, Sport Yellow, Summer Daffodil, Gothic Olive, Delayed Yellow, Up in Smoke, Greek Flag Blue, Snorkel Blue, Promiscuous Pink, Cannon Black, Terrace Brown, Wheat Gra Bloodthirsty Warlock, Vigilant, Greek Flag Blue, Ruby Grey, Bean, Escape Grey, Romantic Poetry palette Opera Red, Dublin Jack, Greek Flag Blue, Meissen Blue, Spanish Carmine, Moonless Night, Barnwood, Moire Satin, Antique Mauve, Embr Aniseed, Grapefruit Yellow, Golden Relic, Wind Cave, Blue-Eyed Boy, Greek Flag Blue, Well-Bred Brown, Dark Secret, String, Fine Bl Ancient Red, Ginger Dy, Pineapple Salmon, Funky Yellow, Greek Flag Blue, Wasabi Nori palette Susu Green, Nutria, Brown Rum, Maui Mai Tai, Spring, Armor, Greek Flag Blue, Kyo Purple, Mexican Pink, Gold Black, Belly Fire, Bar Bugle Boy, Gingerbread House, Sweet & Sour, Greek Flag Blue palette Mecha Grey, Empire Ranch, Britches, Black Headed Gull, Golden Frame, Blue Lechery, Greek Flag Blue, Benimidori Purple, Brusque Pin Left on Red, Greek Flag Blue, Thick Purple, Orchid Lei, Infrared Gloze, Umber Brown, Red Theatre, Roycroft Pewter, Undersea, Papyr Bodhi Tree, Huáng Sè Yellow, Greek Flag Blue, Parma Grey, Pine Needle, Lunar Basalt, New Frond, Foaming Surf, Heavy Gluten, Netsuk Gypsy Dancer, Ginger Ale, Myth, Greek Flag Blue palette Melon Orange, Old Mill Blue, Greek Flag Blue, Rose Ebony, Purpura, Pita Bread palette Toasted, Orpington Chicken, Reikland Fleshshade Gloss, Provincial Blue, Greek Flag Blue, Leo Royal Fuchsia, Drisheen, Night Shadz, Stylish Red, Lei Flower, Egyptian Nile, Greek Flag Blue palette Tropical Wood, Gothic Gold, Raging Leaf, Delaunay Green, Greek Flag Blue, Fresh Ivy Green palette Wild Stallion, Bottled Ship, Atlantis, Greek Flag Blue palette Spicy Mix, Hashibami Brown, Dynamic Yellow, Greek Flag Blue, Old Prune, Dark Strawberry, Winter Balsam, Blackwood, Wild Cranberry, Vermillion, Particle Ioniser Red, Moss Rose, Olde World Gold, Ellis Mist, Guacamole, Bahama Blue, Greek Flag Blue, Cherry Fruit, O Kindleflame, Cheerful Tangerine, Greek Flag Blue, Cloisonne, Sugar Grape, Dark Imperial Blue, Chalcedony Green, Ruins of Metal, Ta Red Vitality, Arabian Bake, Cadmium Yellow, Jugendstil Turquoise, Greek Flag Blue, Wild Ginger, Wolf's Bane, Pretty in Prune, Heav Caponata, Apple Seed, Outlawed Orange, Dolphin Dream, Mediterranean Swirl, Greek Flag Blue, Cote D'Azur, Robeson Rose, Steel Toe, Ricochet, Muskmelon, Greek Flag Blue, Cranberry Jam palette Adventurer, New Roof, Desert Yellow, Mission Tile, Spleen Green, Irish Green, Illicit Green, Dark Cyan, Greek Flag Blue, Standby L Rise-N-Shine, Lizard Green, Greek Flag Blue, Chelsea Grey, Garden Lattice palette Sunflower, Greek Flag Blue palette Surprise, Guava, Traffic Green, Greek Flag Blue palette Red Terra, Torrid Turquoise, Greek Flag Blue, Autumn Hills, Demon palette Delayed Yellow, Get Up and Go, Tool Blue, Greek Flag Blue, Diminishing Green palette Estragon, Yoshi, Greek Flag Blue, Peas In A Pod, Down Dog palette Greek Flag Blue Weathered Saddle, BBQ, Greek Flag Blue, Navy Blazer, Sassy Yellow, Calm Interlude, Strawberry Yogurt palette Cactus Sand, Crease, Steamed Salmon, Greek Flag Blue, Tassel Taupe, June Berry, Mona Lisa palette Naga Morich, Xena, Greek Flag Blue, Fuchsia Nebula, Forest Berry, Berry Rossi, Shade-Grown, Yellow Salmonberry palette Greek Flag Blue, Triple Berry palette Battle Blue, Greek Flag Blue, Qermez Red, Below Zero, White Box, Lemon Chiffon Pie palette Greek Flag Blue, Provence Blue, Garden Promenade, Puppy palette Mineral Umber, Greek Flag Blue, Wistful Mauve, Mighty Midnight, Brown Beauty, Blue Ash, Charred Hickory palette Kobe, Georgian Leather, Barrel, Golden Hour, Greek Flag Blue, Berry Crush, Smoke Bush, Midnight Navy, Monaco Blue, Merlin's Choice Summerville Brown, Mandarin Orange, Greek Flag Blue, Muddled Basil, Lite Mocha palette April Fool's Red, Greek Flag Blue, Black Grey palette Enviable, Forest Maid, Greek Flag Blue, Vivid Viola, Pretty in Prune, Quiet Time palette Sandy Shoes, Mongoose, Flattered Flamingo, Greek Flag Blue palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #0d5eaf with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#0d5eaf Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#0d5eaf Contrast Ratio
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