Created at 02/20/2023 14:52
#15f2fd HEX Color Lightsaber Blue information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#15f2fd | RGB(21, 242, 253) |
RGB values are RGB(21, 242, 253)
#15f2fd color contain Red 8.24%, Green 94.9% and Blue 99.22%.
Color Names of #15f2fd HEX code
Lightsaber Blue, Lotion blue Color
Alternative colors of Lightsaber Blue #15f2fd
Opposite Color for Lightsaber Blue is #fd2217
#15f2fd Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #15f2fd Lightsaber Blue
hsl(183, 98%, 54%)
hsla(183, 98%, 54%, 1)
RGB(21, 242, 253)
RGBA(21, 242, 253, 1)
Palettes for #15f2fd color Lightsaber Blue:
Below examples of color palettes for #15f2fd HEX color
darkest color is #021819 from shades and lightest color is #e8feff from tints
Shades palette of #15f2fd:
Tints palette of #15f2fd:
Complementary palette of #15f2fd:
Triadic palette of #15f2fd:
Square palette of #15f2fd:
Analogous palette of #15f2fd:
Split-Complementary palette of #15f2fd:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #15f2fd:
Color Lightsaber Blue #15f2fd used in palettes (37)
Lightsaber Blue Business Intelligence Persian orange colors palette Lotion Blue Pesto Green, Portsmouth Olive, Lime Candy Pearl, Lightsaber Blue, Asagi Blue, Slumber, Galaxy Blue, Cloudy Plum, Cinder, Blue Meri Lightsaber Blue, Plum Purple, Tavern Taupe, Limestone Mauve, Lychee Pulp palette Lightsaber Blue, Woodrush, Fired Brick, Pasta Rasta, Premium Pink palette Autumn Sunset, Lightsaber Blue, Aqua Island, Steel Me palette Lightsaber Blue, Arctic Nights, Arabic Coffee, Barren, Little Baby Girl palette Sweet Midori, Lightsaber Blue, Nocturnal Expedition, Candied Snow palette Lazy Shell Red, Relentless Olive, Cider Spice, Lightsaber Blue palette American Brown, Bullfighters Red, Velvet Clover, East Aurora, Army Golf, Lightsaber Blue, Pacific Coast, Calgar Blue, Pilot Blue, Alverda, Lightsaber Blue, Clarinet, Chocolate Escape, Sky of Ocean, Lens Flare Green palette Ecstasy, USC Gold, Lightsaber Blue palette Modern Mocha, Lightsaber Blue, Empress Envy, Maui, Night Shadz, Orange Grove, Cheerful Whisper palette Bronze Fig, Lightsaber Blue, Aquadazzle palette Yellowstone, Matcha Picchu, Jade Dragon, Lightsaber Blue, Panorama, Marker Blue, Heliotrope, Ordain palette Phoenix Rising, Festival Orange, Brown Butter, Gumbo, Lightsaber Blue, Adventure Isle, I R Dark Green, Astral Spirit palette Tawny Owl, Lightsaber Blue, Beaten Copper, Fiord, Le Max, Cloudy Today palette Executive Course, Moroccan Ruby, Lightsaber Blue, Warm Blue, Pavilion palette Red Savina Pepper, Nut Cracker, Hay Yellow, Seaweed Green, Ornamental Turquoise, Lightsaber Blue, Electron Blue, Ultimate Pink, Te Cress Green, Tanooki Suit Brown, Bronze Yellow, Lightsaber Blue, Tempest, Rojo Marrón, Cafe Royale, Maze, Lighthearted Rose, Drift Red Brown, Tomato Concassé, Lovely Lemonade, Pool Table, Lightsaber Blue, Leisure Blue, Tusche Blue, Cowboy Boots, Raging Sea, Tin Antique Chest, Amber Wave, Dairy Made, Lightsaber Blue, Silk Khimar, Submarine, Philippine Bronze, Airforce, Script Ink, Silver Bl Highway to Hell, Navigate, Lightsaber Blue palette Koeksister, Stay in Lime, Lightsaber Blue, Vantablack, Woodlawn Green, Antigua Sunrise, Bone-Chilling, Ivory Charm palette Snake Fruit, Lightsaber Blue, Banafsaji Purple, Napa Harvest, Purple Empire, Evening in Paris palette Poppy Red, Rocking Chair Red, Old Whiskey, Circus, Poppy Flower palette Sticky Toffee, Lightsaber Blue, Chronus Blue, Pickled Beets, Barbados Bay, Blumine, Plaza Taupe palette Brake Light Trails, Lightsaber Blue, Amish Bread, Banana Yogurt, Lost Love, Misted Fern palette Fuzzy Wuzzy, Lightsaber Blue, Flashy Sapphire, Pacific Storm, Pale Persimmon palette Coral Commander, Lightsaber Blue, Chronicle, Red Robin, Purpura, Refreshed, Wabi-Sabi, Mild Orange palette Loquat Brown, India Green, Derby Green, Lightsaber Blue, Queen's, Marine Layer palette Portabello, Cognac Tint, Lightsaber Blue, Bock, Fennel, Yellow Pear, Paw Paw palette Red Orpiment, Lightsaber Blue, Entrapment, Aqua Blue palette Lightsaber Blue, Aromatic, Sangria palette Lightsaber Blue, Spanish Sky Blue, Blue Screen of Death, Powder Room palette Lightsaber Blue, Pachyderm, Calabrese palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #15f2fd with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#15f2fd Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#15f2fd Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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