Created at 02/19/2023 11:18

#1c140c HEX Color information

RGB values are RGB(28, 20, 12)
#1c140c color contain Red 10.98%, Green 7.84% and Blue 4.71%.

Color Names of #1c140c HEX code

Crowshead, Licorice Color

Classification of #1c140c color

#1c140c is Dark and Neutral Color
Shade of Black
#1c140c RGB(28, 20, 12)
Opposite Color for #1c140c is #0c141d

#1c140c Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #1c140c

hsl(30, 40%, 8%)
hsla(30, 40%, 8%, 1)
RGB(28, 20, 12)
RGBA(28, 20, 12, 1)

Palettes for #1c140c color:

Below examples of color palettes for #1c140c HEX color

darkest color is #030201 from shades and lightest color is #e8e8e7 from tints

Shades palette of #1c140c:
Tints palette of #1c140c:
Complementary palette of #1c140c:
Triadic palette of #1c140c:
Square palette of #1c140c:
Analogous palette of #1c140c:
Split-Complementary palette of #1c140c:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #1c140c:

Color #1c140c used in palettes (50)

Kid children education artgeneracia colors Ui ux services ui-ux template design colours Branding serif typeface united states colors palette ighjkl Typography vector futuristic black hex colors Minimal icon design graphic palette Decathlon ux products challenge Branding illustration yoga logo hex colors Minimal design vector branding colours Web slideout ui design colors palette Motivational quotes positive design motivation hex colors Fish design fresh card colours Mailer typography 70s lettering colours Trademark new brand luxe colours Mac smartphone ux simple colors palette 039 web design ui Landing page design web agency ui hex colors Medical startup plant typogaphy colors Web design daily colors palette 1253 Design clean chat ui colors palette Corporatedesign monogrampixel company graphicdesign colours Forest dragon adobe illustrator fantasy art colours Photo site animation bw colours Adobe illustrator negativespace doctor print colors Collage retreat weird typography palette Flatdesign apple watch design dark mode colors Tshirts roadster illustration typography colors palette Illustration design pastel cat colours Reptile croc crocodile animal colors palette Cg design poster art colours Beer typography logo design colours Branding website concept ui design colors palette Floral graphic design yellowstone lettering colors Characterdesign ui design 3d character colors Ux design minimal web colours Lines cocktail drink community Hammer logo ding bell Design logo icons vector colors palette Money finance biege mobile palette Logotype identity beauty logo branding colors Web firstshot simple webdesign Branding design logo logodesign logotype hex colors Design ink patch typography colors Garrage logo business old retro colors Free downloads modernism flat design Uidesign ui design uxdesign dailyuichallenge colors Vector flat design everyday illustration colours Illustration lettering lquotes pumpkin hex colors Nike webdesign app ui palette Discover art sell books colors palette

Image #1c140c color png